This Was An Answer To Another Question About The Supposed

If my answer is supposed to be yes, then which question would you like to ask?

If my answer is supposed to be yes, then which question would you like to ask?Let me get this straight in my noggin — you want me to ask a question to which you should respond with ‘yes'?Brilliant.Can you give me £5,000 please?Your car too, if you have one.And any alcohol you may have on you.

How long are essay question answers supposed to be?

how long are answers to essay questions supposed to be on college applications? im applying to colleges and one of them has a bunch of essay questions instead of just a personal essay. how long is every answer supposed to be? how elaborated are the answers supposed to be? for example on a question like ' what are your career goals' am i supposed to go in to why the goals i list are important to me? where they stem from?

What am I supposed to do if I cannot answer a requested question?

I simply pass it. It took me time to realise that it is a right thing to do.When I started using Quora, I used to write answers to every question that I was requested. But, I didn't like the answer if it was written just because it was requested. And if I doing like my writings, I can't expect the reader to like it. So the outcome was that 50% of my answers got collapsed as they required improvement.Moreover, if I don't know the answer to a question and write an incorrect answer or an answer which is contradictory to my previous answers, I am not doing justice to myself. I always have a feeling that my answer to ABC question should not have been written.In order to get rid of these feelings of regret, I decided that I will not submit an answer until I am satisfied with that answer. So I pass the answer requests.If the question is unanswered and I feel that it should have been answered, I follow it and request the answers.

If philosophy is more about questions than answers, then am I supposed to be satisfied just by wondering, questioning, and asking?

The very roots of Philosophy consist of man trying to use natural explanations for natural phenomena rather than turning to the supernatural realm.I’m obviously referring to Thales of Miletus, often considered the first philosopher, and father of the Western Philosophy. He not only questioned the then rather dominant “the gods did it that way” answer to everything, but also went after a satisfactory answer himself.Don’t get me wrong, the sense of wonder is a great instigator to the whole process. Curiosity is usually the first step towards new discoveries, but by itself it can’t do much. Even if the justification you come up with isn’t all that satisfactory or elaborate, the fact that you were able to question it in the first place is already important because it paves the way for new considerations.Going back to Thales, his attempt to explain the origins of the world around him can be seen as silly or naive today (he postulated that water must’ve been the originating principle of nature), but at the time, it was a revolutionary line of thinking, one that was followed by practically every pre-Socratic philosopher following his existence. So not only he had the insight to ask, but he also asked the right question.Try to maintain your wondering, asking nature, while also nurturing your answer-seeking side - asking the right stuff is just a bonus.Where do people get this impression regarding questions being more important, anyway?

Why does Quora move my answers to a question to another question that is the same just worded differently?

Because the front end of the database, the part the public sees, the part everyone uses, becomes unusable when there are questions repeated over and over again. You're not supposed to ask a question that has already been asked. There's no penalty, but the system, mostly through the readers, who are allowed to merge things, will correct the duplicate question eventually.I’ve seen merged questions show up with their own subset of answers, under the main question. If you're answering questions, it's sometimes a good idea to put the original question into your answer, but you don't have to, because there will be either a broken out subcategory for the original question, or your answer will be flagged with the original question, just in case there's some subtle difference. If you think it's a terrible merge, and it well may be, you can unmerge it. If you're asking questions, rather than answering them, it's best practice not to ask duplicates.Original question: Why does Quora move my answers to a question to another question that is the same just worded differently?

Why do some people answer a question that was not meant for them?

I feel like this is a trick question. Is it meant for me? Am I falling into your trap? Regardless though, it depends on the question or situation. If it's a vague question, and/or not directed at anyone, someone you didn't ask might believe it's directed towards them. There’s also the chance they may not hear or understand the question, and they feel they can answer it. Otherwise, when people do understand the whole question, they may just answer to say something, maybe to look like they know something they don't, maybe just to hear their own voice, or maybe because they feel obliged to say something at all.For example, my friend is a pretty smart guy when it comes to technology, but he's far from knowing it all. That doesn't stop him from saying something concerning a topic he knows little to nothing about. Likewise, I have a new co-worker who emailed a requestor, and he had no idea what the requestor’s issue was at all. He even said he had no idea. Not a good sign when it comes to working in IT.But I digress. In the end, it just comes down to the situation and the person who chimed in.

How can we copy our Quora answer to another question?

“How can we copy our Quora answer to another question? suppose there’s another question that we can answer with same picture with our previous answer.any way to just copy the answer then edit the details,rather than keep re uploading pictures?”Answering questions with pictures is dicey in the first place. Images are allowed in answers on Quora, subject to the “image policy.” But answers are supposed to be written out for the most part. As Katherine Rossiter’s answer notes, repeatedly posting the same content is normally going to be considered spam. Even if you are rewriting the text that goes with the proposed image, I am having a hard time figuring how uploading the same image to multiple answers would not look like spam.If the questions really are in fact the same question, you can merge them and then your already-written answer (image and all) will be the answer to both questions. John Gragson's answer to Does Quora allow the same answer to be posted to two different questions, if it equally and appropriately answers both?

Economics statistics questions. It's confusing me how I am supposed to do the graph. Assume the consumer has income of $600.?

Assume the consumer has income of $600. Furthermore, assume the Section 8 housing voucher will pay for housing expenses in excess of 1/3 of consumer income, with a maximum payment of $200. If the price of housing is $1 per unit and the price of all other goods is also $1 per unit, use the straight-line tool to draw the budget line with the Section 8 housing subsidy. (Note: this graph will require you to draw multiple straight lines.)