Talking To Me Is Like Talking To A Brick Wall. We Have A Lot In Common.

Talking to a Christian is like talking to a brick wall?

You can't have an intelligent conversation with them about whats real because all their belief is based on faith! Which means a firm belief in something for which there is no proof ( so how can we even start the conversation about whether or not your god exists if theres no evidence or proof? Just because God "talks to you" doesn't mean jack sh!t. Lots of other gods talk to other people, does that mean they're real too?

Breaking out of your shell of shyness?

same here
i'm 18 now and basically every since we moved to michigan
i built up this wall
and seriously even when guys would talk to me, i'd be a blank brick wall

first what i did was try to see everyone on my level
being shy has to do with the fact that you kinda, without knowing see yourself kind of...below.....because your shy and don't think your fun

work on yourself, before working on social skills
build confidence is what im tryna say
i thought i had
first find out (might take days/weeks) what you like about yourself
what are your flaws
what you can promote about yourself
what you wanna keep to yourself
i know this sounds stupid...but i've kinda helped lots of shy people...and i do have a job dealing with stuff

then when you are ready to let go of everything that was holding you down in the past (all those things ppl said to you, CONFRONT THEM in your head.) Just lie down in your bed and think one evening. About all the jokes people cracked about you and remember, you arent the only person in the world.

listing your best qualities should help you understand what kind of hold you have over other people
what some shy people dont realize, is while they have this defense mechanism, they have seen/heard things that other people havent (like your on the outside...looking in)
which makes them a bit smarter when it comes to socializing...but they havent grasped this concept

basically deal with yourself and gain confidence
if you want, change your wardrobe to fit your personality a bit more
don't change
try to watch comedy shows or funny things because i dont know why, sometimes that helps a person have more things to talk about

then when you are confident in who you are
forget your past of being called names
and being shy
don't think about starting conversations, or responding to people
when people talk to you, don't think twice.
say what's on your mind
even if you say stupid things at first, you will find your way
and its worth it

letting go of shyness sometimes isnt easy
but you want to break out the right way
not by dressing up all sl*tty and demanding attention from guys the wrong way

Good luck and remember....don't hold back.

Can Some1 Help Me To Be More Talkative and Outgoing!!!?

I Want Tips on it...i really need some help i'm Really and i rarely talk to people in School and just help me...And i don't want any1 just answer w/ stupid answers i need tips...THANx....

Why are women so difficult to talk to?

I choke up each time I try to talk to them.
What makes them so special?
Why are they harder to talk to than dudes?
I plan everything out (a good convocation, jokes, etc) but when the time comes, everything just disappear. I freeze up and my mind goes blank.

It's like a curse or something.

How do you keep your mind from going blank when you're trying to talk to someone you find attractive?

Might be that all you want to say is,”wow, you’re hot!” But if you're already giving the person a high value because of their looks, you'll probably lose their interest. Talk to them like you would a brother or sister. Start the conversation by asking for an opinion and then actually have something to say in return. Don't show your attraction up front, it's boring to someone who's likely constantly hit on. Keep in mind that this person should have something going for them besides their looks, and ask some questions to find out what. Be playful and confident. Have a couple of go-to topics ready and try to jump between them, keeping conversation open ended so you can go back to a topic of the conversation stalls. Have a couple of life stories at the ready that show that you have value. Remember, they're just a person like yourself. They have good and bad days. Don't create some fantasy life just because they were born with good bone structure.

Why is America's middle class so anti-intellectual ?

8 years of bush and 10 years of a republican controlled congress? cookie you must think everyone is as vapid as you are.. turn off the fox it's rotting what's left of your brain... I'm not a Democrat silly.. that's too easy for you. Are you trying to Offend me with throwing Bill Clintons name around, or Joe Biden ..????

they're more of the same, however.. you are wrong about what you are saying regarding the housing crisis, actually deregulation ala-Bush is the real culprit behind the shriveled dollar, Fanny may was introduced in 1933 and freddy mac 1968 to compete with Fanny.. guess you missed that History lesson, oh well not a down scale person you aren't supposed to remember anything beyond say two or three years ago.

as for "No terrorist attacks since" .. that's about as asinine a rational as any ever used...
it happened on his watch, he failed, sorry.. I guess the file with "Bin Laden determined to attack" had to many big words in it for him to be bothered