This Is What I Normally Eat Is It Healthy

What do you normally eat for breakfast??

Cold pizza, I'm a health food freak.

Can you eat unhealthy and still get abs?

Yes.There are 2 ways to get abs without having a strict diet :Naturally high metabolism. Some people just never get fat regardless of what they eat. This is especially true for teenagers.Burn more calories than you eat. Most people will tell you that your diet is more important than your workout. It is not always true. I lost over 20kg in about 8 months (82 to 62kg). I still eat kfc, McDonald's, junk food, and whatever I like without hesitating, never counted calories, never had boiled chicken breast and boiled broccoli or raw salad in my life. Of course, I may be the exception and not the rule. You can always choose to do high intensity exercises, which are extremely effective in weight loss, or just keep doing whatever workout you usually do, but for a much longer period of time.That being said, I do not condone overeating. A person should stop eating when he or she no longer feels hungry. Reducing 10% of the quantity of your meals go a long way in reducing calories, without giving up the satisfaction of having good food.Hope that helps.

Which is correct: "eat healthy" or "eat healthily"?

Eat “healthily” is correct. It is an adverb describing how something (the verb, to eat) is done.But in America, adverbs ending in “-ly” are often abbreviated to the form of the simple adjective, and nobody seems to give a damn about it. That’s why Americans say “real quick” when what they actually mean is “really quickly.”I do not know why they do this… unless it is a national Huckleberry Finn obsession. It cannot be laziness. Americans say “off of” all the time (“off of the table”) when just plain “off” would do perfectly well.

Eating too much healthy food?

I have posted about this issue before... I feel like I am just eating way too much. Even though what I eat is healthy, I still feel I am over eating.

Perhaps it is because I need to eat more for lunch (I hardly eat anything because of a horrid school schedule). So when I get home I am rather hungry. I tend to eat alot on average, but when I am so hungry it is even more so.

Everything I eat, I cook myself. I want a career in nutrition and fitness and workout daily, and am constantly educating myself on proper nutrition. I just want others opinions because I have suffered in the past from disordered eating habits and am technically still trying to fully recover.

I never starved myself, I just lacked calories. I got down to like 93lbs. Since then I have gained weight via my doctor making me and have family support.

I have had problems with overeating in the past (being able to eat an entire lb of dried beans!!), and recently have gotten better, practicing mindful eating as best I can. I sometimes struggle but work on it.

I am a 16 year old female, about 108lbs, 5' 5.5". I workout daily. I lift weights 5-6x a week (60-75min), do HIIT cardio 1-3x a week. I do (60-75min) power yoga as my 1-2 "rest" days.

Here is what I had today:

Breakfast/post workout:
Small apple
2 TBSP homemade almond butter

Hard boiled egg

small apple
3.5 TBSP almond butter

2/3 recipe of lentil stew
3-4 oz lean ground turkey

About 1 cup sprouted lentils, raw
1/3 cup uncooked quinoa
2.5 yellow squash
1 medium onion
1 cup cabbage
2 medium carrots
1 stalk celery
1 small tomato
3/4 cup mushroom
small can tomato paste

I feel like I shouldn't have eaten all that at dinner/snack.

Ugh. I just feel fat and bloated! I go through stages of feeling great, then eat a bit more than I should and it starts another cycle of feeling bloated, fat, and gross.

Have I eaten too much? Or is my body and hunger just trying to get normalized after being so underweight previously?

What are good healthy foods to eat?

Any vegetable or fruit is healthy, in fact, you should eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day! For grains, you should always try to eat whole grains... replace that white rice with brown rice, white bread with wheat or grain bread, etc. Also make sure you eat enough protein! The healthiest meats are chicken and turkey, but as long as you keep your portions in size (about the size of a deck of cards for one serving of meat) you can really eat whatever meat you want, just avoid skin/fat. Also, if you like stuff without butter, skip the butter, you could always make healthy sauces or something to replace the butter.

Is eating mostly eggs all day healthy?

Hi Bbbbbbbb..

ome of you may have eaten eggs over the Easter weekend so I thought I'd post ten health benefits of eggs (and it doesn't count if they were chocolate eggs!)

1. Eggs are great for the eyes. According to one study, an egg a day may prevent macular degeneraton due to the carotenoid content, specifically lutein and zeaxanthin. Both nutrients are more readily available to our bodies from eggs than from other sources.

2. In another study, researchers found that people who eat eggs every day lower their risk of developing cataracts, also because of the lutein and zeaxanthin in eggs.

3. One egg contains 6 grams of high-quality protein and all 9 essential amino acids.

4. According to a study by the Harvard School of Public Health, there is no significant link between egg consumption and heart disease. In fact, according to one study, regular consumption of eggs may help prevent blood clots, stroke, and heart attacks.

5. They are a good source of choline. One egg yolk has about 300 micrograms of choline. Choline is an important nutrient that helps regulate the brain, nervous system, and cardiovascular system.

6. They contain the right kind of fat. One egg contains just 5 grams of fat and only 1.5 grams of that is saturated fat.

7. New research shows that, contrary to previous belief, moderate consumption of eggs does not have a negative impact on cholesterol. In fact, recent studies have shown that regular consumption of two eggs per day does not affect a person's lipid profile and may, in fact, improve it. Research suggests that it is saturated fat that raises cholesterol rather than dietary cholesterol.

8. Eggs are one of the only foods that contain naturally occurring vitamin D.

9. Eggs may prevent breast cancer. In one study, women who consumed at least 6 eggs per week lowered their risk of breast cancer by 44%.

10. Eggs promote healthy hair and nails because of their high sulphur content and wide array of vitamins and minerals. Many people find their hair growing faster after adding eggs to their diet, especially if they were previously deficient in foods containing sulphur or B12.

Can I eat normally and still lose weight?

Can I eat normal stuff like toast, rice, noodles, chicken, pizza, pasta (my family also eats a lot of packaged food like in germany we have bags with a whole meal in them mostly rice, chicken or other meat or potates or something) can I eat those stuff and still lose weight? I already lost 13 pounds with exercise without dieting (I eat about 1500 calories a day of normal food). my sister lost about 50 pounds eating the normal (i guess you could say unhealthy) food my family is eating but everyone says you have to eat healthy to lose weight?

Why is oatmeal a healthy breakfast to eat?

Oatmeal is satisfying, sticks with you and provides energy. (Hence the phrase, "I'm feeling my oats", meaning feeling good and confident.) I eat steel cut (or Irish) oats . They take longer to cook (about 10 minutes) but are so much better. Instant oatmeal is over-processed and contains additives. You can always make it the night before and then just warm it up if you're in a hurry. I add things like honey, cinnamon, raisins and sometimes, flax seeds for extra nutrition.

Here are more reasons:
1. Insoluble fiber's cancer-fighting properties are due to the fact that it attacks certain bile acids, reducing their toxicity.

2. Soluble fiber may reduce LDL cholesterol without lowering HDL cholesterol. LDL is bad; HDL is good.

3. Soluble fiber slows down the digestion of starch. This may be beneficial to diabetics because, when you slow down the digestion of starch, you avoid the sharp rises in your blood sugar level that usually occurs following a meal.

4. It has been found that those who eat more oats are less likely to develop heart disease, a disease that is currently widespread in the United States.

5. The phytochemicals in oat may also have cancer-fighting properties.

6. Oats are a good source of many nutrients including vitamin E, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, manganese and magnesium. Oats are also a good source of protein.