Thrombrosis In Finger Help

How do we know deep vein thrombosis?

How Do We Know if It’s Deep Vein Thrombosis ?Being aware of the risk factors for a blood clot can help we know if leg pain is a cramp or something more serious.If you're feeling a pain in your leg, it’s doubtless a cramp or a force muscle. however it might be a way a lot of serious condition: blood clots of deep vein occlusion, additionally referred to as DVT.While comparatively rare — DVT affects concerning three hundred,000 to 600,000 individuals within the us — it will have serious health consequences. DVT happens once a grume forms in an exceedingly vein deep within the body, sometimes the lower leg or the thigh. If left untreated, the clot will break off ANd travel through the blood to an artery within the lungs, block blood flow and probably inflicting death.A clot will cause issues albeit it remains within the leg. “It will cause chronic swelling within the leg, which might cause chronic pain, and from time to time cracking within the skin, which might cause redness, a skin infection,” aforementioned Larry Santora, MD, medical director of the middle for Heart and tube-shaped structure health and interference, and therefore the viscus Rehabilitation Center at St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, Calif.

My fingers feel weird help?

Keep an eye on this and if the pain or tingling continues it may be the beginning of DVT.

This is very painful and pain pills do not help. I have had it for over 2 years and the doctor was slow to diagnose it until I was in critical shape.

Mine started with a sudden onset of calf pain and leg swelling. The pain was worse when the leg was hanging down. There was warmth to the area because the veins were inflamed.

I am on coumidin (warfarin) as a blood thinner. Usually when they say 6 months, they mean for the rest of your life. The blood thinner does not resolve the current clot problem, but supposedly keeps new clots from forming.

Deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, is caused by a blood clot in a muscle and can be life-threatening. Symptoms include swelling, pain, and tenderness in the legs. Risk factors include immobility, hormone therapy, and pregnancy.

DVTs can occur anywhere in the body but are most frequently found in the deep veins of the legs, thighs, and pelvis. They may infrequently arise from the upper extremities usually because of trauma, or from an indwelling catheter (tubing) or device.

A deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition wherein a blood clot (thrombus) forms in a vein of the deep system.

Thrombophlebitis is a condition in which there is both inflammation and a blood clot in a vein. Thrombophlebitis can occur in either superficial or deep veins. Superficial thrombophlebitis occurs in veins close to the skin surface, and usually causes pain, swelling, and redness in the area of the vein. Superficial thrombophlebitis usually is treated with heat, elevation of the affected leg or arm, and anti–inflammatory medications. A thrombosis in a deep vein is a much more serious problem than one in a superficial vein. The reason for this is that a piece of the clot in deep vein from a DVT can break off and travel through the deep veins back to the heart, and eventually be pumped by the heart into the arteries of the lung. When this happens, the condition is called pulmonary embolism (PE). The blood clot is called an embolus (plural emboli), and the process of breaking off and traveling to the lungs is called embolism.

Narcotics didn’t help my pain. I now take Tizanidine 4mg 5/day and Lyrica Cv 100 mg 3/day. This helps the nerve pain and I can walk some now. I am feeling much better pain wise.

Deep Vein Thrombosis question?

what is deep vein thrombosis?
Deep vein thrombosis, or deep venous thrombosis, (DVT) is the formation of a blood clot (thrombus) in a deep vein,[a] predominantly in the legs. Non-specific signs may include pain, swelling, redness, warmness, and engorged superficial veins. Pulmonary embolism, a potentially life-threatening complication, is caused by the detachment (embolization) of a clot that travels to the lungs. Together, DVT and pulmonary embolism constitute a single disease process known as venous thromboembolism. Post-thrombotic syndrome, another complication, significantly contributes to the health-care cost of DVT

Why does general anesthetic for my hand operation effect my leg?

