The 1st Black President Claimed He Was His Brother

Isn’t it true that Obama is not the 1st black President, that there have been at least 6 black Presidents before him as noted by historian Dr. Auset BaKhufu (and others) in her book, “The Six Black Presidents: Black Blood, White Masks, USA”?

What a meaningless, stupid, loaded question ! Is there any other place than Amerikkka where one could ask such an idiotic, useless question?To start off, mr Obama is not black but a “mulatto” subject as we all are to one extent or an other . His ancestry is african and his mother is a “white woman”. What is meant by “white” is the appearence of a lighter coloured skin than anybody’s skin when they have a few days sunbathing.To believe that some of us have pure linear ancestry is to ignore the very bases of our presence on the planet. We started off in Africa and those that stayed there had to adapt and increase the pigmentation of their skin in order to protect their body from solar radiations. Those that moved out of Africa for colder climates stopped producing the dark pigment and progressively became lighter in colour. In fact we are mostly different shades of pink and those among us that drink too much become red rather than pink. Are those drunkards some sort of “redskins” like the original inhabitants of Northern America ? Of course not ! They are just the product of a colossal mix of ethnic groups, like all of us, that we can trace centuries back thanks to DNA. So, no BS about “black presidents” from a nutty pseudo historian. We all have genes of different groups and that includes, of course, our common african origin

Obama is 6.25% black. And yet he will be the 1st black President?

As much as people would like to say that this is not about race- they are kidding themselves. You have to look at how the campaign was run and who the organization catered to. While they were saying this was not about race, they targeted specific crowds with their messages and waited until someone else played the race card.

They knew what they were doing, and like a typical person that cannot admit to fault or wrong-doing, they pointed the finger and blamed everyone else for the same type of actions.

Did you know the 1st President was a black man? John Hanson? Research it! He's on the back of the $2 bill?

Yes i have heard this one over and over again.

WE did not have a FIRST President for REAL until we had beaten the British. NO President of the Country was named until After the Revolutionary war.

sure their was a President of the Continetal Congress, but that is hardly the President of the USA or Country. Even today the Congress has its leaders that are not our President.

So yes their is truth to this but it is a bit inter twined with truth and fiction. He certainly lived and was a part of it as the site says, but of the whole USA, NO.

Only the Congress which was disbanded and reorganized when the constitution was written. So during the war, maybe yes, but we were not a true Nation yet. We were fighting for our independance. He most certainly was important but Washington IS the first TRUE USA PRESIDENT that is why he gets the title. He was never President of the Congress, just of the USA.

A minor difference in symantecs but your information is good and fairly accurate it just leaves out that our Nation was not official until after we won the war of independence.

He definitely deserves recognition as one of hte first Presidents of the Continetal Congress but not the Nation.

Why is Bill Clinton considered the first black president?

No idea. But if I were black I would find a white man making this claim offensive.