The State Of Texas Vs Mexico. Full On Conventional War. Who Would Win

Could the US win in a war against Mexico?

Mexico’s army and air force are extremely weak and underfunded. If the American government was taken over by nationalist crazies, the Mexican army would be highly motivated and probably would put up a brutal fight around Mexico’s urban centers, while being pretty helpless in open country.In any other circumstance than a direct American invasion, there wouldn’t be much of a war at all. Mexico has no capability to strike into American territory for any serious amount of damage. The American air and naval forces could commit any atrocities they cared to anywhere in Mexico. The American army could march back and forth as much as they cared to, shooting things and people up, but to what purpose? Why would they want to be in Mexico, anyway?It would be bloody business and a tragic one. The United States and Mexico have been at peace for 160 years. There isn’t anything to gain by violating that record.

Who would win in a war, Mexico vs Texas?

Texas pretty easily.

Who would win a war, Mexico or Spain?

Today? It depends whether either of them brings allies, and who shoots first (whoever does is actually at a disadvantage as the aggressor). Mexico's ally can clean anybody's clock. You might have heard of them.This war, however, already happened. It was called the Mexican Independence and its aftermath. And Spain already lost.It wasn't for lack of trying. After México won its independence in 1821 after 11 years of fighting, Spain tried to reconquer Mexico continuously from 1824 until 1829, every attempt having been unsuccessful. Mexico blockaded and took over - and to this day keeps - the island fortress of San Juan de Ulua, Spanish after 1821 but lost to Mexico in 1825 during these “reconquista” attempts.Mexico even considered invading and conquering Cuba, the other launch point of these reconquista expeditions. Stateman Lucas Alamán said something that still rings true after all this time:Cuba without Mexico is destined to be an imperialist puppet. Mexico without Cuba is a prisoner of its own Gulf.However, the plan was killed in Congress as counterproductive to a lasting peace, and also due to lack of a proper Navy (blockading tiny San Juan de Ulua with the small Navy Mexico counted on had been hard enough and Spain was still a major naval power).Spain didn't acknowledge Mexico as an independent nation until December 1836, when an exhausted Spain finally recognized Mexico as fully independent and signed a peace treaty.And of course, ever since there's been peace and even friendship and kinship. And they have served each other well as sister nations for generations now. A war between Mexico and Spain is unthinkable.

Did the United States fight the War of 1812 effectively? Explain?

totally Ineffective

the USA started the war to Annex Canada and Failed

the Royal marines won every battle except New Orleans and whilst Jackson was celebrating

the British went around New Orleans and beat the Garrison at Fort Bowyer which was the Last Decisive Battle in the war of 1812 won By the British

Who By the Way controlled all of the USA from the Great lakes to the Gulf of mexico with the Exception the Village of New Orleans

and some Americans claim that as a US victory lets hope that they never win any more wars as indecisive as the War of 1812

the British did Not want the War any more than they wanted the USA ut the won decisively Because Canada in NOT american

and Don't Judge the Generosity of the British as weakness their real Strength is asking for Nothing But secure Boarders for the Loyal Canadians

any one who says the USA won needs to look at the Objects of any war rake All the real estate so you control where and when to Fight

Wellington at waterloo and the USA at Fort Bowyer which was the last Battle in the British Victory in the war of 1812

Note if the Treaty had not been signed by the 13 then the 17.000 british troops direct from waterloo would have taken the last remaining little piece of the USA