They Did Not Forget Did They Israel . . .

Why did Israel do 911 ?

It's obvious with the five dancing Israelis filming the destruction that they were behind the 911 attacks. Lets not forget the Israelis caught near the nuclear plant in TN. Also the Israelis caught trying to bomb the embassy in Mexico. The Israelis who were caught with wired brief cases trying to sneak into military site. The all out attack on the USS Liberty. Along with all the spies. Why do we support Israel again?

If the UN voted today on whether or not to make Israel a country, like they did in 1947, would the country of Israel exist?

Like everyone said, the UN did not “create Israel”, they just tried to lay out a framework for Israel to followAs for whether or not the plan would pass again, it depends.Here is the map proposed by the 1947 resolution:As far as I can tell, if you used this plan for two states in the former mandate, I wouldn’t bet on this passing. This plan would give long established Israeli land to Palestine, and I’m pretty sure many wouldn’t like that.However, if it was tweaked to modern day proposals? Well, I’ll show you this map of the modern recognition of Israel:In all likelihood, the countries in green would most likely vote overall Yes, and maybe some of the ones in gray too. The reason being is that the plan is proposing a peace solution, which many players on the international stage kinda want. This might actually be enough for it to pass, at least with an absolute majority.Let’s face the facts, the State of Israel and the United Nations Organization don’t have the best of relationships. That much is kinda obvious. However, it is important that UNO organs tend to criticize Israeli ACTIONS, rather than Israeli existence. The UNO isn’t against peace in the region either. And don’t forget that there are many friends of Israel in the UNO who’s got Israel’s back when things get tough.There might be hope for this world yet.

How did Jews loose Israel in the first place?

Let me make one thing VERY clear. MUSLIMS DID NOT EXPEL THE JEWS. The Jews were forbidden to live in Jerusalem by the Romans after the Bar Kokhba revolt in the early second century CE. CENTURIES before Mohammed was born!
Now that that is straight, some Jews liked the new wealth brought by the Greeks and later the Romans. They lacked aqueducts, baths, security- but I think this sums it nicely, even though it was a comedy (excellent one at that) it still rings true
Lots of Jews LIKED this new life. Many still adhered to the old ways and religion of course, but some converted to many of the cults going around. So when the forced the Jews into exile, they didn't exile everybody (who would they tax?) Only the ones in Jerusalem (which was leveled anyway) and the ones taking up arms against Rome. If you converted you were fine. And let's not forget the majority of the people- the one too poor to leave, yet thought it was better to answer to God in the afterlife, then the Romans in this one. In other words the majority. These later became Christian and continued until Byzantine fill to the Muslims, who allowed the Jews back in. Good business sense is to be of the ffaithof the conqueror- it's been like that since people starting cconquering Not all converted to Islam, but we know many did. So Jews didn't "loose" Israel, their allegiance just switch with their faiths, they are still there. We just call them "Palestinians" now.
@affinity292 Jews were FORBIDDEN to live in Jerusalem for FIVE HUNDRED YEARS, only being allowed to go to site of the temple once a year (and even that was sometimes forbidden).

Are Jews and Israelis hate the Germans? Are they still mad about Hitler?

Many of the survivors of the Holocaust still suffer terrible nightmarish visions of what they went through. I remember reading of a woman who lived in Skokie, IL (suburb of Chicago) that would become disoriented and believe she was back in the camps.

I would imagine that those people have a harder time forgiving, but probably do not hold it against people living in Germany now.

I, personally, hold nothing against Germany. I've been there once and it was a BEAUTIFUL country. My mother went last year, and it changed her whole perspective. She was one of those people who did not hold it against Germans but had a hard time forgiving. She went on a business trip and said that her entire outlook had changed and that she knew her beliefs had been wrong all those years. She actually used to refuse to purchase cars made by companies like volkswagen because they helped the Nazis. I'm happy to report she holds no ill will now.

Germans are a very proud people, and I don't think that people in my generation or any younger generations should have to "feel guilty" for what their ancestors did.

We can forgive, but let us never forget.

Do you think it's time we let Israel fend for themselves?

Our support of Israel does come at a high price, but we get many benefits in return:

1) We need an unfailing ally in the Middle East. Other countries will turn their back on us in an instant if leadership changes, but Israel won't.

2) They are in a unique position to assist the US in its war on terrorism. They gather intelligence for us that we could never get on our own.

3) Most Arab military action is directed at Israel instead of the US. Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Queda and other groups attack Israel daily - while we sit over here in relative safety. As long as Arab aggression is focused on Israel, the US gets off easy.

4) Israel is in some ways our proxy in the middle east. They have knocked out nuclear installations and military installations in Arab countries on our behalf. They are more than willing to attack Iran's developing nuclear facilities should it become necessary - sparing the US from having to do it.

5) Israel and the US have a common enemy: Arab terrorists.

But the real reason to support Israel is because it is the right thing to do morally and strategically.

1) The US was instrumental in creating Israel so we bear some responsibility for protecting it.

2) Iran, Hamas and other Arab groups and countries have stated that it is there goal to annihalate all Jews. Genecide is wrong and the US should not allow another holocost to occur.

3) Trivia question: Citizens of what nations have attacked the US in the last 15 years? Answer: Libia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Pakistan... Do you see a common thread?

4) When was the last time a Jewish suicide bomber blew up innocent civilians in a marketplace? Never!

5) If you don't stand by your allys and friends - you won't have any allys and friends anymore!

6) The US has to continue to defend democracy.

In summary, I can't see a single reason to change sides in the middle east.

Do the people of Iraq, Iran, and Israel share the same language?

Here’s a detailed answer.No, they don’t share the same languages. But the situation isn’t that simple.Israel has 2 official languages - Hebrew and Arabic, Iraq has Kurdish and Arabic and Iran has Persian. But that’s only speaking official language wise, since there are more languages spoken in all three countries.This is the linguistic map of Iran:As one can see, multiple languages are spoken. Persian remains the sole official language and the mothertongue of around 63% of Iranians - for the rest, it’s mostly a second language, while they speak their own languages as their mothertongues (Azerbaijani, Kurdish, Balochi, Arabic, Turkmen etc.)For Iraq, finding an accurate map isn’t easy, but for the sake of this answer, let’s suppose the following to be true:In Iraq, while the majority speaks Arabic, other languages are spoken too - Kurdish (like in Iran, but different dialect), various dialects of Aramaic spoken by the Assyrians (Assyrian Neo-Aramaic, Chaldean and Surayt), Armenian and a dialect of Turkish spoken by Iraqi Turkmens.For Israel, I’m going with the 2011 census about the languages spoken - the majority has Hebrew as a native language, Arabic at 18%, French at 2%, 2% English, 1,6% Spanish and the 10% is made up of other languages which were not on the list.So they don’t have the same languages. However, certain languages can be found in either all 3 or at least 2 of them.[1]Footnotes[1] Page on