Tell Me If This Is Anti-semitic

When is anti Zionism anti Semitic?

Hatem, that is a neat trick. So, basically, when you say "Many people think that Jews and Zionists are the same and attack (by words) or hate Jews altogether..." you admit that there are anti Zionists who are being anti semitic, yet a) you do not actually label it antisemitic and b) you blame Israel (!?) for their antisemitism when you say ". They are wrong, but Israel and Zionists are to be blamed for that because Israel..."
BTW, I might add that while this may be true that some anti Zionists are stupid enough to not be able to tell the difference between political ideologies and religion/ethnicities that isn't true for many others. They know very well the difference between anti Zionism and antisemitism yet there are those who still engage in it nevertheless.
I might also add that it is a typical tactic that when someone is the victim of hatred, those that are sympathetic to the ones showing that hatred blame those victims. That is precisely what you are doing here.

How do I know if I'm anti-semitic?

If you have any negative feelings about a person or a group of people because they are Jewish, then you are anti-semitic.That's basically all their is, but I'll give a few more examples in case it's not enough.If you own a company and you are looking for a new person to work in it, and two people approach you, one a Jew and the other not a Jew, and they appear to have the same skills, and you pick the one who is not a Jew just for that reason without a deeper comparison of their skills, then you are anti-semitic.If you think that Jews should not be allowed to work at certain jobs, then you are anti-semitic.If you think that Jews should not be allowed to live in your neighborhood or in your country, then you are anti-semitic.If a politician makes a decision that you don't like and a thought crosses your mind that he made this decision because he is a Jew or because he has a Jewish advisor, then you are anti-semitic.If you think that Jewish religious books, such as Talmud or Shulchan Aruch, shouldn't be allowed to be in bookstores and libraries, but Christian and Muslim religious should be allowed there, then you are anti-semitic.If you think that somebody who entered a synagogue and stabbed praying Jews should not be severely punished because hating Jews is a legitimate part of German, or Russian, or French, or Arab culture, then you are anti-semitic.If you say that you are not anti-semitic because Arabs are Semites, and you only hate Jews and not Arabs, then you are anti-semitic.If your child tells you that she or he plans to marry a Jew and it makes you unhappy, then you are anti-semitic.If the priest in your church, the imam in your mosque, the boss at your workplace, or the professor in your university tells you that all Jews are criminals and traitors, and you agree with that without questioning, then you are anti-semitic.If you think that it's OK not to like Jews because famous people like Richard Wagner, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, and Henry Ford didn't like Jews, then you are anti-semitic.If you know somebody and he's an asshole and he's a Jew and you don't like him, then it's quite possible that you are not anti-semitic. It's OK not to like people who are assholes. But if you know several assholes and one of them is a Jew, and you hate him especially strongly because he is a Jew, then you are anti-semitic.

Anti semite question...?

Conditioning and group think. As a whole Americans have been raised to believe that the cause of Israel is a just cause and we are right to support them for they are seen as a country in the midst of hostility. Portraying the Israeli government in a negative light or asking an unbiased question about the motives of the Israeli government is often incorrectly called anti-Semitic. It is incorrect in part because Arabs are Semites and one can question the Israeli government without disliking those of the Judaic faith. Also many of the Christian conservatives believe that those of the Judaic faith are "God's chosen people" and as such anything they do is acceptable and justified.

What does 'Anti-Semitic' mean exactly?

Why do Jews use this word to describe 'hostility against' them? The majority of Jews in the US and Israel are not even purely Semitic since they have interbred with the Anglo Saxons for centuries. Aren't the true Semites those who are Middle Eastern (the Arabs, Arab Muslims, Arab Christians and Arab Jews who never mixed with the Europeans)? If they refer to 'Semitic' in a religious sense, aren't Islam and Christianity considered Semitic religions then? Wouldn't it extremely ignorant and incorrect to label Muslims/Arabs anti-semitic when the Arabs are technically 'more Semitic' than they are? It would be more accurate to refer to hostility against Jews as 'Anti Jew' rather than 'Anti-Semitic', because the people who are accused to be the most 'anti-semitic' are the Muslim Arabs (who are purely Semitic!)'s confusing why such an inaccurate term is still being used!!

