The World Will Be Saved By The Western Woman

What Should western women be aware of when dating Arab men?

How about forgetting all the other answers because they were written by either ignorant people who never actually experienced being with Arab men , or they are islamophobic feminists .From my experience there are a lot of bad Arab guys and a lot of good ones , so don't go generalizing , if you do find one , you'll have to prepare for the following :He is over protective of you , and won't hesitate to punch someone who either disrespects you or tries to pick you upHe is over gentlemanly , like he will always open doors for you , bring you flowers , he won't let you pay when you go out (it's actually funny because Most Arab men think it's the manly thing to do , and if they don't do it they are not manly enough , and unfortunately some girls use that to their advantage)He might be conservative , in which case he will be more inclined to tell you to wear more modest clothing and not look at other guys or talk to other guys alot.Depending on his mentality , to tell you the truth I've noticed two types of mentalities (and this is also generalizing but it's putting things in perspective) :The player : this type is generally aggressive and only wants sex , and since most of the Arabic communities are sexually deprived(their own fault) he will be only viewing you as a sex object ( feminists calm down)The nice guy : those are more friendly and open and will gain your trust first then they will try to ask you out , althought they are equally attracted to girls like the players , but they are less aggressiveIn the end dating an Arab guy is only interesting if the person you're with isArabic culture is very rich with many beautiful things (like we have 7 different words for different degrees of love! How cool is that?)but being with a man isn't affected very much by his background culture , only through the way that man has responded to that background and the way he chose to grow himself mentally and emotionally will decide your experience with him.Edit#1: Actually there are about a hundred words for love as pointed out by Nour Ghazal thanks! (I said 7 because I counted them off of the top of my head , and most of the other expressions aren't even used on daily basis only in literature).

Should women be allowed into combat roles?

If you say that we should meet the male APFT standards to fit combat roles than you should also say that we should have to meet the male APFT standards to fill the other jobs that the males hold also. Because being here, there are males and females who fill combat roles even though they don't have the MOS for it. We all are trained in combat roles. Basic "Combat" Training (BCT) trains us to all be soldiers first. We, both males and females, are soldiers. Be it that I can be a soldier, something I could never be is a man. But we have to stop the belief that their is a difference. You are either a soldier or your not. I will say this and you can check the many times I keep answering this question, we already fill combat roles as the males. There are females who have been in firefights and have been wounded by IEDs, we man the .50cal on gun trucks, carry the heavy 249 Squad Automatic Weapon. We are trained on weapons, fighting wiht bayonets and other training just like the males aside from the APFT. If a female is afraid to fill a combat slot then she should not be a soldier she should be a girl scout. We are soldiers and if we are allowed to serve our country as such we should be allowed to be so under every since of the word. And to be a proficent soldier, one has to do alot more than be good at situps, pushups and running and every soldier, male and female, knows this to be true.

Why Egyptian guys find it okay to marry non virgin western girl while refuse the Egyptian girl if she is not v?

As Angelo said hypocrites and also many guys who marry western women are actually going for their passport so they don't care as along they get their citizenship.

@Pharmacist: Why are they excused from their culture and Egyptian girls have rules.If the guy is really such a pious person then he wouldn't marry a non-virgin whether she is western.
Isn't that another form of double standards?
Also as if Christianity accepts non-virgins.

IM converting from islam to christianity, will that be okay??????????????????

i dont believe in a lot of things islam says , i love my religion but e.g.:

women should cover themselves up.........why....god created there something to be ashamed of in god's creation?
you cant exactly will this affect your relationship with god? same with eating pork......its some law some person made up........god didnt say this.....otherwise it would be in other religions too. Animals were made to be part of the food chains and be eaten.
Also the treatment of men are above women or something...thats just wrong. Islam also seems to support partly polygamy............uhhhhh wtf just no.