The Koch Brothers Spent 180 Million Dollars Trying To Affect Midterms Fight Global Warming Laws

What is the relationship between the GOP and the Koch brothers?

Imagine two professional dog-sitters walking an enormous pack on leashes.Kidding… Koch Industries is enormous, owning everything from oil companies to household cleaning supplies. Through their wealth, they finance a fair portion of Republican candidates and events.The John Birch Society tie is pretty important, too. They've practically “trained” the party to follow their orders for decades… and those voters trained their children, who grew up to be conservative voters, training their children to be conservative voters, etc… That fanatic loyalty is a BIG part of Republican success; a huge number of their talking points, was taught to me as fact in public schools in the 80s. For example, the mantra “Minimum wage hikes cause prices to rise”, even though one case history after another around the world for a century has shown that to be false.The Kochs are the modern day equivalent of the Catholics who insisted the world was flat, and certainly have plenty of followers unwilling to challenge their worldview. Why would they? It's what they've been taught for seventy years. However, as long as the keep funding politicians, their power won't be diminished easily. They've crushed alternative energy plans, deforestation limits, wage/benefit laws for worker protection… They are in a position where having power enables them to buy more power, thus continually furthering their goals.