Some of the potential general anesthesia side effects are due to mechanical damage to the body from the breathing tube that the anesthetist may place down the throat and into the airway to help the patient breathe while unconscious. The insertion and removal of the tube can cause injury or irritation to the throat and larynx, and often leaves the throat feeling very sore and dry. Hoarseness, coughing, and muscle spasms in the voice box or bronchial tubes in the lungs can all occur, but are uncommon. In rare cases, the teeth or other parts of the mouth and throat may be damaged when the equipment is inserted; a loose tooth could be knocked out, for example.

How does wearing these tight stockings help me?
TED stockings are worn until you are up and about more than reclining and "lying around." Once you are walking more and keeping the blood circulating, you will not need them any more. I have a feeling you will have other things making you uncomfortable...possibly to the point that you won't give the stockings another thought!! At least that will probably be the case with the booties in the hospital. I only noticed them when they had to be unhooked when it was time to get out of bed and walk.

Trust me...this will be a non-issue!

intravascular coagulation of the blood in any part of the circulatory system, as in the heart, arteries, veins, or capillaries.

What is the treatment for a swollen bruised finger?

First off, get the swelling down as efficiently as possible. Elevate the finger, meaning point it towards the ceiling. For the first 24 hours post injury, apply ice/cold water every few hours for 5 minutes.See a doctor as soon as you reasonably can.Assuming this is the result of an injury, a simple and relatively low risk x-ray will likely confirm the presence or absence of a fracture or dislocation. An informed exam will reveal ligament or tendon damage (no muscles in the fingers proper) Treatment will depend on the diagnosis.For the vast majority of fractures and dislocations, immobilization of some sort for comfort and protection works fine. This is often in the form of an aluminum splint but not always and occasionally this is the wrong thing.For some fractures or dislocations, surgery will be needed to “reduce” the injury i.e. get the pieces back in place and “fix”it i.e. keep it there till healing happens.Swelling and discoloration can happen minus injury, and arguably more reason to see a doctor quickly. Conceivably there is an infection though the description would usually include pain and redness. Vascular compromise i.e. thrombosis/embolis is possible but the description would usually include cool and blue. Certain rheumatological conditions can produce swelling but usually without too much discoloration.The treatment of each of these problems will vary greatly.See a doctor. Good luck.

I have a sharp shooting pain in my right ring finger. What could it be? Is it a nerve? ?

See your health care provider as soon as possible (orthopedic surgeon or hand specialist), for consultation. Finger pain is defined as pain in one or more fingers. Nearly everyone has injured a finger at sometime during their life. After an injury, the finger can remain a bit crooked or stiff. However, your hand can still work quite well with minor deformities. Fingers do not need to open or close completely to be functional.

Numbness or tingling in the fingers may be a sign of a problem with nerves or blood flow.


Blood flow problems
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Nerve problems
Raynaud's phenomenon
Rheumatoid arthritis

Entrapment is a condition where the ulnar nerve becomes trapped or pinched due to some physiological abnormalities.
The ulnar nerve passes through many tunnels and outlets which could cause the nerve to be compressed or "pinched". Entrapment's are classified according to the location of the compressed. Some causes or origins noted could be:

Problems originating at the neck (thoracic outlet syndrome, disease of the cervical spine).

Brachial plexus abnormalities.

Elbow abnormalities (fractures, growth plate injuries, cubital tunnel problems, improper use).

Wrist abnormalities (fractures, Guyon canal problems).

Artery aneurysms or thrombosis.

Guyon's canal syndrome, sometimes called Guyon's tunnel syndrome, is a common nerve compression affecting the ulnar nerve as it passes through a tunnel in the wrist called Guyon's canal. This problem is similar to carpal tunnel syndrome but involves a completely different nerve. Symptoms include a feeling of pins-and-needles in the ring and little fingers, and may progress to a burning pain in the wrist and hand followed by decreased sensation in the ring and little fingers. One common cause of this syndrome is from pressure of bicycle handlebars seen with avid cyclists. Another is from hard, repetitive compression against a desk surface while using a computer mouse.

See a doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

I hope this helps you. And good luck.

Is a blood clot in the hand dangerous?

Well, any blood clot can be dangerous. However, the hand is a less key place to get them. My mom got them in her lungs and continually gets them in her legs. She in fine and yes you should defiantely see a doctor and get it checked out. But don't be scared, in the hand is better than in the brain/lung.

