Tips On Treatin Procrastination

Tips on how to not procrastinate?

It may surprise you to know that many people do their best work under pressure. I'm one of them. I also have a procrastination habit, but sometimes it works for me rather than against me. I'm a writer who has to meet deadlines, but rather than have a lot of time to do my work, I'll often wait until the last minute. I'm not advising this method for everyone. You asked how not to procrastinate, so one of the tips that might help is to put yourself under a "reward system". In other words, promise yourself a treat after so many minutes or hours of homework. That may give you incentive to get the job done. And the best reward is the feeling of accomplishment after completing a difficult or boring task. Good luck!

How does one treat chronic procrastination?

1)Begin by establishing what causes you to procrastinateThese include embracing short-term pleasures like social media engagement, doubting your capabilities and failure to enjoying the task you’re involved in.2)Break the project down into smaller concrete tasks and prioritizeRemember not everything is urgent all the time. Break down the tasks in the following criteria:People who spend most of their time in Quadrant I usually have stressful lives. What they need to do is both important and urgent. They have to respond to tight deadlines, they need to solve crisis and have to put out fires constantly.People who spend most of their time in Quadrant III usually have a short term focus. They feel out of control.The Quadrant IV is all about time wasters or activities that don't provide any value. Anything done abusively could enter this category too (TV, video games, internet surfing...).Quadrant II is THE quadrant where you want to spend more time. It is the quadrant of planning, preparation, balance and pro-activityIt can help you reduce the time you spend on urgent things overtime.3)Make it fun and self-talk every once in a whileIf you have fun in what you do, you really don’t care what’s happening around you. Think like a child playing on the swings out there. No matter whether he falls, someone is fighting near him or even if it starts raining, he just does not stop playing simply because he is having fun. Secondly if you feel down motivate yourself with self talk. You could also try motivational seminars or simply subscribe to one of the inspirational channels on Youtube.Here’s One Last TipStop reading articles and Quora answers about how to overcome procrastination and just get to work! Right now, get up and strive to become the best in your craft.I wish you the best!

What is the best treatment for procrastination?

Mark Twain wrote “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.”When there are difficult projects or annoying tasks that I don’t want to do, I try to do them first and simply get them out of the way. I usually find that the things I dread, are never as bad as I have made them out to be and it feels SO good to get them off my list.The sense of accomplishment from doing something you don’t want to do energizes you to tackle the more interesting items after. And if that is not reward enough, consider finding a way to reward yourself for doing the “un-fun” things on your list (set aside time to play games on your phone, watch a movie, look at social networks, get a massage, go out for a walk, etc.)A few suggestions related to procrastination:You need to recognize that everyone procrastinates at least a little! Typically, people procrastinate when something seems like a huge undertaking or too difficult to do.So what can you do?Break large projects into small, doable tasks. You know the joke: "How do you eat an elephant?" One bite at a time. Accomplishing small pieces of the larger task will empower and encourage you to keep going.Each evening, look at what needs to get done (each task should have an estimated time assigned to its well as a degree of difficulty.)Take out your calendar and be sure to schedule in classes and other ‘fixed’ variables. Then, look at your list of tasks and decide which need to get done immediately. Your calendar will serve as your road map each day.Consider the times during the day when you are most alert and attentive. Schedule your harder tasks during these times but be sure to allow for regular breaks.The Pommodoro method suggests 25 minutes of concentration followed by 5 minutes of relaxation. You can use this as a guide or adjust the 25 to 20 minutes if that’s your optimal working time.Scheduling a specific time to get work done will enable you to get your work done more efficiently and you should find that there is also time to do things you enjoy (dinner with friends, exercise, movies, etc.)Instead of trying to tackle everything at once, start with one thing and then start with a small sub-set of that. It’s easier to build on small successes!I hope these suggestions help. For more productivity tips, please visit my blog.Sharon

I am an extreme procrastinator - what can i do?

I think GreenDay has a song called "Longview" that seems to apply to you (*winks). Try pretending, the "day" has come and your homework is due. Think about how much better it will feel to just get it out of the way and not worry about it any longer. That feeling of accomplishment is addicting and I bet the good habbit with catch on. Something tells me you are probably not a very confrontational person either. Think about why you are procrastinating. Dread of doing something, fear of not being able to do something, pure laziness? That will help once you identify the cause of your procrastination. In college, I had certain classes I would always put off til last minute because I dreaded doing the work. Finally, and idk why, but I got my head out of my bum and realized how much easier life was to just get it over with!

Why do I procrastinate?

You procrastinate because maybe...
- you are out of focus.
- you dont stick to your goals
- you want to do a lot of things at the same time ending up not accomplishing anything
- you have a lot of distractions around and accessible to you.
If you think these distractions, keep you from focusing, keep them out of sight!

What to do? Simple...
If you finish one, then proceed to the next one.