Teachers Arent Supposed To Beat Their Own Kids Are They

Why do Indian teachers beat kids?

Teaching job is not meant for all. If you have come into the teaching job by choice, you will enjoy this nobel profession. Teaching is a challenge. You are not going to have only the meritorious students in your class. There are some students who lack the ability to comprehend the subject. In that case you are to take the situation as a challenge and devise your own methods to make the things easy to grasp by those average or below average students. Most of the time one comes into this profession when he or she fails to make it to the other job of his or her choice. Then teaching becomes a burden on them. Hence they start beating students in frustration. In my opinion there must be an aptitude test for those who want to have teaching as profession. if you enjoy while teaching, you will never beat the students. This is my opinion.

Is teaching kids about "The Bible" child abuse?

This question pertains more towards Atheist since they are the ones that usually say this. I have never understood this. I`m no Christian, my beliefs Pantheism mirrors Athesim than any theistic religon. But I don`t see any harm in Parents raising Kids as Christians. Granted its fiction but its not immoral. I`ll even go as far to say that Christian Religon is a morally sound establishment. When the kids grow to become adults themselves, they can choose whatever belief they would like. Whats the harm in it? Why would do "Some" athesist consider it child abuse?

Why do teachers teach?

I am 14 and a lot of them seem like they are just normal people who wouldn t normally like kids. One guy is always sarcastic and doesn t really even like kids. Why does he teach, then???

Should teachers use the students bathroom at school?

In my school, teachers use the students’ bathroom EVEN THOUGH they have they’re own bathrooms that we aren’t allowed to use. As a middle schooler, and us kids developing and getting older, I feel like it’s an invasion of our privacy.

So if public school teachers truly loved the children, why don't they teach for free and let their husbands give them allowances?

Good luck with that.

In your household, are the parents dictators or do you make desicions based on democratic decisions?

`In my house the order is the cat, my wife (aka BOSS) and then me. The cat is not a benevolent dictator.

Do you think that parents that spank their children are teaching them violence, why?

Not necessarily.But they are teaching their children that they cannot be trusted.If you are trapped in a living situation with much larger bullies who beat you on occasion for reasons you don’t fully understand, you will be very sparing about interacting with them unless absolutely necessary.You will regard them with suspicion, fear, and distrust.If possible, and it will be possible at some point, you very well may learn to defend yourself with return violence as necessary.Anger? Oh yes.Respect? Not really. Rather fear morphing into contempt.Love?What’s that?Your children come into the world loving you without reservation.Do you really want to beat that out of them?