The Curve Above Is The Graph Of A Sinusoidal Function

The curve above is the graph of a sinusoidal function.?

4pi(t) + pi/2, with t=2, will become 8pi+pi/2=8.5pi sin takes 8.5pi and each 2pi repeats, so it is the comparable as .5pi, so a techniques as sin cares. this might properly be a weight bouncing up and down, so it rather is commencing over. At.5pi, sin is a million, so very final consequence is 10 a image attempt: ......................pi/2 .......................x................... .....................x...x................. ....................x......x............... ...................x..........x....x....... .................x...............x......... ...............0

The curve above is the graph of a sinusoidal function.?

For all of these problems, you can use either of these general equations :
y = Asin(Bx + C) + D or y = Acos(Bx + C) + D. I'll use the first.

1) y = Asin(Bx + C) + D

A = amplitude = distance on Y-axis from centre of graph to highest (or lowest) point.
Thus, A = 3.
T = period = distance on X-axis over one complete cycle. Thus, T = 2.
B = 2π/T = 2π/2 = π.
D = distance that graph has been moved up or down on the Y-axis. Thus, D = 0
Plugging all these into the equation gives :
y = 3sin(πx + C) + 0
The first zero that occurs on the increasing part of the graph, in the same way as
sin(x), is at (1, 0), so plugging that in gives :
0 = 3sin(π*1 + C)
sin(π + C) = 0
π + C = 0
C = -π
Thus, equation is : y = 3sin(πx - π).

2) y = Asin(Bx + C) + D

A = 4
T = 6
B = 2π/T = 2π/6 = π/3
D = 4
So, y = 4sin[(π/3)x + C] + 4
If the graph was shifted down to where y = sin(x) is, a zero would occur at
(3, 0), on the increasing part of the graph. This part of the question has to
do with finding C, which is related to the phase shift, so we can shift up and
down without disturbing the side-ways phase shift.
Plugging that in gives :
0 = 4sin[(π/3)*3 + C] + 4
4sin(π + C) = -4
sin(π + C) = -1
π + C = -π/2
C = -3π/2
Thus, equation is : y = 4sin[(π/3)x - 3π/2] + 4

3) y = Asin(Bx + C) + D

A = 3
T = 14
B = 2π/T = 2π/14 = π/7
D = 0
So, y = 3sin[(π/7)x + C] + 0
First zero on increasing part of graph is at (8, 0), so plugging in gives:
0 = 3sin[(π/7)*8 + C]
sin(8π/7 + C) = 0
8π/7 + C = 0
C = -8π/7
Thus, equation is : y = 3sin[(π/7)x - 8π/7]

4) Link is broken here, so can't see the graph.

The curve above is the graph of a sinusoidal function It goes through the points(-7,-1) and (3,-1)Find a sinusoidal function Show work f(x)=?

OK, the graph doesn't appear, but maybe it isn't needed to answer your question.

a sinusoidal function of x has 4 free parameters (as daniel shows):

f(x) = a sin(bx - φ) + c
where a,b > 0, and 0 ≤ φ < 2π
- - alternatively, if a is allowed to be any non-0 real number, then φ can be further restricted.

Given two points on the curve, which have the same y-value, there are a couple of possibilities for how those 2 points are situated on the sine curve:
I. they could be a positive integer number of periods apart [daniel's solution uses this possibility]
II. they could be equal distances on either side of a peak or trough of the sinusoid

An example of possibility (I):
f(x) = a sin(⅕kπ(x+7) - ½π) + a - 1
for which the two given points are local minima of the sinusoid, when a > 0; local maxima when a < 0.

daniel's answer is possibility (I), for which the two given points are sinusoidal "zero-crossings."
Note that, while possibility (I) includes both of these, it also includes the two given points falling at all the other possible levels of the sinusoid.

An example of possibility (II):
f(x) = a sin(½(x + π + 2)) - a cos(5/2) - 1 . . . [ cos(5/2) = sin(½(π + 5)) ]

Again, the two given points can fall at any other possible level of the sinusoid, and more of its periods can fall between the 2 points.

The curve above is the graph of a sinusoidal function. It goes through the point (4,3).?

Find a sinusoidal function that matches the given graph. If needed, you can enter π as pi in your answer.

2) The curve above is the graph of a sinusoidal function. It goes through the point (0,3) and (2,3). Find a sinusoidal function that matches the given graph. If needed, you can enter π=3.1416... as pi in your answer, otherwise use at least 3 decimal digits.

