The Water Will Move In And Out Of The Cel Into/from The Solution Because ____

What will happen when a plant cell is kept in hypotonic solution?

Plant cells are enclosed by a rigid cellwall. When the plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution , it takes up water by osmosis and starts to swell, but thecell wall prevents it from bursting. Theplant cell is said to have become "turgid" i.e. swollen and hard.Whereas If you kept it in hypertonic solution,If a plant cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, the plant cell loses water and hence turgor pressure by plasmolysis: pressure decreases to the point where the protoplasm of the cell peels away from the cell wall, leaving gaps between the cell wall and the membrane and making the plant cell shrink and crumple.Source :Google

The process by which water moves into and out of a cell is called:?

D. osmosis!

Water moves into a cell when the solution surrounding the cell is concentrated? yes or no? if so, why?

Generally the higher the concentration of dissolved materials surrounding a cell, the faster wants to move OUT of the cell, rather than in. This is called osmosis, where a fluid moves through a semi-permeable membrane in order to balance the concentrations; the cell membrane is an example of such a semi-permeable membrane.

What will happen to an animal cell placed in a pure water solution?

The cell will swell and eventually burst because the water on the outside is at higher concntration, than water inside the cell. Osmosis is a net movement of water across a concentration gradient.

How do red blood cells react in a hypotonic solution?

A hypotonic solution has a lower solute concentration than the inside of the red blood cells. Because of this, the osmotic forces would cause water from the solution to enter the cells. If left uncontrolled, the cells will eventually stretch and burst in a process called lysis. The solute concentration is also called the osmolarity and is expressed as the number of solute particles per liter of solution.

If the concentration of a sugar solution is lower outside the cell than inside the cell, perdict whatwill happ?

If the concentration of solutes (in this case, sugar) is lower outside of the cell relative to inside of the cell, this indicates that the concentration of water is greater outside of the cell. As a result, water will move from outside the cell (to where it is more concentrated) to inside of the cell (where it is less concentrated). The uptake of water into the cell will cause the cell to swell and lyse.

I should probably add that the cell wall of plants prevents lysis of the cell. Because animal cells lack a cell wall, they generally lyse in such a solution.

Why does a plant cell placed in a hypertonic solution not burst?

It's simply law of osmosis.In osmosis solvent particles move from lower solute concentration to higher solute concentration until both the solution acquire the same concentration. So when a plant cell is kept in hypertonic solution (having more solute concentration), the solvent particles move outside the cell causing it to shrink, which is also known as plasmolysis of cell.When a plant cell is kept in hypotonic solution (having less solute concentration), the solvent particles move inside the cell causing it to swell up which is also known as deplasmolysis. But due to the presence of cell wall, plant cell can not burst. Cell wall is a very stratchable boundary made up of cellulose mainly which makes the plant cell non-collapsable (but animal cells can burst in hypotonic solution due to absence of cell wall)Hope this answers your doubt. :)

What happens when you place a cell in a hypotonic solution?

I have a really quick and easy way to remember this.If a cell is placed in hypOtonic solution, it well swell up (water flows inside the cell. I remember this by the letter ‘O’ looking like a swollen cell. Also think hypo=low concentration of solutes meaning excess water outside the cell which will come in. Whenever you see hypo it means low. (Hypotension, hypotonic etc etc).If a cell is placed in Hypertonic solution, it will crenate (shrink as the water flows out. You can also kinda look at the ‘e’ in hypertonic; the ‘e’ is kinda small and wrinkly like the cell when it shrinks down. Also the prefix ‘hyper-’ means something is high (hypertension=high blood pressure), which in this case means there is a high concentration of solutes that water will need to flow out of the cell to balance out.This is a quick and easy way of working it out at a glance, but it’s always a good idea to know the reasons behind why it works because then you won’t need memory tricks. Understanding makes it easier.

If a cell which has a concentration of 10% salt...?

If a cell which has a concentration of 10% salt is placed in a beaker of water containing 5% salt then the cell is_____ compared to the beaker of water which is_______and the cell will_________.

Can you fill in the blanks? Plz and ty

How does a Elodea cell change in a salt solution?

Normally, the cell membrane is up against the cell wall, pushed there by physical pressure within which balances the tendency for water to move into the cell toward the greater concentration of solutes within the cell.

With your salt solution, the environment is now hypertonic to the cell. Water moves out of the cell. The cell membrane is no longer pushed up against the cell wall.