Three And Three Fourths Minus Three 3-3/4 - 3

What is 1 minus three sevenths?

Step 1: Obtain a common denominator

1 - (3/7)

The common denominator here is 7. Multiply 1 by (7/7), resulting in 7/7. (Notice 7/7 is still equal to 1).

Step two: Write numerator all over denominator.



How many fourths are in three fourths?

Three fourths is 3/4. Fourths is 1/4. are in means divide.3/4 divided by 1/4 = 3Let us check using Dad’s Fraction Calculator…

Solve five-twelfths m minus two-thirds equals negative three-fourths for m.?

(5/12)m - 2/3 = -(3/4)
(5/12)m = 2/3 -(3/4)
(5/12)m = 8/12 - (9/12)
5m = 8 - 9 as both sides are over 12
5m = -1
m = -1/5

What fraction of three fourth is the difference between 3/4 and 4/4?

Let ‘a’ is that fraction we need to findThen according to questiona*3/4 = 4/4 -3/4 = 1/4a = (1/4)* (4/3)a = 1/3 (Ans)

What is 3/4 minus 1/8?

If you convert 3/4 into the same fraction, but with a denominator of 8, this is very easy.So, let's do that.3*2=64*2=8So 3/4=6/8. That means the equation can be rewritten as 6/8–1/8. Because the denominators are equal, we only subtract the numerators and the denominator stay the same.6/8–1/8=5/8

Is it true that three-quarters, 3/4, is bigger than a half, 1/2?

Yes, 3/4 will always be bigger than 1/.1/2 is the equivalent of 2/4 and since 3 is bigger than 2 and the denominators are the same then 3/4 is bigger than 2/4but if you wanted to you can put it into your calculator and 1/2=.5 whereas 3/4=.75