The Number Of Planets Suitable For Human Colonies X In A Solar System Can Be Considered .

After Earth which is the best planet in the solar system?

In our solar system, Earth is the only planet suitable for living.But we are also looking forward to martian settlements in near future. Our neighbour Mars has a very weak magnetic field and the solar winds cause unimaginable destruction. The surface is covered with volcanoes and craters but there is ice on the poles and it is thought that there could be water beneath the surface. It is also believed that life could have existed on Mars earlier but it may have been wiped out due to various reasons.Another planet which is considered to be similar to Earth is the Venus. But Venus is very close to the sun and is extremely hot due to the absence of an atmosphere. It is very very hot during the day and extremely cold at night. It's surface is covered with volcanoes and it has a horrifying and bizzare environment. Hence it is not suitable for human settlements.Similarly other planets like Uranus and Neptune have extremely cold environments and not suitable for humans.Except Earth all other planets in the solar system have very harsh and unforgiving environment.So it is difficult to say that any other planet could be best for living.

Is it possible for humans to live on another planet after Earth is no longer inhabitable?

Yes it is possible. But from the point of view of the survival of the human race it actually isn’t the most optimal thing to do.The most optimal thing to do would be, when earth starts to become less habitable, but before it becomes completely uninhabitable, to terraform the earth back to full habitability.The thing is, at that point the earth would still be closer to habitable for humans, and thus easier to terraform back to full habitability, than any other planet in our solar system, and it would be easier to terraform the earth in this fashion than it would be to transport humans in any significant number to any planet outside of our solar system.At no point in earth’s history since earth’s Hadean Era has earth ever been less habitable than Mars, the next most habitable planet in our solar system.If you could send 10,000 human colonists back in time to the very worst period of any of earth’s five great mass extinctions, they would, in all five cases, still find it easier to survive, requiring less sophisticated technology with less effort and danger, than 10,000 human colonists sent to Mars.Earth in the aftermath of a full blown nuclear war would still be more habitable for humans than Mars.In the distant future, when the brightening sun flips Earth into a runaway greenhouse, Earth will still be more habitable than Mars.Even by the time Earth completes the transition to full runaway greenhouse, and becomes akin to Venus, the brightening sun will have brightened enough to also reduce Mars’ potential habitability, such that and it would likely still be easier and cheaper for humans (if they are still around at that point) to terraform Earth back to habitability than it would be to travel to Mars and then terraform it. And in that extreme scenario, building mobile space arks to live in would be more economical and effective than trying to terraform either world.Indeed, the same technology necessary to successfully terraform any planet other than Earth, would also allow, with less effort and cost, the building of space habitats. And that would be the best option if it were ever necessary for humans to actually leave the earth for survival. (ie the situation is so dire that terraforming the earth is not an option, such as complete destruction of the planet for whatever reason)There are many good reasons for humans to try to colonize other planets, but as a “backup plan” for species survival in case earth should become uninhabitable is not one of them.

Will humans be able to settle on any other planet in future?

We will never live on other planets. When I say “we” ; I mean anyone currently alive. If you are Hindu/Buddhist, yes one day you will as you have infinite lives, reincarnation is fun concept isn’t it. But sad news for others: right now humanity doesn’t have enough energy or tech or will power or money or leadership to achieve it.Right now we have Mars and Venus as prospective candidates for terra-formation. Well Mars is too light (0.38g) and Venus(0.9 g) is too toxic and hot.Terra-formation will require huge intellectual/ computational investment in terms of understanding the science of terraformation (we have never gone General Zod on any planet yet). Contrary to pop science videos we have not idea how exactly it will work or how long it will take?Energy/tech required to transform a planet is simply not there. No: 1 or 2 nuclear bombs are not going to do it despite what Elon Musk says.Even at societal level we are not ready for it. Which organization can undertake this challenge? Who will pay for it? How the benefits of terra-formation (mining/ residency) will be distributed? How the interplanetary disputes will be handled?We have to wait for more progress in all spheres of our civilization before this will be a good idea. We are yet to attain Type I status on Kardashev scale. Fingers crossed; if all goes well , we may do it in next 200 years. That may be a reasonable time-frame of multi-planetary existence for us. Even then it the existence on another planets may be vastly unpleasant compared to your rosy imaginations.By very optimistic measures we may see some type of Mars station (like International space station) on Mars in our lives.Note : This image is just very optimistic artistic vision.

Was there a new planet found in the solar systom called gilease?

iv heard many stories that a new planet was discovered near earth called (gilease) i think. is this true and is it able to hold life? is nasa planing to colinise this planet?

What is the most livable planet between Saturn, Venus, or Jupiter, please explain?

Well maybe with one of the gas giants a colony could be built in one of the cloud layers, but even then it wouldn't be a very pleasant existence, it would be more suited for a prison colony.