This Guy Is Really Creeping Me Out

My ex is really creeping me out. Please help!?

Before you read this, I am warning you it's really long, but it's kind of a long story.

There has been a lot of drama going on in my life lately.

I'm 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. My ex just turned 18 and he's a drama queen. I broke up with him a few months ago already and I really don't think he's gotten over it yet. We only went out for about 1 1/2 months so he SHOULD have been over it already.

I broke up with him because he was extremely clingy, wanted to marry me (yes, marry me), we fought A LOT, he would always freak out if I went to the movies without him or something like that cuz he thought I'd cheat on him, and he talked about sex WAY too much.

So I broke up with him. Now I have a new boyfriend and my ex hates him and, well, everyone. When we were dating he would always tell me if I broke up with him he'd join the military. Sometimes at lunch people from the military come and they just have brochures and stuff like that for info on it. I saw him over by them a few days ago and I know that he has no intention of joining for the right reasons(he told me). He just wants to die. He says how he wants to kill himself ALL THE TIME. I have his number blocked now so he can't call me.

My friend and I decide we might report him to student services at school and tell them about him wanting to kill himself. Another thing that's really creepy about him is that there are rumors going around at school that he wants to bring a gun on the last day of school! Now I don't know if it's true or not, but there are some things that would make me believe it:

He used to always say how he wanted to hurt my boyfriend
He hates everyone at school and no one really likes him because of the way he acts.

Another thing he did when we were dating was look up my home phone # in the phone book and call my house phone without my permission. He would call at 4 in the morning all the time and I got in serious trouble for it.

I don't know what to do about him anymore. He thinks he has problems just because he doesn't have a girlfriend.

What should I do??? Should my friend and I report him??

I think this guy likes me? It's really creeping me out?

He is doing it because he likes you I'm assuming your in middle school since he is acting childish if you don't like him just be honest with him and say that you would like it if he would stop touching and bothering you he will get the picture if he doesn't then go talk to someone else besides your teacher who did nothing.

Is it ok for me to block a guy who is really creeping me out? I feel as if it’s me being rude but he makes me uncomfortable and constantly makes new numbers to call me.

If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable in any way, you are always allowed to do anything to make you feel safe. That’s what my mum always says to me.She always says it doesn’t matter if you’re being rude.I had a stranger call the homephone when I was home alone, and he started asking for my age. I immediately felt unsafe and just didn’t speak. I was petrified. My anxiety levels crept up and up with each passing second. I eventually hang up. When he tried to call again, I called my parents.What they told me was that what I did was the best thing (besides saying ‘sorry my parents aren’t home’. Oh god. Never say that). I was feeling unsafe and uncomfortable, so it was completely my right to hang up that phone and not pick it up again.Stay safe.

This dreams really creep me out? HELP!?

I sometimes have nightmares that someone brings a gun to school and shoots, and I can kind of feel it in my sleep. Yesterday, there was a guy in my nightmare that shot someone and there was blood just floating in the air. Me and my friends were hiding.

Once, I even had a dream that I died, although Vicodin might have contributed to it. During the nightmare, I went to LOng John Silvers, and when I got home, I felt paralyzed, everything was turning black, and I couldn't scream, and I think I died. That woke me up.

This isn't the first time I felt paralyzed in my dreams. I had 2 or 3 more dreams like these, where I felt like I couldn't move, or scream and those woke me up.

What is wrong with me?

My guy "friend" is creeping me out?

o basically I just moved to a new country and didn't have many friends. There was this guy who sat next to me because of assigned seats in Science class. We would sometimes joke around and talk (not flirting)! He added me on facebook and we would talk on there for maybe an hour each night. But he has been getting weird! Like during class (one where we don't sit together) if we are using computers he will start a chat with the people sitting next to me and say something like "TELL (insert my name here) TO GO ONLINE!) So i go online, ask him what he wants and tell him I'm trying to do the assignment and don't want to chat. He said something like "I like to talk to you and I know you like to talk to me..." Which kind of creeped me out. Then after class the guy sitting next to him was like "WHAT THE ***! WHY WERE YOU WATCHING PORN ON A SCHOOL COMPUTER IN CLASS!" I looked up from putting stuff in my locker and he made eye contact with you and said: WELL I DIDN'T HAVE ANYONE TO TALK TO!
And then walked away. I was really creeped out/ scared because I was thinking: Talking to me is the equivalent of porn?!
After in P.E. I had to be partners with one of his friends that is a girl and she told me he talked about me all the time and thought he was going to ask me out.
On facebook he had started asking me who I like almost every time I was online. I kept replying No one! Stop asking. And he said "the person I like... I'm talking to right now..."
I was really creeped out and logged off facebook. Then he started talking to me on skype asking if I knew what he meant! I said no. And the next day I drove past him on my golf-cart (Dont ask, I live in Thailand) he went on facebook at about 11:30 pm and asked if he could come to my house (He knew the address!) and if I could show him how to drive it!
I was really weirded out and did not know what to say so I said: Its too late! And quickly logged off.