What if, Hitler wasn't anti-semite?

I am deeply interested with world war 2. History happened, almost 100 million lost their lives. The war caused destruction, soldiers who fought and survived were awarded with medals, recognitions, places that had significant occurences are now landmarks and are given importance.

Adolf Hitler - the reason why Germany quickly rose to the top with its military might, is also the reason why Germany suddenly fell down unto utter ruins...
people said he made wrong war decisions, like violating the non agression pact with Stalin and the USSR, declaring war to America, but that's a different discussion..

I'm thinking, what if, Adolf Hitler wasn't Anti-Semitic? what if he didn't hate Jews? would this change the outcome of the war? what if these Jews have joined the German war effort?

In my opinion if the Jews weren't discriminated or persecuted by the Nazis and they actually helped them, that would have extended the war for a longer period, or even Germany could have won since the scientists who made the Atomic bombs were Jewish.. what if they were on Germany's side?

Why are so many Christians anti-semitic?

Because the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world, sugart*ts.

Is it anti-Semitic to say Israel shouldn't exist?

Its a tricky question. We all know what anti-semitism is so the question arises.Can you be anti-Israel but at the same time be fair and true to Jews?No, You can’t be. Israel is a political expression of Jews and you can dispute or debate the nature of State of Israel. Israeli policies especially regarding Palestinians are outright wrong. But if you want to finish Israel by force like the language Iran uses then there is a problem. This is unacceptable to me Israel is there to stay and should be a country.I am Pakistani and it is specifically mentioned in our passport that“This passport is valid to all countries except Israel”.First page of every Pakistani passportDoes this mean Pakistanis are anti-semitic?No we are not anti-semitic or even anti-Israel. Only issue is political and policies of State of Israel. Pakistan wants Israel to recognise Palestine and follow the UN backed Two State solution with consensus on pre-1967 borders. If that agreement is reached tomorrow then Pakistan will have no reason to remove above statement and also establish full diplomatic ties.Or All Palestinians and Israelis agree to live under the state of Israel that includes Muslims, Christians etc just like how other states are around the world that would be a great solution but least likely one.Thanks for reading

Are Jews and Arabs both Semites, and if yes, can anti-Semitism be against both of them?

Hebrew and Arabic are both Semitic languages BUT anti-Semitism has a very specific meaning of “hatred of Jews”. The word was started by Wilhelm Marr, one of the early proponents of racial anti-Semitism in Germany in the 19th century. He decided the term Judenhas “Jew hatred” was too unscientific sounding for the promotion of the warped racial theories he and his fellow anti-Semites had dreamed up and invented the term “antisemitisme” to replace it. From there it passed into the English language. Like many compound English words it does not mean the same as it individual parts. This just as cupboard does not mean something made up of a cup and a board, anti-Semitism does not mean hatred of Semited but hatred of Jews

If Nazis were not anti-semitic, how many Jews would support them?

Probably a lot of them, as Jakub said, without the anti-antisemitism, Nazism would be more akin to Italian Fascism. It would attract a lot of patriotic and nationalistic Jews, and any bankers, professionals and even industrialists as the Nazi’s were very pro-business (they made life very easy for any company that would cooperate with them).Jew’s from other countries, especially the Soviet Unions Jews would want to go to Germany as it would be a place were Jews were accepted. Einstein, Ferni and many others would probably stay in Germany, and while they probably wouldn’t like the authoritarian government, they would probably not mind living there, and when the war started they would probably move to Switzerland.The USA would also probably like Germany more as many Jews helped to turn the USA’s opinion against Germany.All these people and more were Nobel prize winners that moved to the USA, resulting in a 30% increase in patents made by the USA.