The Future Is A Fiction.

Ideas for a future fiction story?

I am thinking of writing a new story but recently my mind has been a blank! I have a general idea of the setting but i don't know how to start or what plot to follow...

Main character: teenage girl, attends boarding school
Setting: Future Earth, when our era is destroyed and new civilization is built in it's ruins.
Background: This country is set in the future and to the citizens it is perfect, a utopia. The main character discovers the government is hiding something outside of the country's boundaries and wants to run away to find it.

I'm just taking ideas because no idea is a bad one, really... Thanks :)

What is science fiction?

a type of fiction (writing that tells an imaginary story that wouldn't happen in real life) that can be about science or tecnology today or in the future

For example:
-some horror books or movies
-stuff about aliens or space
-superhero comics or movies
-fantasies like Harry Potter or something
-stuff with robots or time travel
-something like "The day after tomarrow" or "The day the earth stood still"

i hope that helps some

What is "literary" fiction?

Generally an instructor who asks this means no ghost stories (like Alice Sebold's "The Lovely Bones"), no science fiction (like Cormac McCarthy's "The Road"), no mystery (like Walter Mosely's "Little Scarlet"), and no romance (like Jane Austen's "Persuasion").

Generally an instructor is looking for character-driven fiction in which the language is as important as the big ideas that drive the story (like George Orwell's "Animal Farm," only with no animals, which would make it genre.) Generally an instructor means that he or she does not want to read about gore, or stuff with lots of technology, or set on another planet, or told from the point of view of an ant, or set in a land of monsters, or in the future.

What's left? If you can get to a book store or the library, get a copy of the Best American Short Fiction and see what is considered the best of short literary fiction. There are several online literary magazines you could check out. Here's a couple: