The Collection Of Information To Advance Knowledge Is Called What

Need help with a Collection Agency and T-Mobile so called unpaid debt?

Thanks in advance for any answer I recieve. Okay here is the deal. In November of 2004, I canceled my service with T-Mobile. I was charged a cancellation fee of $200, and the total bill I recieved was $450. I set up payment arrangements with them, for t-mobile to automatically take $90 out of my checking account Bi-Weekly. They took 4 payments of $90 out of my acount, which totals $360 I paid them. On 2/24/05 they sent me to collections come to find out on 1/11/2008. While they were in the process of taking money out of my account I was sent to collections. I never recieved any bills or notices from T-Mobile or a collection agency in 3 years saying I owed money to them. On my credit report it shows a collection account of $179.23 to T-Mobile under the collection agency's name of BCR. I contacted BCR and T-Mobile and they said they cant look up bills dating that far back in 2004. I filed Bankruptcy in 2005. If I knew of this and had recieved info from them I WOULD have included it.

What is a collection of records called?

any time you initiate a recording of a phone call you must notify the other party,sounds like you are reaching pretty far, in case of court action the act of trying to secure payment of a debt by, reminder phone calls is not harassment, if that's where you are going with this.

What are the main differences between Collection and Collections in Java?

Collection Classes in JavaThis is one of the most confusing java interview question asked many a times to java freshers. Most of time, this question has been asked to java freshers to check their basic knowledge about the Java Collection Framework. This question seems confusing because both “Collection” and “Collections” look similar. Both are part of java collection framework, but both serve different purpose. Collection is a top level interface of java collection framework where as Collections is an utility class. In this article, we will discuss the differences between Collection and Collections in java.difference between collections and collection in javaMajor difference between Collection and Collections is Collection is an interface and Collections is a class.Both are belongs to java.util packageCollection is base interface for list set and queue.Collections is a class and it is called utility class.Collections utility class contains some predefined methods so that we can use while working with Collection type of classes(treeset, arraylist, linkedlist etc.)Collection is base interface for List , Set and Queue.Collection is a root level interface of the Java Collection Framework. Most of the classes in Java Collection Framework inherit from this interface. List, Set and Queue are main sub interfaces of this interface.Collections is an utility class in java.util package. It consists of only static methods which are used to operate on objects of type Collection. For example, it has the method to find the maximum element in a collection, it has the method to sort the collection, it has the method to search for a particular element in a collection.JDK doesn’t provide any direct implementations of this interface. But, JDK provides direct implementations of it’s sub interfaces. ArrayList, Vector, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, PriorityQueue are some indirect implementations of Collection interface. Map interface, which is also a part of java collection framework, doesn’t inherit from Collection interface. Collection interface is a member of java.util package.

What is the difference between information and knowledge?

Information is data stored in inert objects.  When that data is received by aa sentient living being, it becomes knowledge.  When the living being assimilates and internalizes that knowledge, to the extent that the knowledge becomes an obvious fact, you can call it "realized knowledge", or "scientific knowledge".For instance, the information about the heat within fire is stored within fire.  But when someone gets a factsheet about temperatures in different kinds of fires, that's knowledge.  When a person actually sees fire consuming and burning big objects into ashes - houses, forests, animals, dead bodies, or if a person accidentally touches fire, then it becomes realized knowledge.  I am sure we have all received burns in our life.  So, to us it is obvious that fire is hot.  This is called realized knowledge.

Do we know how to make far more advanced technology than the government tells us?

Yes, in a manner of speaking.There is a lot of advanced technology that most of us don’t know about simply because we don’t work in fields where it’s being developed or where it will be used. It’s not relevant to most of us.But does the Government suppress the knowledge of certain advanced technologies? Yes, and rightly so. It’s called classified information. The Government suppresses all sorts of technologies with military/defense/national security applications, both that being developed by its own labs and by industry. That’s what it means to classify something—the government restricts access to certain information, and sometimes knowledge of its existence—to individuals with clearance and need to know. This is done to prevent harm to national security and also to protect the U.S.’s financial investment in research and development.

What are collections in Java? What are the types?

Reference : presenting simple and easy Java tutorial.Collection Framework - Collection Framework provides important interfaces and classes using which we can manage a group of objects.Collections comes in the advance topics of Core Java and you shouldn't miss it for interviews. Some of the most important classes in Collection Framework are-ArrayList - It is like a dynamic array i.e. we don't need to declare its size, it grows as we add elements to it and it shrinks as we remove elements from it, during the runtime of the program. For more you may read ArrayList in Java- Decodejava.comLinkedList - It can be used to depict a Queue(FIFO) or even a Stack(LIFO). For more on LinkedList with simple code examples, you may read LinkedList in Java- Decodejava.comHashSet - It stores its element by a process called hashing. The order of elements in HashSet is not guaranteed. For more on HashSet with simple code examples, you may read HashSet in Java- Decodejava.comTreeSet - TreeSet is the best candidate when one needs to store a large number of sorted elements and their fast access. For more on TreeSet with easy code examples, you may read TreeSet in Java- Decodejava.comArrayDeque - It can also be used to implement a first-in, first-out(FIFO) queue or a last-in, first-out(LIFO) queue. For more on ArrayDeque with code example, you may follow ArrayDeque ClassHashMap - HashMap stores the data in the form of key-value pairs, where key and value are objects. For HashMap with code examples, you may read HashMap in Java - Decodejava.comTreemap - TreeMap stores key-value pairs in a sorted ascending order and retrieval speed of an element out of a TreeMap is quite fast. For more on TreeMap through simple code, you may read TreeMap in Java - Decodejava.comCollection Framework is one of the most important topics and it’s a little time consuming but eventually hard work pays off.Best of luck!

What do you call a collection of data of different types which helps you answer a question?

You could play on words like CouncilCongregationConclaveThese all bear the notion of a group that brings forth advice, answers or decisions. Or more precisely the "thing" which allow the members of the group to collectively bring forth a statement.

What is technologically advanced society?

There are so many ways that you could answer this question. There are so many ways of quantifying this that it is hard to answer it in one step. What I will do is look at the ways that you COULD judge this:1) Energy production – This is actually called the Kardashev scale. It measures how much energy that we can utilise from a star \ solar system \ galaxy. It is a good way of looking how advanced a society is as energy production is import to feed the beast of technology. The more energy it is able to produce, the more advanced it is.2) Information generation \ processing ability – Computers by nature will generate information just by being there. They are able to process a vast amount of databases and documents very quickly. The ability to hold, process, and FIND this information will become more important as a society improves its data retention and processing methods. The more information that they are able to process and the speed at which this information is processed will, therefore, give a good indication of a societies technological advancement.3) Transportation abilities - The further a society can travel, the more advanced it is. Think of this, in the 17th century to travel to America, was a heck of a journey filled with danger, now it is routine. We have the ability to travel to the moon (Which is a technological feat in itself), but now we are thinking of going to Mars. Think of the sheer amount of technology that it takes to do this. The further a society can travel, the more technologically advanced it is.4) Robotics and AI – All economies are built upon slaves. Robots will be the new slaves of our age. The more that robots are able to do, the more advanced it is. The more a society relies upon robots OR allows them freedom the more advanced it is. The sheer amount of engineering and computation that it takes to develop a robot would prove how advanced a society is for creating such robots.5) Ability to recycle – This is a massive thing for any society. The more that it is able to reuse its resources is a major thing. TO keep depleting natural resources is wasteful AND counter-productive. To be able to leave minimal waste shows a huge advance in production methods and reuse methods.

A what is the collection of all the genes that a species has?

In order to answer your question correctly I think it is important that we first consider the definition of each term in the choices:

No.1 A. Chromosome
A chromosome is an organized structure of coiled DNA and proteins which contain genes, regulatory sequences and nucleotide sequences. The total number of genes of specie possess are found scattered in different and separate strands of chromosomes.
Meaning to say that a single strand of chromosome contains some but not all of the genes a specie or an organism has.

No.2 B. DNA molecule
If we were to define to term gene, a gene is a specific sequence of DNA or RNA molecules. So a DNA molecule is not a collection of genes but inversely a gene is a collection of certain parts/sequence of a DNA molecule.

No.3 C.Genome
A genome is defined as an entirety of an organism's hereditary information. A genome might contain the entirety or all of the chromsomes( contains some genes of an organism) an organanism possesses, but only it is specific only for one organism not an entire specie. A specie is a group of organisms which are similar genetically and morphologically but two organisms even of the same specie do not posses exactly the same genes as the other.

So in conclusion, the right answer would likely be D. NONE OF THE ABOVE. If you maybe asking for the correct term which suits the definition mentioned by your question it would be karyotype which is defined as a COMPLETE set of chromosomes in a species.

What is this called in the technology world?

Technology  is the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, etc. or it can be embedded in machines, computers, devices and factories, which can be operated by individuals without detailed knowledge of the workings of such things.The human species' use of technology began with the conversion of natural resources into simple tools. The prehistoric discovery of how to control fire and the later Neolithic Revolution increased the available sources of food and the invention of the wheel helped humans to travel in and control their environment. Developments in historic times, including the printing press, the telephone, and the Internet, have lessened physical barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact freely on a global scale. The steady progress of military technology has brought weapons of ever-increasing destructive power, from clubs to nuclear weapons.