Tattoos And Employment

Kmart and tattoos in employment?

what is kmarts policy on employees with tattoos? might have interview lined out and i have visible tattoos...just curious? i know to cover up with long sleeves if need be for interview but also just curious about workers there already employed with ink?


yes, with these caveats.
1. it depends on what type of job your looking for. Office worker vs. clerk at store, Nanny vs. baby sitter etc.
2. it depends on your location. If you are in a smaller town it might affect you more than if you were in a large town.
3. it depends on the tattoo subject mater.
4. if you have sleeves absolutely wear long sleeves shirts for an interview. Yes, you are hiding a piece of yourself, but you want the interviewer to focus on you, your skills and abilities rather than your tattoos.

Is it hard to find employment when you have tattoos?

Any one would say yes it is but recent studies have shown that it isn't in fact according to a study done by various university employers are less likely to hire if you have a tattoo (if you are competeing with someone equally qualified as you who does not have a tattoo) but almost everyone has them tattoos are very common now a days I'm a student studying to become a Medical Technican and I have 5 tats HOWEVER only one is visible and its a small tattoo on my hand as long as you can cover your tattoo most employers don't care and religious tats often get a pass so do tattoos with "Meaning" as long as there not gang related inappropriate tattoos I don't see why any employer would care but some may care so honestly just check with your potential employer and if you gonna get a tattoo make sure it could be covered up by basic clothing it also depends on the job

Federal Employment and Tattoos - policy?

Tattoos/Brands anywhere on the body that are obscene, advocate sexual, racial, ethnic, or religious discrimination are prohibited IN AND OUT OF UNIFORM. Tattoos/brands that are prejudicial to good order and discipline, or of a nature that tends to bring discredit upon the Air Force are prohibited in and out of uniform.

Any member obtaining unauthorized tattoos will be required to remove them at their own expense. Using uniform items to cover unauthorized tattoos is not an option. Members failing to remove unauthorized tattoos in a timely manner will be subject to involuntary separation, or punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

Inappropriate (military image). Excessive tattoos/brands will not be exposed or visible (includes visible through the uniform) while in uniform. Excessive is defined as any tattoo/brands that exceed ¼ of the exposed body part and those above the collarbone and readily visible when wearing an open collar uniform.

Members will not be allowed to display excessive tattoos that would detract from an appropriate professional image while in uniform. Commanders will use the above guidelines in determining appropriate military image and acceptability of tattoos displayed by members in uniform. Air Force members with existing tattoos not meeting an acceptable military image should be required to:

maintain complete coverage of the tattoos using current uniforms items (e.g. long-sleeved shirt/blouse, pants/slacks, dark hosiery, etc.) or
volunteer to remove tattoos(s).

Members who receive tattoos/brands not meeting the standards after the effective date of this policy (1998) are required to initiate tattoos/brands removal upon notification by their Commander at their own expense (may not use Air Force Medical Centers for removal). Members not complying with these requirements will be subject to disciplinary action for failure to comply with Air Force Standards and may be involuntarily separated.

Would visible tattoos effect employment in the medical field or acceptance to med school? (I.e. tattoos on the hands and neck)

They certainly could. Would they 100% of the time? Probably not. Tattoos are much more common today than they were even a few years ago and I know quite a few medical professionals with tattoos, though the size and visibility of these tattoos has a pretty linear relationship with the job status of the person. For example, doctors rarely have large visible tattoos, nurses occasionally and it’s not that unusual for various techs to have them. Of course tattoos that are gang related or offensive will not be tolerated. For students applying to medical school, you need to realize that the people on the acceptance committee tend to be older and more conservative about such things so displaying a bunch of tattoos will likely make a poor impression.Visible tattoos and piercings are the result of deliberate personal actions, not an accident of birth. People will make judgements about them, don’t expect otherwise.

Is there an employment stigma with regards to hand and face tattoos? If yes, has it changed over the years?

This is one question that I have been asked many times over the years and which is why I had created many youtube videos answering them. However, since you have asked this question here on quora - let me answer it with a written answer.DO NOT get any tattoos on your hands and face until you have absolutely made up your mind you do not wish to work in the corporate world ever again.Once you tattoo your hands and face - you will be the subject of ridicule, mockery and judgement.The majority of multinational companies have a unwritten rule that if someone does have ink on the visible parts of their body - they are not allowed to employ themAnd if there is a company that does approve tattoos and allow them - higher up the corporate ladder they will not entertain this. So your chances of being offered a leadership position get severely diminished.Almost 90% of all the industries prefer not employing a candidate with tattoos and they include Medicine, Travel & Tourism, Service, Hotel - So if I were you, I would seriously think strong and hard before I would get any visible tattoo.Remember - if you are not the best at anything - then it is better you do not get this risky step undertaken. Because once you get it done - getting it undone will cost you a real fortune. There is a very strong discrimination against people and their appearances. I would strongly ask you to reconsider your decision.Loy Machedo

Why do tattoos and piercings affect employment?

Companies have a brand and that brand extends into every decision that they make. The brand isn't just the logo but also what immediately comes to mind when we think of that company.  Employees are an extension of the organization and therefore are a part of the brand.Most companies have appearance guidelines  and dress code policies. Some are very strict and others are more relaxed. I was a recruiter for an organization that did not allow any visible tattoos but allowed employees to use makeup to cover visible tattoos during work.There are companies and cultures that cater to individuals with tattoos. It's about finding the right fit for the employee and employer.

Will a neck tattoo affect future employment opportunities?

Humans are very complex beings.. though the perception of people sporting tattoos have changed over the years, still there is a gap and you would be still judged based on your tattoos.If the nature of job strictly says 'no visible tattoos', kiss that opportunity goodbye.As others have clearly pointed out, how will you perceive a doctor who has tattoos all over him against another who does not? Given a choice who will you choose to handle your medical requirement?I have visible tattoos in my hands, forearms. I don't hide them at work. It has not affected my work but definitely I get judged even before they see my work and commitment.So to answer your question, there is no yes or no except for case where the employer is clear that 'no job if u have tattoos'.Just that when you stand shoulder to shoulder with a person who has no tattoo, you would most likely be considered second. You would be seen as a person who has less commitment for work and more on personal life.That's my 2 cents…

What would an employer at a tech company think of tattoos?

I’m an employer at a tech company. And I have a tattoo. I was just smart enough to get it in a non-visible location (my calf).Like the other people who answered, I believe a non-offensive tattoo is fine in most cases. Non-visible tattoo are, well, not visible, so no problem.Society is becoming more accepting of tattoos. If you applied for a customer facing job 15 years ago - whether at McDonald’s or a tech company - chances are you would not be hired. Today, employers are more open in most cases.In your case (with a hummingbird and musical notes), chance are it won’t be a problem with most employers. I would still cover it up if you can while interviewing. Why take the chance that the interviewer might happen to be ultra-conservative and reject you for even the most innocuous tattoo…?