3) The curve above is the graph of a sinusoidal function. It goes through the points (−9,−4) and (1,−4). Find a sinusoidal function that matches the given graph. If needed, you can enter π=3.1416... as pi in your answer, otherwise use at least 3 decimal digits.

Please help me I have been trying for so long and I couldn t figure out the solution

Find a sinusoidal function that matches the given graph.?

the way I see the curve is that y1840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d2201840b3... = 4 so sin1840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d2201840... = 0 additionally y1840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d221840b31... = 0, so if the equation is y1840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d221840b31... = 4 - sin1840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d22k1840... then k1840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d221840b31... = (?/3)*x and ok = 1840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d221840b31d... The equation is then y1840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d221840b31... = 4 - 41840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d22sin[184... examine the standards: y1840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d2201840b3... = 4 y1840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d221.51840... =y1840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d221840b3... = 4 - 41840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d22sin1840... = 0 y1840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d22-a million.51840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d2... = y1840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d22-1840b3... = 4 y1840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d221840b31... = 4 y1840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d22-a million.51840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d2... = 4 - 41840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d22sin1840... = 4 - 41840b31dfb313876b751505de7528d221840b31... = 8

What is the equation for this graph? sinusoidal function TRIG!?

Hello Katie,

This is an approximation of the -Sin(x) function however if you want to get a single equation that will plot out in the graph you have provided then it becomes a little harder. The solution set for this graph is a sine squared function that is as follows:

Sin^2(y) = -1 +2*Sin^2(2*pi/12 + 5.4977871) this can be further reduced to a single Sine function but the some loss of accuracy will occur since the numbers get so small. It will look like this:

Sin(y) = 9.5096921E^-21 + Sin(2*pi/6 + 3.1415927) or approximately:

Sin(y) = Sin(2*pi/6 + pi)

Hope this helps,


The following graph is a sinusoidal function (picture provided)?

y = - 3 sin(πx – π/2)


The general rotation of a curve f(x, y) is given by :f(x, y) becomes f(xcosa-ysina, xsina+ycosa)Where 'a' is the angle of rotation in degrees.For a sinusoidal curve i.e. y=sinx, rotating the curve by an angle 'a' gives the following curve:xsina+ycosa=sin(xcosa-ysina)So as per your question, along y=x, 'a' would be 45 degrees.Hence the curve's equation becomes something like:(x+y)/sqrt(2)= sin ((x-y)/sqrt(2))

There is a common misconception about the tangent1. The line is not called a tangent.2. the point of intersection of the line and curve is the tangent.Edit 2..cos of my smart and nagging brother Prathu Garg..:P1. The line is not called a tangent, call it a tangent LINE2. the point of intersection of the line and curve is the tangent, or some people might prefer, the point of tangency.The line is said to be TANGENTIAL to the curve at a point, the point of Intersection.Hence in the case of sin(x), the line y=+-1 are the only two lines, which are tangential at multiple points. If there are multiple lines, each line needs to have it's own equation, Since the equation of the line is the same, the line is the same.Edit 1:Let us consider the analogy. Suppose there is a road named after a super star, say A.B. Road.Now does the super star live in all the houses of the road?NO!!similarly, the tangential line is named after the point, hence tangential to the curve, AT A POINTWithout the point, the line can not exist, but that does not mean that every point on the line is a tangent. the point is called the tangent, or the point of tangency.In our case, for the sine graph, the road seems to be the Malibu coast line..:P

Function can be defined as a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output.I assume that we are checking functions in x.The only point to check is that there must be no more than one y for some arbitrary x in the entire domain of the relation.Now if we check according to this.A. The graph seems to be parabolic in nature.Y=Ax^2 +Bx+C (General Equation).Which is indeed a function.B. It is some kind of rough sinusoidal curve which is indeed a function.C. This curve is clearly a circle which is definitely not a function.D. Again the final curve is a parabola but with the axes inverted as compared to the general equation of A. And this is also not a function.A more lenient way is the Vertical Line test which tells you to drop vertical lines over the entire domain of the function and if these lines cut the curve at maximum of ONE point then the curve is a function otherwise some other beautiful relationship between x and y.Hence, option B would be the correct answer according to my assumption.Otherwise all other curves except the circle is a function in general. D would be a function in y.