The Joints In My Fingers Hurt All The Time And I

Joints ache and hurt all the time, only 28yo?

There are several reasons for the problem you are having, but taking anti-inflammatory drugs only makes things worse because the inflammation is part of the body's healing process. Stop it with the drugs, and you simply stop the healing process.

One thing that is very easy to try first before anything else is to properly hydrate your body. In many cases, just the lack of good hydration will cause this problem.

The average person needs water at the following rate:

Take your total body weight and divide by 2. That number is the amount of water in ounces that you need to drink each and everyday. Along with that, you should consume 1/4 teaspoon of "air dried sea salt" in conjunction with each quart of water you drink. This puts the electrolytes in your body that will give you proper hydration. The typical white table salt you buy in stores like the Morton Salt, for instance, is terrible for you and has loads of chemicals added. Avoid that junk. If you drink ANY diuretic drinks like, sodas, coffee, tea, alcohol, commercially prepared fruit drinks, energy drinks, etc., these all dehydrate you and you will need to add more water to the total to compensate for the water loss due to these diuretic drinks. Take the total ounces of the diuretic drinks and multiply by 1.5 and add that total to the original total to come up with the proper amount of water you need to drink each day.

A few other obscure things can cause this as well, like LYMES DISEASE. If you live in an area where lots of deer are present, you definitely need to get a blood test to see if this may be the problem. This is a disease that is misdiagnosed more than about any other disease and it can be gone in about 3 weeks with the proper nutrients.

Drugs are NOT the answer to degenerative problems. Doctors treat symptoms and so the symptom here is pain. Pain killers are NOT health; they are "MAKE BELIEVE HEALTH" and the typical answer.

good luck to you

Your joints can make a variety of sounds: popping, cracking, grinding, and snapping. The joints that "crack" are the knuckles, knees, ankles, back, and neck. There are different reasons why these joints "sound off".Escaping gases: Scientists explain that synovial fluid present in your joints acts as a lubricant. The fluid contains the gases oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. When you pop or crack a joint, you stretch the joint capsule. Gas is rapidly released, which forms bubbles. In order to crack the same knuckle again, you have to wait until the gases return to the synovial fluid.Movement of joints, tendons and ligaments: When a joint moves, the tendon’s position changes and moves slightly out of place. You may hear a snapping sound as the tendon returns to its original position. In addition, your ligaments may tighten as you move your joints. This commonly occurs in your knee or ankle, and can make a cracking sound.Rough surfaces: Arthritic joints make sounds caused by the loss of smooth cartilage and the roughness of the joint surface.Is your joint cracking harmful? If you are feeling pain when your joints pop, then you should seek a health care professional. In terms of knuckle cracking, some studies show that knuckle cracking does not cause serious harm. Other studies show that repetitive knuckle cracking can do some damage to the soft tissue of the joint. It may also lead to a weak grip and a swelling hand.

First off, see a doctor.I imagine that by now you have. But, if not, please do. Regardless, I'll include this answer for anyone else with similar symptoms.You are on the young side for arthritis but that does not preclude it. Weight lifting, gripping a weight bar tightly and repetitively, could predispose to this. As could other sorts of so-called Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI). RSI goes by various names including Repetitive Trauma and Cumulative Stress and Trauma as well as Overuse Syndrome. Trigger finger, that was mentioned in another answer, is not typically as diffuse as you seem to describe your symotomsFor the sake of completeness, even though you are young, I will include the answer I gave to a related question Why are my hands stiff and painful in the morning?Morning Stiffness, which this sounds like, is typically associated with arthritis.Which arthritis? Usually Rheumatoid (RA) or Ostearthritis (OA) , though others as well.  And conditions such as Lupus and Fibromyalgia.In Rheumatoid arthritis, the stiffness typically lasts longer than in Osteoarthritis. Could be at least a half hour.In Osteoarthritis, generally the symptoms last less than a half hourThere may be exceptions in duration for inflammatory variants (i.e Osteoarthritis can have inflammation to greater or lesser degrees)RA and OA can co-existWhile Carpal Tunnel Syndrome gets much press and is important to know about, and while it may co-exist with arthritis, morning stiffness is not a typical symptom.See your doctor/ a doctor as soon as you can to confirm the diagnosis. This is usually straightforward based on a thorough history and physical supplemented as needed with x-ray and blood tests such as CRP (C reactive protein) and ESR (sedimentation rate).REFERENCES:Morning stiffness and its influence onA reevaluation of the symptom of morni

