Telling Parents That I Might Move In With My Girlfriend

How do I tell my parents I'm moving to another state with my girlfriend?

This is a very touchy subject because some may read this and think one way and some, another.

Okay let me give some background info. My girlfriend and I have been dating almost two years. I still live at home, she does as well. I'm just shy of 21 she is 23.

My parents and I get along well on some days but don't get along to well on most days (so it seems). My mom isn't fond of my girlfriend, the reason I'm not to sure of. But I think my mom feels my girlfriend isn't as independent as she should be which is understandable. She has a job though, goes to school (I do as well), and pays bills (Phone, rent to parents, insurance, gas, car. The exact same bills I pay). My dad doesn't seem to have a problem with her.

My parents and I have been arguing recently because they are pushing me to find a better job. Which in my opinion isn't smart because (what they don't know yet) I'm planning on moving to Tennessee from Arizona with my girlfriend. That is where she is from and her grandfather just redeveloped cancer and he wants to go back so I understand. I love my girlfriend alot and don't want to lose her. She treats me well and I couldn't see myself without her.

I've left out alot if detail because this is king enough but it covers what I need pretty much. My questions are:

How should I tell my parents?
Should I tell them closer to when I leave or the farther out the better?
Should my girlfriend be there?
Should I tell them at home or treat them to dinner to loosen them up (if needed)?

Thank you for your time ahead of time

How do I tell my parents that I got my girlfriend pregnant?

This is right up my alley. I found out that my 16 year old girlfriend was pregnant about 2 days before my 18th birthday. So I waited until my birthday to tell them, because at the time, I figured they wouldn't kill me on my birthday.Like many others said, what's done is done, and you can't go back. We ended up talking for a long time about my options moving forward for providing a good life for my child and girlfriend (thought we would get married, didn't work out). Your life will change, no matter what you decide from here. Your parents are likely the best qualified people you know to help make sure that is a positive change.Just tell them, take whatever licks you need to take, and get ready for a long, hard road.

How should I tell my parents that I want to move in with my boyfriend without being married (I come from a religious family)?

I was in your position exactly, as a graduate student in my mid-20s. My husband (then my boyfriend) and I were attending graduate school together. I started out in a little apartment by myself, and he lived in a 2-bedroom apartment with one of his best buddies from their undergraduate years. Buddy got himself a girlfriend and decided to move in with her, leaving my boyfriend with a half-empty apartment and more rent than he wanted to pay just for himself. Rather than go through the process of finding him a stranger to live with, I decided to give up my apartment and move in with him.I anticipated a lot of backlash. My parents are pretty devout and disapproved of me even being alone in the same room with him. So, I marshalled my arguments. I thought about preparing PowerPoint slides, perhaps dressing in one of my power suits for the occasion, even though this was all going to be hashed out over the phone. Every little bit helps. In the end, it was a total non-issue. My parents acknowledged the wisdom of my arguments and commented that they’d raised me right and trusted me to conduct myself accordingly. I was shocked. And then I was relieved. I moved in with my boyfriend, we finished graduate school, and then we got married. All’s well that ends well. I had an aunt who was just scandalized, but she got over it.Remember that you are (I hope) an independent adult if you’re talking about moving in with someone. In the end, that’s all that matters. It’s your life, and they don’t get a vote.

Girlfriend wont move out of her parents house!?

Hey i'm 24 and my girlfriend is 23. We have been in a relationship for a little over two years and I am ready to move in together. The problem is that she doesn't want to "just yet". I have come to the conclusion that she is extremely attached to her family and is afraid of two things. One, dissapointing her parents and other members of her family by moving in with me before we get married. The second, just plain moving away from her parents and brother. It seems that she likes to pretend that she has never really grown up. I mean they still go on these vacations where it seems like "oh were all young again, we are going to play like time never happened." I dunno, it's starting to bug the heck out of me. I care about her very much but I don't know how much more I can take. I can't believe it has come to this. Uhhh!