Hope this helps

Medical Question! Finger Joint Became Instantly Bruised, NO Injury

5 minutes ago I was layin on my couch watching a movie on my laptop. I leaned over to push a button on my computer and outstretched my fingers (I was only a few inches away) all of a sudden my right ring finger got a sharp pain in it like it got stung by a bee (first joint above the knuckle) it instantly became black/blue/purple like a horrible bruise. I did not hit it on anything, nor did i get stung, bit etc.
I can move the finger around freely but it curently feels like and exhausted joint like i've been doing pushups with that finger all day. It only hurts to the TOUCH but hardly at all when I move. I am getting a tingling sensation down my forearm from my hand though.

Anyone have any clue wtf just happened?

Is there any cure for a brain stroke?

The road to recovery after a stroke is by way of stroke rehabilitation program.The ability to regain lost skills depends upon the severity of the stroke and varies widely. It is found that the functioning parts of the brain have the ability to compensate for the damaged part of the brain and hence the patient is able to regain some functions. However, it is very important to keep practicing the regained skills.The most important part of the rehab involves steps to prevent a future stroke. Lifestyle modifications, as well as medications may be required to maintain good health, and this is offered by the rehab team who will work with the patient and decide on the exercises, diet, and other lifestyle changes required for the patient. There are stroke survivors, who have fought and gained back their abilities.Role Of Ayurveda In Stroke Rehabilitation:Ayurvedic treatment is extremely effective in the rehabilitation of a stroke patient. Apart from Internal medicines that are administered to help in restoring the nervous system, it also has a wide range of therapies that also aid the recovery process. Nasyam is one therapy where medicated oil is instilled into the nostrils thereby helping the repair of the nervous system in addition to strengthening the nerves. Vasthi is another procedure of administrating medicated enemas’ through the rectum thereby changing the neuro transmitter levels in the body and improving the neurological function. There are also a wide range of oil massages available which help improve the micro vascular circulation thereby strengthening the muscles.For more Info, check Article: An overview on Stroke rehabilitationFor effective treatment to stroke: AVN Arogya Ayurvedic Hopital

Personal Hygiene: Is picking your nose bad for you?

The answer to this question lies in the deep deep ANATOMY of the nose :-)The nose is divided into two halves by the nasal septum.At the antero-inferior  angle of the nasal septum, four arteries of the nose form something called an 'anastomoses' which in simple terms means, that four different arteries which supply blood to the nose join together and form a 'network' . This network of arteries is called the Kiesselbach's plexus.SO, when you 'PICK YOUR NOSE' :Your finger is coming in contact with this arterial network which is carrying blood to your nose.And most of the time, you damage it causing the arteries to leak which you experience as a nose bleed. And like what the above users said, you are also transmitting germs to your nasal passages and in turn respiratory tract.In addition, there is a rare possibility of the spread of infection from the area between the nose and upper lip ( medically called 'dangerous area of the face') to   a part of the brain called  the 'cavernous sinus'. But, this is extremely rare.So, yes it definitely BAD for you.For those who are further interested, the names of the four arteries are: Anterior ethmoidal arterySphenopalatine arteryGreater palatine arterySeptal branch of superior labial artery

How long should i refrain from masturbating if i have penis thrombosis?

Im 22 yrs old and the last few months or so i've noticed that, that big vein that goes from the base of my shaft to the top near the head has looked a little swollen, especially after jacking off. Also all those other little veins all over my weenie are looking more prominent. And darker too, like almost purple. Now i didn't really have much concern about it until the last few days becuz the big vein now looks even more swollen, slightly sore and even kinda, umm, lumpy... even when im flacid. Also i noticed that it kinda moves around when i poke at it, like it's loose or something (but that could be normal i guess)

From everything i read it seems like i most likely have a case of penis thrombosis. Please correct me if i may be wrong. So how long should one typically refrain from sex/masturbation for it to go back to normal?? Does it vary?