Technology And Media Harms The Human Being. Your Opinion

Is social media and technology ruining society?

Is social media and technology ruining society or do people just not know how to limit it and use it properly

Im 20 years old and while I might have grown up at the time that all these new computers and things were becoming advanced i still remember a time when people would actually interact with each other

I work at a restaurant and I frequently see people not talking to each other they are just staring at their smart phones and probably on facebook
I have friends who when they invite me to hang out hardly talk to me they just stare and their phone or if they do talk to me they ask me did you see this photo on facebook did you see that post

so my question is Do people just not know how to handle it correctly or is it just become a part of life

How has technology changed society today?

You presume that technology is a negative for kids, e.g. losing social and developmental skills. Why not look at the other side? Technology has afforded kids online tutoring, knowledge bases beyond their teachers, freedom in education (both high school and college degrees can be earned online). If you set aside the focus on kids and look at society in general, we benefit from technology through better health care (MRIs, ultrasounds, EKGs, organ transplants). As a result, our society (U.S.) lives longer.
(Hope this helps.)