That Time Of Year Again .what Will I Get My Boyfriend For Christmas

Meeting my Online Boyfriend For the First Time?

Wow, I think I can relate to this in a relationship I was in and help you out.
First of all I live in Nevada too, N. Las Vegas. Small world haha
Anyway, almost two years ago now I had a mutual friend add me on facebook and we talked and all for a few months and then, like you two, just became a couple. Then finally decided to meet.
When you meet this guy, no matter how real you believe him to be, you need to be careful.
When I met (ill call him joe) I knew he was real because a friend of mine was close with him so I wasn't too cautious, but I still brought that friend with me when I met Joe.
In your case, you NEED to bring someone along with you. Good idea with your friend driving you there. It's also smart to meet in a crowded area too. Airport would be great. Plus it would be super cute haha.

Ok whoa this is going to take forever for me to write everything...
How bout you email me cause seriously, I know exactly what kind of situation your in right now.
Lol weird I know sorry but yeah, you just really need to know what your getting into.

My boyfriend has suddenly disappeared and stopped texting/calling. Should I call him one more time to see if he picks up so I can get closure?

The message seems to be that he wants no further involvement with you. This is surely shocking and disappointing to you, and you would naturally want to know the reason why. He has had plenty of opportunity to tell you why he made this sudden and apparently unprovoked termination, and he has chosen not to tell you.Your frustration level is undoubtedly at the top of the scale, but unfortunately there is nothing you can do about it. He may have some very sound reason for cutting you off, one which has nothing to do with you; or it may be some very silly or absurd reason, which he is too embarrassed to say to you. Unfortunately, you cannot force him to speak about it, and you certainly are not going to entice him to tell you.Of course he owes you an explanation. However, that is not a debt he is going to pay. He has already made that clear.You should conclude that the relationship doesn’t mean very much to him, if he can end it so abruptly. You should also recognize that if he is the sort of person who can not even face up to you and speak his mind, that he is not the kind of person with whom it is worth having a relationship. He lacks the character or the maturity to speak honestly with you about whatever is troubling him, and that indicates you are well rid of him.A big blow to your pride and ego, to be sure. But his abruptness and unwillingness to communicate suggests that you too should bring to an immediate end your interest in him. Make it a clean break, and go on with your life. You will in due time be asked for dates by other guys, and you will eventually find a new boyfriend.If this guy later gets back to you, and wants to patch things up and start all over again, I suggest that you give him the same silent treatment you are now receiving. He would be a very bad bet for a future relationship. You will be the happiest if you recognize that the separation is now complete and final, and keep it that way in the future.

What are the best gifts for your girlfriend?

Hopefully, you know her well and figured out what she likes. Keep ears open, as she might be complaining about not enough shoes, or boots, or whatever.You’re talking gifts as in items not time, affection. That needs to be there already.So here’s what I bought for different lovers. I bought knowing they needed these through observation and listening…1. Complete set of makeup with draws, brushes and to drawers to put her jewellery stuff…2. Other lover, I saw she was struggling at her own place were she didn’t have a table, with mirror and to put her makeup and jewellery but I fixed the lights. It’s similar to this one. When she saw it she cried, she always wanted one…3. For lover who loves taking photos and savvy socially, and fun with lots of friends, I bought this Polaroid camera, which can when you want to…prints out the photo right there and then…4. For another, I bought her a bag which she saw and I knew she wanted it.I can see her drooling over the bag..5. You can also buy jewellery..such as bracelet…Or…necklace..These are just some of what I bought as gifts.But the best gift is what she feels and only way is to find out from her.You’d know already if you’ve been dating for a while, listened, observed and asked question about her life, spent time with her to know about her.Just one final thought…I never bought my lovers gifts until we have been together for sometime, been intimate physically, sexual and there was a time that gone by. I don’t buy gifts in early stages and nor to impress a woman to date me either.Don’t buy gifts to ask a woman out and nor so soon. Let time past, 6 months to even a year or so.I have a very strong thoughts on this because it takes time to know someone and so, no use me investing anything like that if she doesn’t trust me fully, knows me well and we are not intimate romantically and sexually.My values are not going to be compromised that I would breakup if I find there is no trust from a woman and if she dangles sex like a carrot.So ensure you don’t go off buying gifts to a woman you’re dating and she hasn’t shown intimacy with you, trusts you, opens up to you, have intimacy in physically and sexually.Love is not just a word. Nor is trust.It’s an action and any who do not show it in action are already showing red flags for the future.

WOMEN.. what qualities to you ADMIRE most in MEN?

1.) Confidence, easy going personality, intelligence, sense of humor, sensuality, belief in equal rights, ambition.

2.) They all had most of these qualities. The one I spend my life with will have all of them.

Watchtower & Jehovia Witnesses144,000 and changing the bible?

In the bible in the book of revelation there is contained in the Holy Scriptures of God. In which we are instructed that 12,000 from each of the tribes of Isreal males who have not layed with woman will be saved. Notice the wording males 12,000 from each tribe of Israel. There can be no dought that this is lital ISRAEL as God states from each of the tribes 12,000 and males and virgins.

Then importance of this scripture which is given directly to John the revelator by The Lord Jesus Christ is that not one member of the jehovia Witnesses will go to haven. In revelation we also find it writen no lier shall enterinto heaven no murder no adulter no unclean thing or person.

The Jehovia Witnesses Leadership are liers plain and simple. That is how cults work thiefs and liers join togeither and fabricate lies to decieve people for money. So how are liers going to face God and be found not guilty?

What does this means: like a moose needs a hat rack?

it means "there is no point"