Terrible Anxiety And I Need Help

I have terrible social anxiety and need the Lord's help ?

I have social anxiety and depression, and have for years. I started recently praying to God about it. I understand what you're going through.

I find it helpful to pray to Mary, Mother of God, she's your Mother too. Ask her to please pray for you to Jesus, ask her for the strength to see and understand God's will for your life. Ask Her to pray that "you may be made worthy of the promises of Christ". Ask Mary to teach you to be like Her, and to console you in times of trouble. That's what a Mother is for, and She's the best!
Understanding, and accepting God's will for your life will help. 3 pm is the perfect time to pray to Jesus, right when He took His last breath on the cross. Ask Him for the grace to hear his word, and for the strength to love Him no matter what. He can help you love Him more, and follow His will for your life. You will grow in your faith if you ask Him to let you.
Keep praying, especially when it's bad. I always thanks God, everyday. Even when I feel sad some days, or upset and anxious, I thank God for all the gifts He's given me. Don't use His name in vain.

It helps me, when I'm in social settings, to pray in my head. I just keep saying the Hail Mary or Our Father over in my head. Also, I pray before I go into places, like the supermarket or work. And I also pray when I'm in the car, outloud, and it's helpful. I tell Jesus where I'm going, what I'm scared about, and everything. I ask Him to please help me be what He wants me to be.
Don't ask for things and expect to get them, that will leave you thinking that He's not listening. Instead, ask Him to guide you, and tell Him that you want to do His will. If you honestly want to better yourself, walk the path that Jesus has made for you, and tell Him about it.

Also, this job doesn't sound like it's a good fit for you. You can pray to God and ask Him to show you your true vocation. It won't happen overnight, but you'll feel the little pulls, this way or that way. And you'll get the thoughts and feelings.

Please please help. So scared of cancer. Terrible anxiety?

Hello. I am a 21 year old female. I am in college, weigh 110 lbs, eat healthy and work out almost daily. I have been to the doctor recently and had a CBC that looked normal. Despite all of this I'm terrified of cancer. It's ruining my life. It's not just one type, it's all types. Just today I've been convinced I have lymphoma, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, luekemia, a brain tumor, and esophageal cancer, and osteosarcoma. I am currently in CBC but there are days where I just can't shake this. The only history of cancer I have in my family is my grandpa who had prostate cancer and my grandma who had breast cancer but no one other than that. My mother got tested for the BRCA gene and did not have it so I assume I do not either. I'm so upset and nervous. I'm shaking in a corner crying. I am so aware of every little ache and pain in my body that when I feel something small I automatically assume it is some form of cancer. Should I really be worried about this? Please help me. Thank you.

Is it normal to feel terrible anxiety after an exam?

It's normal to feel anxious and giddy whilst waiting for any sort of result, especially exams. To feel terrible anxiety, though? It depends on the circumstances. In my opinion, it would be wise to think about certain things:Did I study hard?Do I usually do well on exams?Am I doing well in this class?After doing a self assessment using these questions as a guide, you may be able to find your answer. However, if the answers you give yourself don't add up to your performance then perhaps it would be a good idea to seek some extra help.No need to feel embarrassed about it. Many people these days face severe anxiety regularly, as it's part of a mental disorder. Even if you aren't diagnosed with a disorder, counseling is a great solution to overcome unnecessary anxieties. I hope this helps!

How can I deal with terrible fits of anxiety?

Hi, I would really recommend you get professional help. Anxiety can be overcome by therapy. Most probably they will tell you to undergo Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).CBT is a treatment where the psychologist helps you in re-creating the associations your perception has disassociated. Hence the associations which lead to our overthinking and overanalysing of situations, is simply rewired.You may also ask to learn mindfulness. But please learn it from an expert. I did the mistake of trying it on my own, thereby worsening my anxiety.While learning mindfulness, I would recommend reading up on Zen literature. Zen’s Mind Beginner’s Mind would help you I feel.Anxiety no matter how worse can be overcome. Everything would feel helpless in the present, but it is not.Best of luck!

Terrible anxiety, every second of the day.?

