This Is Getting Annoying Help

Actionscript 2: Syntax error getting annoying... help!?

Okay so i'm making a simple button in my flash project to go from frame1 to frame2 simples... right...
I'm not a newbie to flash but for some reason i cannot get this button script to work.


I've tried so many variations of that script including the gotoAndPlay(_root._currentFrame + 1); variation.... But there's ALWAYS a syntax error on line 2 and 'unexpected }' on line 3.... Nothing can get me to frame 2

Can anyone figure out what's going on. Using Macromedia Flash Professional 8 with keygen code, and i've triple checked i'm using AS2 on properties.

Im 13 my parents are so annoying help?

I am 13 and my parents have been so annoying lately. They're being so strict they said i couldn't go to my friends party because it started at 10 thats not late im not a kid anymore i want to go to latish parties. I didn't even have school the next day so i dont even know why they said no. I was so mad i was yelling at them and cussing so they sent me to my room. I was so mad and crying and they told me i couldnt come out until they told me could or else i would have to go to bed early for a week EVEN ON WEEKENDNS. i didn;t think they were serious so i decided to sneek out my window and go to my friends house i did and the party was so much fun. I got home at 1 and my parents relized i was gone and go really mad. They told me i had to go to bed EARLY that WHOLE WEEK. How unfair!!! i hated it i usually go to sleep at 12 and they made me be in bed at 9!!!! i hate them. Every night i was yelling at them and crying and i told them they were so mean!

Help what should i do there're being so mean!!

My puppy is whining .... and its so annoying, help!!!?

He probably sees the cage as a form of punishment. How long is he confined to it? Sounds like he needs to be socialized more with the family...try leaving him out more, perhaps in a restricted or confined area of your house. Is he house-broken yet? Give him plenty of toys and affection, along with his little brother and see if this helps. If there is no particular reason for them to be crated, like when you go to bed at night, or leave the house, don't crate them. Most dogs see this as punishment/separation from their pack i.e. you and your family which is stressful to them so they whine. If you must keep them in crates, put them next to each other, and give them an old sock or sweatshirt (something with your scent on it) in the cage so they don't feel so lonely.

It really would be better for them to be out as much as possible to learn to interact within the family, just make sure they have plenty of things to chew on and toys to play with.

My Hamster is getting annoying and I need help!?

My hamster is kind of old now... But she is still a bit annoying... Every time at night, she moves her igloo(the thing that looks like a castle)right under her water bottle... And guess what? SHE TRIES TO CLIMB IT!! It's really annoying because of the rattle and crap... So, I have no choice but to take the water bottle out at night and put it back in the morning ... So my question is...How can I leave my hamster's water bottle in without her making noise...(or trying to get out ) Oh yeah... One more thing... She can't get out of the cage because I have a glass cage (A) and I have a little screen on top of it,(B) The only way she would have a chance of getting out is if I left the screen open...PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

UGH! My parents are so annoying!!!! Help:(?

Get down on your knees and thank whoever you believe in for........
The fact you have a bed.
That your parents allowed you to see the film, trusted you in getting up next day.
Care about your education.
Have yet to strangle you.
Have provided you with a computer, a roof over your head, clothes on your back and no doubt pocket money as well.
If you think your parents are "so annoying", try putting up with an ungrateful, rebellious CHILD, cos that is what your are, one who thinks all of the above is their God given right, then tell me who should be most pissed off. It ain't YOU.
I hate comparisons, all is relative, but try thinking about having no food or clean water, having to beg for scraps to evade hunger, no chance of an education, early marriage to an old man who will help your family to avoid starvation.
Doing nothing over Thanksgiving?
Try volunteering to help the poor and old in your community, sure beats the dang computer, might even make your parents seem less annoying.
Hell, it might even make them proud of you, but more importantly it will make you feel proud of yourself and more appreciative of just how well off you are.

Clogged ear!! Ahh.. so annoying, please help!?

there are several things you can do:
1. use a product called swimmers ear to dry out ears (i use it everyday after shower)
2. don't use qtips - they often push wax back into ear (exactly what happened to you) and are not recommended
3. theres an over the counter ear wax remover product (but it's about a 5 day regimen)
4. try ear candling to remove excess wax. you can purchase these at health food stores. you have to have another person help you (hold and light the candle)
i've always had problems with my ears and i use the swimmers ear everyday and ear candle every couple of months for smooth sailing.
good luck!


just from the little bit of info you've provided, you sound like you are completely whipped. i'm serious. "you'll do absolutely anything for her".... apologized over a tiny argument... constantly trying to make her happy like it's based on some kind of "rewards system". "if i keep her happy, she'll love me and things will be cool".

that's what it sounds like to me. i'm sorry but it does.

i think she needs to be put in her place just a little bit. as in "she doesn't always get to have her way". that means things as little as you not apologizing over things that are insignificant. she was annoyed that you didn't have dinner ready? how did you handle that exactly? did you go off apologizing for your huge mistake? (sarcasm).

i'm not putting you down when i say this, but try being a little bit more of a "man" about things when it comes to her. something like "hey, i'm doing what i think is right and also handling the situation as best i can... if that's not good enough for you, then i don't know what to tell you... get over it". things like that. if she feels like arguing or challenging you, just let her. let her say whatever she's got to say. but you, you don't need to get involved in an argument the way she will. you can never officially win an argument with a female, because they don't need logic on their side to win one. logic gets thrown out the window. they'll simply use "the way they are feeling" to win any argument, and their feelings are always the most important thing. just deflect any arguments with words like "ok, i'll take that into consideration" or "alright, i didn't know you felt that way" and leave it at that.

i just think if you consciously stood up for yourself more, instead of worrying about her feelings, it's going to benefit your relationship in the long run. women insist of getting their way. but the thing is, if you "let them win" or give them their way, they won't respect you. so what feels like the right thing to do, usually isn't. the right thing to do is to let them know through your actions that you're the man, and she's the woman.

best wishes to you.

My friend has anxiety, and it's really annoying. What can I do to help her?

Talk to them.Anxiety is different for different people and can manifest in many, many different ways. One of my friends has social anxiety, so she’s really nervous about talking to new people. Sometimes I offer to talk to people for her, like if we’re both lost and need to ask for directions or if we’re visiting a monument and need to ask someone to take our picture. To me, this doesn’t seem like a big deal, but for her it can trigger an anxiety attack.I can also recommend doing research, like if they have social anxiety or OCD (which is also an anxiety disorder) you can learn more about what they’re experiencing. But, the best way would be to ask them. Like I said, anxiety acts differently for different people. Some people can’t stand to be touched when they’re feeling anxious, and others need to hear some form of reassurance. The best way to know what’s good for your friend is to talk to them about what works best for them so you can be a good ally.Also, you might not want to tell them that their anxiety is “annoying” to their face. Anxiety can be very, very annoying. And to them, they are obviously very aware of their anxiety, and they can be anxious about feeling anxious (which is super, duper fun). Trying to be understanding and patient and realising that they’re experiencing things differently is a good first step.

Help!!!!!!my dog wont stop barking!!!!it is so annoying!!!!!!!!?

What's the reason that you don't want him inside? I am sure he is barking because he is bored and lonely and likely a bit anxious out there alone and stimulated by all the noises and sights outdoors. Not that it is uncommon for dogs to be outside. But if there are reasons you don't like him inside that could be corrected, maybe then you would both be happier?