What should I do? I have no interest in this guy and am getting scared! I put him on a separate group and made it so I will appear offline to him. Please help!

Have you ever been really creeped out by someone?

I worked in the I.T. Department of a transit system. Each year, they wanted volunteers to work New Year’s Eve in the stations—giving directions to people who don’t normally use the system, reporting trouble, making sure drunk people didn’t stumble onto the tracks, etc.I generally enjoyed doing this. I would buy several stuffed trains and give them to little kids after asking their parents if it was OK, talk with some people who seemed to be alone, and just provide some moral support for my colleagues, especially to the janitors who had to clean up lots of vomit and worse (if you see a janitor in a subway station—tell them they’re doing a great job—they appreciate it and it’s really thankless work).It was about 1:30 a.m. and a group of people called me over. A woman I would put at 20–25 had passed out on the floor. There was a small amount of blood near her head. I called for medical help and then knelt down to make sure she was still breathing. We were taught under NO circumstances to touch the passengers, so I did this by eye.Suddenly, she bolted up. She said she had to go. I asked her name. She said “I don’t want to get in trouble.” I told her “You’re not in trouble, we just want to make sure you’re OK.”With some difficulty, she stood up, obviously intoxicated or high. She said she had to catch the next train to get to a party. I said “you really should just wait here until someone can check you over to make sure you’re OK because you were bleeding.”At that point, a guy who was at least 10 years older than her came over and said “I can give you a ride to the party.” She agreed. I asked her if she knew the guy, but before she could answer he said “mind your own f****g business.” I told him to back up and give her some room (about all I could legally do). She then said that she did not know him.So many alarm bells went off for me. I did everything in my power to convince this woman NOT to go off with this guy she didn’t know. To their credit, several other passengers who had gathered around supported me, one woman practically begging her not to go.I wasn’t a cop or anything, so I had no real basis to detain her when she chose to ignore everyone’s advice and walk off with this guy. I was literally shaking when I got home, and couldn’t sleep, thinking about this woman. I was afraid to even look at the news.I never found out how that night ended up, and I *really* hope that nothing bad happened, but that guy creeped me out more than anyone else ever has.

What's wrong with this guy? He creeps me out!?

@ Gabby Gal: He doesn't really seem to have a mood. I'll admit that I've tried to provoke negative ones by doing things I knew he'd hate on purpose. I know it's not a nice thing to do, I guess it's just the way I behave towards people I feel threatened by, but he never really showed emotion. It also doesn't seem like he even thought about the consequences of taking that job. He just heard about lunches organized for people interested in the job and the only reason he went, was because he didn't have anything planned yet. He has no clue what he's getting into and I was totally shocked when I heard he actually applied. I've talked about how I feel about him many times with multiple people. Most people seem to feel this way too and I've heard many women complaining about him being a pervert. Many people react the same way to him and some of them more extremely than me (he doesn't notice anyone's discomfort and disgust). Even the toughest

We hear about girls being creeped out by guys, but are guys creeped out by girls?

Yes, absolutely. They can be equally creepy, except most men usually put up with it, especially when the woman is considered attractive.A few years ago, while travelling in bus (a 14hrs ride), there was this woman on the adjacent seat. I had my headphones on and sometime during the ride, she asked me if I could help her find her phone that had dropped. Since, the lights inside the bus were turned off and we used our mobile phone to try finding it, finally she asked me to call her phone so that it’d ring, we found it after doing that. A few minutes later, I get a whatsapp message with a “Hi” from the girl :| I was a little creeped out then but just ended up replying a little as part of social courtesy, a few messages later I get a friend request from her on facebook :| She had somehow managed to find my facebook profile through my number, being a guy who really appreciates his personal space I found that really creepy. I ended up blocking her that night.When I narrated the same to my gf, she told me that I was over reacting and that women come across this on a regular basis. I suppose the idea of creepy is very personal and some guys may get creeped out by girls real quick, the same applies the other way around. Also I suppose guys usually take such actions by girls as an ego boost most of the times.