Tips For Waking Up After A Bad Nights Sleep

What are some tips to stay awake in class after a bad night's sleep?

Oh man, I used to write down everything, I mean, everything the professor said. If she cleared her throat, I wrote that in.I also used to count the alphabet within any notes on the board or wall. How many A’s are there? B’s? On through the line.I also used to pinch the inside of my thigh or stab it with a pen, but that’s a slightly different story.

Not sleeping the night before surgery bad?

It makes no difference at all. General anesthesia isn't sleep, for one thing, it just looks like it. You will wake up just fine after the surgery.

I couldn't sleep last night is that bad?

I think it is not bad and it is normal. Maybe you've slept all day that time so you are wide awake at night.. It happens to me when I'm sleeping all day.

For sure an abnormal or bad if you cannot sleep 3 to 5 nights straight! you might be suffering a sleeping disorder, consult your physician immediately.

Can't sleep at night. I keep sleeping during the day. Any tips that would help me fall asleep at night?

Silly question for you: do you snore? If you have sleep apnea (would need someone who sleeps with you to tell ya), then you would be tired during the day, and possibly have trouble sleeping at night.

Are you male or female? Had your thyroid checked lately?

Are you under any stress that causes you to ruminate all night?

Do you sleep with the TV on? Bad idea because it actually keeps you awake.

Do not eat at least 3 hours before bed time because digestion will keep you up at night.

If not, then try stimulating your brain 30 minutes each day by exercising (walking, weight training, dancing, swimming....and so forth).

If none of that helps, see your doctor because you may have some sort of underlying illness.

good luck

How does one stay awake after a sleepless night?

Try your best to keep yourself awake. Keep yourself as busy as possible until you get to a good time to go to sleep. It may be difficult but if you fall asleep during the day you may end up with another sleeples night, which can turn into a bad pattern.

I always go to sleep at 3 am and wake up at 11 am, is that bad for my health?

Not if you’re doing that every day.If eight hours of sleep is enough for you, you’re getting them. if it’s not enough, sleep more.Different people have different natural circadian rythyms. Some people naturally go to bed 10 PM and wake up early. Some naturally go to bed 3 AM and wake up late. Ignore the “morning people” who tell you you’re sleeping the wrong hours. It’s the length of sleep and quality of sleep that matters.But…regularity matters also. Studies have shown that if you keep changing your sleep times, the stress on your body and mind is considerable. People who regularly change shifts at work are less healthy on the average than those who work the same shift every day.So if that’s when you sleep every day, and 8 hours is enough sleep for you, you’re fine. But if you have a 9–5 job, and only sleep 3–11 on weekends, or if you are constantly dealing with shift changes, you’re definitely hurting yourself. Try to find a compromise that keeps your sleep schedule as regular as possible.Two notes about light:1) Studies have shown that we get better quality sleep in a dark environment. So get some really good light-proof blinds and keep your bedroom as dark as possible while you are snoozing.2) You need sunlight to be healthy. If you are sleeping for part of the day, make sure you get enough sunlight exposure in the other part. Lack of it can lead to depression and health issues. If your lifestyle doesn’t accommodate that, there are sun lamps made for just that purpose.