Why do all of my joints hurt all of a sudden?

Wow, Steph... This could be anything from arthritis to fibromyalgia. I know what you are saying about the ankle stuff - I have flat feet and so I have chronic pain in my ankles. Since the pain suddenly appeared over the weekend without any notice, ask yourself some questions: Was it colder than it has been? Did you over-exert yourself? Do you have a family history of arthritis? Have you recently (last few months) been in a car accident or something serious like that?

Some people listed some great stuff. I would definitely so see a doctor and start taking some Advil or Aleve now to ease the pain and reduce the swelling. Heating pads will make you more comfortable too and take some of the stiffness out.

As some others have stated, knowing your age would be a help, but it doesn't really matter that much because obviously, whatever is attacking your joints is most likely not age relevant. I mean, this could even be the result of 100 other things.

Definitely call the doc. Take some medication. Use some heat or take a nice bath.

Good Luck & Take Care!!

Why am i so tired all the time and my joints ache so much too?

Find a specialist and of course get a full work up including a CBC ASAP. Do not play around with this.

Ironically, just by taking the action of going to a Dr. you will begin to feel "some" improvement! Some of this is in your head- "some"- probably not most of it. You have to find the ROOT CAUSE. Everything is connected.

Congrats on diet and exercise- you are better off than most because of it. The fact is, it could be any number of hundreds if not thousands of conditions- mono, lyme disease, etc. but don't get too worked up over the blog's of YAnswers folks- we are not Dr.'s- just go see yours and get away for the weekend to the beach alone and just read- take it easy- reduce stress- get a massage; don't drink; don't over exercise. Don't overlook the mental component- you could be really stressed over something too.

Acoustic guitar training and my fingers hurt?

When I was teaching myself guitar, I didn't know what were calluses. You're developing them right now. It will hurt very much at first for a beginner. If you practice guitar for 2 hours a day, 7 days a week, oh boy you'd be done developing your calluses really quickly, but I suggest you to not stress your fingers too much. Your fingers will get used to pressing on the strings once you get your calluses.

How will your fingers feel like once you get your calluses, you may ask yourself? The tip of your fingers will become hard and the skin might crack.. and peel off. A lot of skin will peel off once you're almost done developing. But after awhile, it just becomes solid hard and your fingers won't hurt as much anymore :).

Good luck! Don't stress your fingers too much.

Why do my hips hurt all the time?

Tight muscles in your lower back can press onto the nerves going to the hips to cause pains in them. As tight muscles don't show up on scans they go undiagnosed. To get rid of the pains you have to free up your back muscles and here's how to do that:
(do from a sitting position)
Place your left hand on your left leg next to your body. Place your right hand over your left shoulder, fingers over the back and the palm in the front and firmly pull down on them and hold. After 30 seconds slowly lower your body forward and to the outside of your left leg, keeping your left arm fairly straight as you do. When you reach your lap remain there for another 10 seconds, release the pressure but rest there for another 30 seconds. Then reverse your hand positions and do your right side.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.

Fingers hurt from playing guitar - I need advice?

It's just your fingers conditioning themselves. It's pretty much letting you know that your fingers are toughening up, but the process will hurt. I played guitar for a year or two and mine hurt pretty bad as well. Just do what your dad said, dip them in alcohol. It should help, then it won't hurt to play as much.