Tbi And Trait Theory How Does It Work Together

What's with the whole Tobi/Madara/Obito thing? ((spoliers!!))?

oh wow!!! you dont know how much i think that Tobi is Obito!!!!

but you know i just recently heard a theory just like that. that Obito/ Tobi is being controlled by Madara.
but you know i have reasons why Tobi is Obito. Obito and Tobi have similar personalties. Madara would never have a voice like Tobi if you heard it in episode 33. Madara wouldnt act like a dork... and besides.... TOBI DIDNT SAY HE IS MADARA!!! I kept reading that page over and over again. Tobi didnt say he is Madara. He seems to be referring to 2 different kinds of power.

1 his power. 2nd Madara's power. or Tobi could be saying that he has the power of Madara. Ive been on this Tobi/Madara/Obito case for a while now so im trying to get to the bottom of this. but my bad *** fact here that proves Tobi is Obito is the mission where Obito "died" was on the village hidden in the grass. Tobi was under the teachings of Zetsu. A missing nin Frome THE GRASS!!!!!! this isnt a coincedence!! I highly doubt that Madara would control Tobi. If so there is no reason why he should. But still im investigating so tune in. Here are more facts made by yours truly me!

yup hope this helps.

Alexithymia is intriguing to say the least. It comes from Freudian Psychodynamics and is constructed from Greek to mean “No words for emotion”. It is considered a personality trait rather than a mental disorderAlexithymia is essentially an inability to recognise or describe emotions in yourself. This has the knock on effect of making it hard for them to distinguish other peoples emotions. They still feel emotions, but don’t understand it. While they have things in common with people suffering from psychopathy such as often lacking empathy (though not always), they are distinctly different:“The prototypic person with alexithymia, however, is anxious, overcontrolled, submissive, boring, ethically consistent, and socially conforming, whereas the prototypic individual with psychopathy is anxiety-free, undercontrolled, dominant, charming, deceitful, and nonconforming.”-Alexithymia and psychopathy: comparison and application of California Q-set Prototypes.What has shed some light on this is recent times is Alexithymia’s connection to autism. A long held belief among many people was that autistic people lacked empathy, but this isn’t true. Geoff Bird found that about half of people who suffer from autism have Alexithymia, and that their difficulties with understanding emotion stemmed from that rather than the autism itself. It is thought that nearly 10% of the population have Alexithymia.We do not know for certain what causes Alexithymia, though theories are abundant.We know that half of people who have autism also suffer from it, and that people with a traumatic brain injury are 6 times more likely to exhibit it. So it’s probably a safe assertion that neurological factors are involved. Links have also been made to childhood neglect. Some think that PTSD might be related since 41% of Vietnam war veterans have are some links to studies and theories on it’s causation: Alexithymia the Emotional Equivalent of Blindsight?Emotional Disorder and the Mind-Body Problem: A Case-Study of Alexithymia - Volume 8, 2006As far as treatments go, there is nothing as far as I am aware. It isn’t being viewed as a disorder and more of a trait in of itself. The only thing I see mentioned is social skills training to help them to be better at disguising it.

Personality changes after a blood transfusion are much more likely to be the result of minor brain damage than a result of the transfusion itself.The primary reason for a blood transfusion is critically low blood levels. Your brain tissue needs oxygen from the blood in order to survive. When the low oxygen level comes from a blood clot instead of global low blood levels we call this brain damage a stroke. If the low oxygen levels occur all over the brain this is called an anoxic or hypoxic/ischemic brain injury, and is a known (and not entirely uncommon) complication of blood levels low enough to require a transfusion. When brain tissue is injured, especially in the frontal lobes, personality changes are often seen.This diagram below is an explanation of how anoxic brain injury progresses.Common Symptoms after Anemic anoxic brain injuryShort-term memory loss. This is the most common cognitive symptom, especially among those who have HII. The reason is that the part of the brain that is believed to be responsible for learning new information, called the hippocampus, has neurons that are highly sensitive to oxygen deprivation.Decline in executive functions. Disruption of such critical tasks as reasoning, making judgments, and synthesizing information. This can lead to impulsive behavior, poor decision-making, inability to direct, divide, or switch attention.Difficulty with words, also known as anomia. These linguistic problems include not being able to remember the right word, selecting the wrong word, confusing similar words, not understanding commonly used words, and so on.Info pulled from: Hypoxic-Anoxic Brain Injury

Alexithymia and near inability to be hungry?

or at least to tell when hungry. Is that a common problem and are there any ways to change it?
It's complicated cause he (whos an adult and my boyfriend but I'm just trying to help) used to have an eating disorder and admits he doesn't know when to stop with structure regarding food..if he has an eating schedule he just gets stricter and has to have a goal with it and unfortunately that goal is to eat less and less. Hes been trying to have a less strict schedule and just eat what he wants when he wants but that doesn't seem to work because he never wants anything. One of us will come home and he'll be angry, dizzy, tired and have a headache - "did you eat?" "no, I'm not hungry", then I get him to eat and he's fine in 10 minutes. He just never seems to have any idea where all this is coming from. I guess he'll be able to tell eventually but in the mean time I don't want him getting any skinnier..he's like barely above underweight already.
Has anybody been through anything similar or have any advice on how to tell or anything?

This is a very complicated question and a lot of research needs to be done to fully understand, but this is what I found so far.Now, savant syndrome is when a person with significant mental disabilities has a way above average ability in something else. Stephen Wiltshire is the perfect example of that. His artistic abilities are beyond anything.The thing is, according to research, for now, savant syndrome may have been from undetected injury to the left hemisphere whether in utero, infancy or adulthood. This triggers compensationary requirement in the right brain, which is what gives such unusual abilities. More research needs to be done but so far it is a traumatic brain injury that causes savant syndrome meaning that either way, it is technically acquired.Savant skills are most frequent in the right-hemisphere of the brain. And most of the time, their disabilities in the left hemisphere. As I’ve said earlier, the right one is trying to compensate for the left functions and the right hemisphere is no longer held in check. It’s freer and not being controlled by the left hemisphere.There has been researching I’ve read somewhere, can’t remember but will link when I do, about a child who had autism and a compulsive urge to draw. When scanning his brain, there was parallel with people who have savant syndrome as well as those who have had brain injuries and later developed artistic abilities/interests. In other words, all experiences loss in function of the left temporal lobe and had higher activity in the right brain, especially those who deal with sensory and visual information.Meaning that similar processes are indeed affected in the brain.Now, what makes autistic people more unique than those who have had brain injuries is that people with autism have a more flexible brain, their brain is more plastic as they recruit different neural pathways to do a particular task. Therefore, their brain is better at recognizing a newly enhanced perception, and since they also have a high concentration ability the result can be savant skills develop quicker or develop in first place.Again, a lot more research needs to be done to fully understand and confirm what has been said above.

No.Emotional trauma in select individuals leads to the development of sociopathy. Sociopaths become the way they are due to some sort of emotional damage they endured at a young age. It is a genetic defense mechanism present in a few people that prevents the individual from suffering further emotional distress. These individuals in time become more emotionally muted. Some also lose the ability to emotionally bond, as well as not being able to feel remorse or empathy.Not everyone can become a sociopath because the majority of humans lack the necessary neurological prerequisites.Psychopaths on the other hand, were born the way they are. From the first breath they took into this world, they are psychopathic. There was never any cause or effect like sociopaths. Psychopaths were born with a neurological structure different to most humans. What's different in their structure is that their amygdala is smaller than average… Around 18 percent smaller. Because of this their emotions are dull. They're not emotionless, but they cannot feel the entire wide range of emotions as other people can. They lack a few emotions such as fear, love, jealousy, disgust, and hate. Emotions they can feel include happiness, anger, and many others.Thanks to their brain structure, they also lack the ability to feel remorse for their actions, and emotional empathy for others. To be precise their l brain has many neurological pathways that are not as active as those of a normal person. And so this explains why they are very different from other people. So to put it short there is no trauma that changed them, it's just the way they are and always will be.

What is Psychology? I don't know exactly..I want a long definition of it.?

psychology is the study of human behavior.
there are several branches of psychology
but the most popular is Behavioral psychology it studies the 1behavior of living things 2predicts what will happen 3it controls the situation.

i want to squeeze my mind further but my knowledge about psychology is somewhat limited ....

its short but i hope you get something

ADHD or sometihng else, like regular adolesnce?

I'm 55 and have ADHD and I'm proud! I prefer to think of it as being able to multi task with few problems! Oh, by the way, I was diagnosed when I was 48.

Tell Mom-in-Law to back off (or any other combination with "off" you care to use).

You may find the following helpful:

What are some positive aspects of having ADD / ADHD?
Adults with ADD can be very fun to be with! Some of the positive traits are:

Creativity – Daydreaming and attending to many different thoughts at once can be just the right trait for creative problem-solving. People with ADD are often excellent at brainstorming ideas. Because they do not choose which ideas to focus on too early, they are more open to considering all ideas, to engaging in divergent thinking. Such thinking allows for rare insights in such fields as art, music, and science. Creative thinking is especially useful to inventors, entertainers, comedians, and medical doctors.

Enthusiasm, spontaneity, liveliness, flexibility – Attending to a lot of thoughts at once can provide lively conversation for others who associate with the person with ADD.

Hyperfocus, high energy, tenacity and drive – If something is interesting to a person with ADD, there may be no way to distract them from the task! This is particularly true of interactive or hands-on activities.

Intelligence – Some adults with ADD are extremely bright or gifted.

Could ADHD actually be a gift?
In 1993, Thom Hartmann proposed that the “condition” of ADHD is actually a gift, a 10,000 year old leftover of hunters in a farmer’s world. According to his explanation, the problem lies more with our current cultural expectations and with our schools (designed by and for “farmers” – those who plan ahead tend their fields carefully) than with the child whose brain, for whatever reason, is more like that of the hunter:

scanning the environment (for prey)

the ability fall into a dream-like state for long periods (during down periods)

the ability to become suddenly hyperfocused and thrive on danger and excitement (the hunt)

The modern hunter “… is hunting in a metaphorical sense. Hunting for excitement. Hunting for the prize: the cure for cancer or the truth in the theory of global warming. Hunting for the mental or physical stimulation to mimic the hunt of our ancestors. Entrepreneurs are a good example.”