The Side Of My Toe Nail Hurts Help

The side of my big toe hurts?

It's been more severe over the past few days, I'm 13, also I wanna know what this is and if it's serious, ok so it's on my right foot on the right side of my big toe, it's reddish purple and is painful when touching it even lightly, so walking is impossible. It's not an ingrown toenail because my toe nail looks absolutely normal. My whole upper toe is stiff.


ok so a few weeks ago I put on a pair of uggs and they were a little snug, as I had gotten them last christmas. So when I took them off I noticed a red bump on the side of my toe that hurts when I would touch it. (ive had this b4 and I went away within a few days) so I got a toothpick and put it between my toenail and the red bump to see if there was any gunk built up there. It was painful so I stopped. I then decided to get some toenail clippers and clip the side of my toenail that hurt when touched. So that when I walk my toenail doesn't dig into the red bump. The next morning my toe nail on the top hurt when I put pressure. So I started picking at the red bump and pressing at it to see if it would deflate... But nope it just hurt. A few days later I got some medical tape and antibiotic ointment and put some on the side and top of toe and wrapped with the medical tape. It felt better but I took it off a few days later and now I just put a ton of ointment on b4 I go to bed and hope that it gets better in the morning but it hasn't and it's been 2 weeks..): please help me. I don't want to cut off my toenail of anything so just a pain free way to resolve this problem immediately will help!!(: thanks!

Side of Toenail Hurts?

So the side of my right big toe hurts. It's like deep pain inside. If I were to press on the side of my left toe it doesn't bother me. But on my right it does. There's so ooze or anything like that that an ingrown nail looks like (from what've I've seen of pictures) but it hurts. My toenails are cut short so it doesn't bother me whenever I wear certain shoes. But the deep left side of my toenail hurts. It's not like the actual nail on it's left side (from what you can see looking down) it's the actual side of the nail or maybe it's the skin surrounding it. I don't know what exactly it is but it hurts. What is it and how can I fix it? It's been like this for some months but it looks completely normal. I showed it to my mom and she just tells me about new shoes and how you break them in. I HAVE NO NEW SHOES. It's really bugging me that it hurts like a *****. xD so help please?
Thank you.

Big toe hurts?


When I press down on my toenail, it hurts...?

possibly ingrown - good luck! Maybe u wont feel it too much once u get going and those endorphins kick in - also don't mess with it b/c it could get worse.

Help i have puss in my toe, right by the nail. what does this mean?

Sounds like an ingrown toenail. The best course of action is to go see the doctor (family doc, or podiatrist) and have them take a look. they will most likely put you on an antibiotic for the infection and then, after the infection is gone, remove the ingrown part of the nail.
If you don't want to go to the doctor (I recommend seeing the doctor) you can relieve some of the pain by taking a straight pin and sterilizing it (dip it in rubbing alcohol and then get it hot with a lighter) and then pricking the infected part of the toe. After you do that you should squeeze the pus out and then pour hydrogen peroxide on the area to clean it. Then put some triple antibiotic ointment on it and bandage the toe. This will be a painful process, but it is effective. I would still recommend going to the doctor to get the ingrown toenail removed though, so you don't continue to get infections.

What do I do with my big toe nail that grows into my skin and hurt so much?

Although there might be more than one cause, the most probable one is that you are suffering from an ingrowing toe nail. The most important thing is that you do not attempt to cut or pull any part of the nail when you have this as you will most likely cause more damage. Visit your podiatrist so that the correct treatment is administered which will most likely involve a minor procedure where a wedge of the nail which is penetrating the skin is removed.

How can I deal with ingrowing toenail?

Before knowing the treatment for ingrown toenails it is also very important to know what ingrown toenail is. So, let me make this very clear that an ingrown toenail is also known as unguis incarnatus or onychocryptosis.It is very painful condition of the toes and it used to take place when a sharp edge or corner of the toenail digs into the skin at the end of or side of the toe. Inflammation and pain at the spot where the toenail curls into the skin occurs and later on, the inflamed area can start to grow extra tissue or drain yellowish fluid. This is all about ingrown toenails. Now, let us have a look what can you do to treat ingrown toenails.Well, when it comes to treating ingrown toenails, there are several treatments available but trying the natural one is very important and effective. Natural treatments also do not have any side effects, so you can easily try them at home. So, look below to know what natural treatments are available to cure ingrown toenails:#1: Try a Foot Soak: I think you should first try soaking your foot in warm salt water. Yes, you can soak your sore toe in warm water bath for about 10 minutes every day. This will help you get relief from pain and inflammation you get due to ingrown toenails.#2: Keep Your Toes Dry: After you complete the above step, you need to completely soak the foot and keep your feet dry all the time.#3: Take Pain-Relieving Medication: You can also take over-the-counter pain relieving medications like ibuprofen and acetaminophen.#4: Pull The skin Away From the Toenails: You can then pull the skin away from the nail with the use of small nail filer or other blunt device that will not hurt or cut the toe.#5: Rub Your Toe With Antibiotic Ointment: You can also rub your toe with any antibiotic ointment to help reduce the chances of developing any infection.You can try all these ways to treat ingrown toenails with the best natural treatments that are mentioned-above. They are so easy to apply, so do not skip any treatment. If you have a little bit time in your daily life and way to fix ingrown toenails at home only the just for these treatments.

Corner of big toe hurts?

When I research "corners of big toe hurting" on yahoo answers I keep seeing results for ingrown toenails. I do not have in grown toe nails are perfectly even, no abnormal growth forming, bleeding infection or anything. For some reason on the side of my big toe not on the nail but where the skin is, when I push down on it, where tight shoes, or walk for a long time it really hurts. It has come and gone for a number of years. The pain isn't unbearable but it does hurt and is annoying. What do u think it might be?