The Single Most Important Factor Which Aided Europe In The Rise Of The Renaissance

What caused the Renaissance to begin?

The fall of Constantinople.With the fall of Constantinople in 1453 C.E. by the invasion of the Turks, the Greek scholars who were residing there, spread all over Europe, and brought with them invaluable Greek manuscripts. The discovery of these classical models resulted in the 'Revival of Learning' in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The essence of this movement was that “man discovered himself and the universe”, and that “man, so long blinded had suddenly opened his eyes to see”. The flood of Greek literature which the new art of printing carried swiftly to every school in Europe revealed a new world of poetry and philosophy.[1]The Renaissance in Europe was in one sense awakening from the long slumber of the Dark Ages. What had been a stagnant, even backsliding kind of society reinvested in the promise of material and spiritual gain. The fourteenth century through the sixteenth centuries in Europe witnessed a deliberate break with feudal modes of living. Aristocratic landowners lost their hegemony over the lower classes, as opportunities for growth and enrichment beckoned from the swelling urban centres.In Italy, for example, educated citizens rediscovered the grace and power of their classical, pagan traditions. Greek and Roman mythologies and philosophies served as the inspirational material for a new wave of artistic creation. Intellectuals adopted a line of thought known as 'humanism', in which mankind was believed capable of earthly perfection beyond what had ever been imagined before. The overwhelming spirit of the times was optimism, an unquenchable belief that life was improving for the first time in anyone's memory.Indeed, the spectre of The Dark Ages and The Black Death were still fresh in people's minds, but the promise of moving forward and away from such horrors was wholeheartedly accepted.Footnotes[1] Redirect Notice

What factors led to the beginning of the Renaissance in Northern Europe?

There were many factors, but here are some of the most notable:The rise of many, independent city states with new, younger leaders created more liberty and opportunity for people.The re-introduction of the Greek & Roman classics that had been hidden for centuries were very inspiring.The rise of trade with Italy being the hub not only inspired ideas, but also lead to wealth accumulation that could fund invention and the arts. This had been developing for centuries, but trade started flourishing in the decades leading up the the Renaissance.(Later) the Printing press, so the average person could gain access to information that was only before available to the privileged few.The Black Plague had killed ~1/3 of all Europeans, which had positive effects for the survivors later, including increased access to land, which was often monopolized by Feudal lords, while mobility increased, permitting people to go where the opportunity was.

What caused the Renaissance?

The Medici were jerks. Don't listen to Victor.

King Frog is right. The crusades pulled western Europe out of the dark ages. We brought back science, math, art, and spices back from the Middle East.

Another key factor is the Printing Press. There were finally enough books to go around, including the Bible, hence Christianity Reforms.

The most defining point to the Renaissance was the rise of the "bourgeois" or the middle class.

Why did the renaissance start in Florence?

Florence was one of the wealthiest areas in Italy during the Renaissance. (That entire area actually was.) It was also a MAJOR trade route because of it's geographic location, and it was a very active commerce center. (The manufacture of woolen cloth alone was a large revenue source in Florence as this was a material highly in demand)

Those factors worked in conjunction with the rise of Roman Catholicism in the region to build a robust political climate where change and new ideas could flourish. (Probably a reason why a lot of Renaissance art you see, especially early work, is religious in theme.) Also, the feudal system began to come to an end, giving people more freedom and independence which also helped them focus on building wealth and patronize the arts. (Remember that painters, sculptors back them usually commissioned and did not "do art for art's sake" primarily.)

The Medici family was also a major force at play here. They were a banking family and based in Florence and huge patrons of the arts so they alone helped to stimulate a lot of the artistic culture there.

Hope that helps! :)

What factors led to feudalism in Europe?

I would like to make it very short and simple: Change of warfare.After the Roman Empire declined, local princes needed warriors to fight their wars. At first, every free peasant took a spear and a shild, a sling or a bow and joined the army like their Germanic forefathers did since about 1,000 years.Then, armour and weapons were getting better and more expensive, and you were even needing a horse to be an able fighter. Not every peasant could afford all that equipment. So, every village put their money together and armed one or two riders (often the most wealthy or the most popular men) who were sent to the local chief in wartimes. As time went on, these riders took over more and more adminstrations duties, the sons of the riders inherited the positions from their fathers, and eventually became Knights, reigning over a small territory and being loyal to their local feudal prince. Their former co-workers became their serfs.

Why do you think the Renaissance began in Italy and not in another part of Europe?

Renaissance started as cultural and artistic revolution, which at the beginning was interested in revival of antiquity in the art, philosophy, and culture. From the end of the Roman Empire to the rise of Renaissance, Europe always looked for an inspiration into its own past as was Carolingian or Otton Revival or the 12th century renaissance. These cultural and social movement were rather short lived, but it was to some extent a try to extract an intellectual wealth of the classical civilization. 15th century Italy was looking into model that would supersede present art that was dominating Europe for 300 years. Northern Italians looked into its own past and many artists, humanists, philanthropists, and philosophers were amazed with the superiority of the Roman civilization and compared its achievement with their contemporary era. One side the artist discovered beautiful villas, statues, and high level of living standard, while late medieval Europe seen to be a dreaded place. For that reason many artists like Vasari compared the medieval, gothic art and world to barbarian and primitive civilization as opposite of the idealized Roman past.
Italy as the core center of the classical world, had sufficient materials to study and exploit the past, which was not so possible in countries that were less connected with Roman civilization. Italy also benefited from economical boom where cities had sufficient resources to study classical art and implement it into its own world. At the same time, France was completely ravished by 100Year war and much of its cities plundered by England and Burgundy. Spain was busy with its reconquest, while German artists could not fully exploit the antiquity models for their own due complete lack of them in beyond the Alps. Other countries were still at the height of the Gothic cultural achievements which was around Europe well into 1530's. But Italy, prosperous, populous, and having large independent cities was ready for a new cultural movement. Renaissance eventually developed along side with Reformation and Age of discovery, but when first buildings were set up in 1450's, well before these two movements, it was just an emergence of new cultural imprint.