This may be a little lengthy but i would really appreciate some help.
About 3 years ago i was on citalopram for depression, i slowly just stopped taking it. After my depression went away and after i got out of HS i wasnt really depressed much but i started college a month ago my anixety is off the wall. its just like im in high school again. im scared of what people are saying about me, if they are making fun of me, if they like me or hate me, idf they think im stupid. the list goes on and on. and ive tried Valerian Root and St Johns Wort and none of the herbal crap works for me. Is there any tricks to helping anxiety or what is the best medication to take for severe anxiety? I plan on going to the DR soon.

How do I deal with my terrible anxiety? I constantly feel disconnected to myself and always feeling like today’s my last day. How do I overcome it?

You need to find a counselor to talk this out and feel validated and let them help you. You may need an anti anxiety medicine to help you but try working on yourself as well. You can do this! Many people are out there to help you, you just need to reach out to them. Don’t be miserable for you don’t have to be! And mostly, do not be ashamed to ask! It is absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. I have been there and have a friend who has as well. Life treats us differently and we react differently.What I know helped me when I got like this is: You have too much time to think! Get busy with something no matter what it is to take up your time and thoughts. Start exercising! Daily! Go outside and walk and be with nature. Listen to podcasts as you walk that deals with motivation such as Tony Robbins. He is great to point you to what is important in your life and to let go of the things that stress you which you have no control. Or buy his book and read it every night. When you get so anxious, start naming everything in the room you can see. Table, lamp, etc. to train your thoughts away from your anxiety. Get a journal and write what bothers you before you go to bed. Write everything you are stressed about. Then put it down and don’t pick it up until the next day when you write in it again. If you think of something during the day, train yourself that you will think about it when you write it in your journal that night.But you have to do all this yourself. Try doing these things for you need to overcome your anxiety not mask it. I promise the exercise and getting out will help you tremendously. You will not get better staying inside, secluded and only thinking and not doing. Good luck.

Having a terrible anxiety attack on cocaine, please help?

Please only comment or respond if it's insightful. Do not be a smart ***. I know I made a very dumb decision but just hear me out with this please...

Today I worked from 11am to 7pm, and I only got about 6-7 hours of sleep. I take adderall basically everyday (not for abusing purposes, but because it helps me focus and helps keep me energized throughout the day so I can get all of my stuff done, and it also motivates me and pushes me)

I took (4) blue adderalls labeled U27 which I believe are 12.5mg each, I took them all spread out throughout the day until around 6pm, and one of them I broke in half so I took in two separate doses. So in total about (6) total times within a 5 hour time span.

Around 10:00pm, I did some cocaine with my friends because I have work off tomorrow, NOT thinking about the fact I did a bunch of adderall and didn't sleep well last night. I took about 4-5 bumps, and the first 3-4 were perfectly fine. I didn't feel weird, I felt good. But around the 5th I noticed myself feeling really weird. I almost feel like a zombie and I can't think straight. My whole body feels numb. I feel like I'm in a dream. Nothing looks or feels real. It's like physically my heart is racing but mentally it feels like I just took a Xanax and am completely out of it.

Is this normal?? Am I okay and will I be okay?? I'm never doing this again, I just need some help calming myself down. I'm scared I'm going to cause permanent damage to myself, like turn myself schizo or something

I have terrible anxiety and am barely eating. I take medication for anxiety and depression but it doesn't seem to be helping. What can I do?

I have not read the other answers yet. I thought that I would just answer what suited me in a situation similar to you: thatthe medication doesn't seem to be workingBeing very anxious to almost being paranoid.Not being able to get out of bed.It’s very difficult to get out of this but do you think that you can change your Gp or who is treating you ?Or can you go and see your Gp or whoever is treating you and ask : whether the medication needs to go up a little?It feels like you need to see a Psychologist about getting skills about maybe planning a timetable around going for very little walks ….Like every day walking just to the letterbox once per day and then the next week: say: Go to the letter box and going to the end of the driveway……..Little steps little steps….Nice and slow…..Take care

Can marijuana help for severe anxiety?

It has helped me with a similar situation as yours. Prescription drugs have bad side effects to be honest. I've been on anxiety meds and antidepressants at different times and while it seemed to serve its purpose, the side effects outweighed the benefits for me. I started smoking pot about a year ago and its definitely helped me out. As of now I haven't smoked for over a month and I feel fine. I agree with some of the other answers though, do it in a comfortable environment first and get used to it. But the effects are different for everyone. Try it, see if it does anything for you positively and go from there.