Tell Me Urgently Whether The Sentence Is Right Or Wrong .

How to use "undergo" in a sentence - URGENT?

How do you use the following words in a sentence: undergo, undergone, underwent?

Also, do the following sentences make sense:

1. I had a lot of excess skin around my bell. So, I had to undergo a surgery called Tummy Tuck.
2. I had undergone only 1 surgery called Tummy Tuck.
3. I underwent surgery called Tummy Tuck.

If all, sentences are wrong, then please tell me how can I say it properly. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that .... I had cosmetic surgery done on me because I had excess skin on my bell. How can I say it in past tense, etc.

Which of the following written sentences is right: “I am awaiting your response” or “I am waiting for your response”?

Which of the following written sentences is right: “I am awaiting your response” or “I am waiting for your response”?Both sentences are grammatically correct, although by using the present continuous tense you might make the recipient feel as if you are “breathing down his neck.” A better way to say it is “I await your response [or reply].”

'I would appreciate your considering this matter.' Is this sentence right?

Yes, it’s a use of the gerund form of the verb “to consider”. As the Purdue Writing Lab says, “A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and functions as a noun. The term verbal indicates that a gerund, is based on a verb and therefore expresses action or a state of being.”Here, it’s acting as the direct object of the sentence. In the same way the writer could say, “I would appreciate a piece of chocolate cake,” in this example, he would appreciate “your considering,” an action: derived from a verb, but in this form it’s a noun.Sometimes, a noun form is used instead, as in this example: “I would appreciate your consideration of this matter.” It seems that over time, more and more verbals have become nouns and the use of the pure gerund is diminishing in modern English.

“We have already sent the courier.” Is this sentence right or wrong?

As Shrikant mentioned, in India, the term “courier” has taken on a non-standard meaning: the item that has been dispatched. So, in India, your sentence would be understood, even though it is non-standard.As Jeric mentioned, the standard meaning of courier is a person who carries a dispatch. So, your sentence would be correct, although it might not mean what you intended. It would mean that you had already sent the man (or woman). Two possible situations could cause you to complete the sentence in two different ways:We have already sent the courier to pick up the consignment.We have already sent the courier with the consignment.Here are some standard words that you could use to complete the sentence in place of courier.We have already sent the…consignment, shipment, parcel, packet, letter, or envelopeOr, you could refer to the contents that you are sending:We have already sent the…documents, merchandise, parts, goods, materials, etc.

An English question - i need it urgent or urgently?

There is some misleading information above. The choice between "urgent" and "urgently" is not determined by the placement of the noun in the sentence. Nor is either form considered to be "past tense" since only verbs can be past tense. (Urgent is an adjective and urgently is an adverb.)

The correct answer is "urgently". This is because it is being used to modify/describe a verb or action. The adverb form (with "ly" at the end) modifies verbs like the word "need" in your sentence. If it described a noun instead, then you would use the adjective form which is "urgent".

Rule of thumb:
Adjectives describe nouns.
Adverbs (with "ly") describe verbs.

I hope that answers your question.

URGENT!! I missed my pre sentence interview. What happens now?

Pre-sentence interview (presentence investigation report (PSIR)) is mainly to ascertain from you to know your history and antecedents to assess whether you committed the crime in an extenuating circumstances. Do not worry about missing it .Consult your advocate. He will guide you properly in all legal aspects. There is a way out for every thing.

URGENT! Are these spanish sentences correct?

Nunca compro nada en la jugueteria (My answer: Correct) - OK
Ella vas temprano a la tienda (My answer: Incorrect) - OK - Ella va temprano...
Yo conozco la floreria de Rosa (My answer: Correct) - OK; florería
Choose the best response to the question.
Que haces hoy? Choices: Voy al mercado, Veo al mercado, Si, yo se, Si, lo hago (My answer: Voy al mercado) - OK
Choose the conjugation that is incorrect
Choices: Yo conozco, Yo se, Yo hago, Yo veyo (My answer: Yo veyo) - Yo sé; yo veo
Choose the best response to the question
Con que pagas? - ¿Con qué pagas?
Choices: No conozco a nadie, Tengo una tarjeta de credito, Vengo con mi amigo, Salgo de la panaderia (My answer: Tengo una tarjeta de credito) - OK ; crédito

Faltan algunas tildes, el signo de interrogación al principio de la pregunta (¿?) y el verbo ver-
yo veo

Is this sentence correct or not; "I have an urgent work to do."?

I believe you are confused about the correct way to use the word “work.” The confusion is easy to explain if you are a Hindi speaker.In Hindi, people often say, Ek kaam karo. The word kaam is the Hindi word for work, so Hindi speakers sometimes say in English “Do a work.” However, in English, “a work” and “work” are different.In English, “a work” is a piece of art, music, or other product of human intelligence and effort. “Work” is a generic term for productive activity. Here are some examples to help you understand the difference:The Pieta is considered to be the greatest work of Michelangelo.The way the landscape architect designed her back yard, it’s a work of art!I’m sorry I can’t read you a book now, Honey. I have some work to do.My motto is, “Work hard. Play hard.”I’ve been working on the railroad / All the live-long day. (lyrics of an American folk song)So, if you are not planning to design, build or create a work, your sentence is not correct. If you are going to spend time productively, you would make your sentence correct by changing “a work” to “work,” like this:“I have urgent work to do.”OR“I have some urgent work to do.”