Is living with my girlfriend's parents a good idea ?

Good, but beware mom don't get familiar with you, hahahahahahah

Can my girlfriends parents have me arrested if she were to move out and live with me even though she is 18?

No, but possibly yes. They COULD get you arrested for any false claims against you and have a case/investigation be brought out that would most likely fail(whether that be you robbed them, or murdered someone or you're a drug dealer,etc.) But that's if they're that crazy. And if you did have sex with her or if you exchanged nudes when she was under 18, you could get in legal trouble if they lied about it and it turned out to be true, or if you actually did and the court/jury declares you guilty of that crime(if they're that crazy to do anything like that). Plus, if you are doing drugs or did recently, and they report you and say you're doing drugs or selling and they test you, you could also get in trouble. Now, this all if they're that crazy and if, by slight-medium chance the police actually go further with the claims to that point. But, she is 18 and an adult. Legally she can go whereever with whoever, so as long as you haven't done anything listed above, or as long as the parents aren't that crazy to bring on an investigation against you, you're good. Even if it was sexting, if she was under 18 at the time, its illegal, and can be found, even if it was deleted. But cases like sexting/nose sending are more likely to be overlooked if she is currently 18 and there is no other factor(criminal record, drugs in system, etc.)And I hate to say this, but it can be true in some cases, if you are black or Mexican,or Asian, or any color but white, there is a bigger chance of these charges to be put against you if they report you for it. Not saying its wayyy more likely, nor Is it just/right, but it happens sometimes.If you're white, you should be fine most likely lolIf you're a different color, eh, you still have a shot.I'd say try to get her parents approve no matter what,If you dont have the money to do it, dont, unless her parents are very emotionally/physically abusiveLastly, maybe have HER move out and sign the lease to the house/apartment, or atleast have her initiate the moving out(if shes moving in with your family/friends, this doesnt apply, unless shes paying rent and can prove it) then, move in with her, that way, in a cops eyes, it was her choice to move out and it can be proven with the lease/rent pay, not your choice

My parents forbidding me from seeing my girlfriend?

First off, stop complaining to your parents about the girl and NYC. Just tell them you respect their opinion and rules while you live in their house – and when you are 18 you are going to move to be with your friend.

Then, since school is about out - find a summer camp that your parents believe that you many actually be interested in going to – tell them you think this may help your college application / scholarship look good. Have the girlfriend do the same with her parents.

Next, you both enroll at the camp and roommate together and spend the whole summer together.

Depending on both of your family’s financial status, both of you may need to get a job – either for you to help parents pay or help the other way pay for their way there.

I don’t know your ages – but I promise you that you two will have the rest of your lives to spend with each other. Start preparing now for the future. Decide what college you 2 want to go to – you CAN be roommates. If you need to get a job to pay for college do it! Get good grades to get a scholarship – then room and boarding is included! Have her do the same!

How do I tell my parents that I am a lesbian and already have a girlfriend?

Thank you for the A2AWithout knowing your situation it’s very hard to give advice. Leave your girlfriend at home to talk to your family.I’d ask your parents to go to a quiet but public area and then simply tell them. EXPECT them to be shocked or surprised. Keep in mind this is something they may not have assumed. Your feelings are something you are used to. They aren’t.If the situation gets confrontational then leave. Being safe is more important than letting you or your parents have the last word.If the situation seems to be getting violent. Just leave and avoid them for awhile. Do not attempt to approach anyone unless they try to approach you with respect first.Side notesDO NOT come out if you are financially dependent and the family may kick you out or cut you off. Wait for collegeDO NOT come out if it can affect your professional goals. People have been fired or denied promotion.DO NOT come out if being gay can possibly get you arrested or assaulted. Nothing is worth your or your girlfriend’s life.Consider carefully what you are doing and assume that once you are out someone is probably going to tell at least one person. You won’t be able to go back in the closet and you should tell your girlfriend when you plan to do this as well