The Perimeter Of The Rectangle Is 130 Units. Find The Length Of The Side Qr.

The perimeter of the rectangle below is 120 units. Find the length of side AB .?

I'm not sure you have this question right... If you have a rec DCAB then "side" DA would not actually be a side. It's the diagonal of the rectangle making it the hypotenuse of the right triangle DAB. To solve that you would need to find the length of side DB. By a^2 + b^2 = c^2
So it would be. DB^2 + BA(4z)^2 = DA(5z-3)^2

Solve for DB and the use the formula
2DB + 2BA = 120
That will tell you what z is and then you just plug that back in to find the sides.

Find the length and width of a rectangle that has a perimeter P and a maximum area?

that's a situation in Differential Calculus and being so, the prognosis/answer ought to contain a Differential Calculus idea (differentiation) and not in any respect trial-and-mistakes. the first formula to think about is section = A = LW the position L = length of the rectangle W = width of the rectangle considering the fact that Perimeter = P = 36 = 2(L + W), then W = 18 - L and substituting this contained in the formula for the section, A = L(18 - L) = 18L - L^2 Differentiating the above, dA/dL = 18 - 2L and for dA/dL to be optimal, it will be set equivalent to 0. therefore, dA/dL = 0 = 18 - 2L fixing for L, L = 9 considering the fact that L = 9 ft, then W = 18 - L = 18 - 9 W = 9 ft to envision even if the calculated dimensions will certainly yield the optimal section, take the 2d spinoff of the unique equation for the section, d^2A/dL^2 = -2L and considering the fact that d^2A/dL^2 < 0 (detrimental value) then the calculated values are the size which will yield the optimal section. answer: Dimensions are: length = Width = 9 ft

Let the length of the rectangle be x and that of the breadth be y.Since the length is twice of its breadth,therefore x/y= 2/1.=> x=2y. Perimeter of the rectangle is 60m. => 2(x+y)= 60. => x+y= 30. Area of the rectangle = xy . Substituting the value of x as 2y in the equation x+y = 30 we get 3y = 30 . =>y= 10. Since x=2y,the value of x=20. Area of the rectangle = 20 x 10 =200 m sq units.

Perimeter of Rectangle, Find side length help?

Okay... the rectangle ABCD is made up of sides AB, BC, CD, and AD.

If DA is 2y+3, then the side opposite (BC) it is also 2y+3 because a rectangle is made up of two parallel lines intersecting at right angles. The same applies to AB and CD.

The total is 106.

106 = 2y+3, 2y+3, 3y, and 3y.

106 = 10y+6 (I added everything together)

100 = 10y (I subtracted 6 from each side)

10 = y (I divided each side by 10)

So, BC is the side opposite DA, making it equal to 2y+3.

2(10)+3 simplifies to 20 + 3, simplifies to 23.

Your answer is 23.

The perimeter of the rectangle below is 130 units. Find the length of the side QR.?

PS = 5x
QR = 4x +2
Perimeter: 2(L + W) = 130
2(5x + 4x +2) = 130
10x +8x +4 = 130
18x = 130 -4
18x = 126
x = 126/18
x = 7
QR = 4x +2 = 4(7) + 2 = 30 units

Pythagorean Theoem(Side 1)^2 + (side 2) ^2 = (Hyptenuse)^2x^2 +   126^2 = 130^2x^2 + 126^2 - 126^2 = 130^2 - 126^2x^2 = 16900 - 15876x^2 = 1024 SqRt(x^2) = SqRt(1024)x = 32��C 8�0Source: Joe

Perimeter of a rectangle = 2 x (Length + breadth) = pLet initial length be 'l'and initial breadth be 'b'Therefore , 2 x ( l + b) = 25 cmNow dimensions are tripled. So the new length is 3 times the original length i.e. 3l and similarly breadth is 3b So, new perimeter  = 2 x (New Length + New Breadth)                     = 2 x ( 3l + 3b)                     =  3 x ( 2 x (l+b))                     = 3 x original perimeter                     = 3 x 25 cm                     = 75 cm

The perimeter P, i.e., the distance around a rectangle, is given by the formula: P = 2l + 2w, where l and w are the length and the width of the rectangle, respectively.Since the perimeter P is 10 times the width w, then we can write this as:P = 10w, andsubstituting into the perimeter formula, we get:10w = 2l + 2wNow, solving for l, we first subtract 2w from both sides of the equation as follows:10w- 2w = 2l + 2w - 2wNow, collecting like-terms on both the right and left sides, we get:8w = 2l + 02l = 8wNow, dividing both sides by 2 to isolate l and thus solve for l, we have:(2l)/2 = (8w)/2(2/2)l = (8/2)w(1)l = 4wl = 4wCHECK: P = 2l + 2w10w = 2(4w) + 2w10w = 8w + 2w10w = 10wTherefore, the length of the given rectangle is indeed 4 times the width, i.e., l = 4w.

Find the maximum area for a rectangle with a perimeter of 36 feet. state the length and width?

This is a problem in Differential Calculus and being so, the analysis/solution should involve a Differential Calculus concept (differentiation) and not trial-and-error.

The first formula to consider is

Area = A = LW


L = length of the rectangle
W = width of the rectangle


Perimeter = P = 36 = 2(L + W),

then W = 18 - L and substituting this in the formula for the area,

A = L(18 - L) = 18L - L^2

Differentiating the above,

dA/dL = 18 - 2L

and for dA/dL to be maximum, it should be set equal to 0. Hence,

dA/dL = 0 = 18 - 2L

Solving for L,

L = 9

Since L = 9 feet, then

W = 18 - L = 18 - 9

W = 9 feet

To check whether the calculated dimensions will indeed yield the maximum area, take the second derivative of the original equation for the area,

d^2A/dL^2 = -2L

and since

d^2A/dL^2 < 0 (negative value) then the calculated values are the dimensions that will yield the maximum area.


Dimensions are:

Length = Width = 9 feet

The area A of a rectangle is given by the formula: A = lw, where w = the width of the rectangle, and l = the length of the rectangle.The perimeter P of a rectangle is the distance around a rectangle and is given by the following formula:P = 2l + 2wSince the length l is 2 larger than the width, then we can write the following equation which relates l and w: l = w + 2Now, substituting P = 32 and l = w + 2 into the perimeter formula, we have:P = 2l + 2w32 = 2(w + 2) + 2w32 = 2(w) + 2(2) + 2w32 = 2w + 4 + 2w32 = 2w + 2w + 432 = 4w + 432 - 4 = 4w + 4 - 432 - 4 = 4w + 028 = 4w4w = 28 (Since equality is symmetric, i.e., if a = b, then b = a)4w/4 = 28/4(4/4)w = 28/4(1)w = 7w = 7Therefore, ...l = w + 2l = 7 + 2l = 9CHECK:P = 2l + 2w32 = 2(9) + 2(7)32 = 18 + 1432 = 32Therefore, the area of the given rectangle is:A = lw = (9)(7)A = 63 square units