Though Your Life Is Good Have You Ever Been Sad Or Hurt For Someone Else

Why does my life hurts so bad?

because u choose so

The love of my life married somebody else?

My heart goes out to you. I wish i had a suggestion that would help make everything better for you, but i don't. She has chosen to marry and spend the rest of her life with someone else and as painful as it may be, the time has past for you to win her back. She may have been the one for you, but she has well and truly moved on. When you truly love someone you want them to be happy and you are willing to make sacrifices for them, so as much as you love her you need to let her be happy. Telling her how you feel is only going to cause problems in her life and that's not fair to her. The best advice i can give you is to take a little comfort in the fact that by not saying anything you are selflessly trying to make sure she's happy. Learn from this experience and next time you find true love don't let anything or anyone come between you.