Tips To Stop Myself From Eating Junk Food

I can't stop myself from eating junk food!!?

Hi! I can help you out. I'm very much into nutrition and healthy food. It's hard to make the switch from unhealthy to healthy. But I did :) I used to eat ALOT of rubbish, but now I don't eat ANY. I'm quite extreme when it comes to my diet and my health, so I wouldn't recommend copying me exactly, but, for example, I don't eat ANY refined sugar (that means sugar thats in cereals, muesli bars, cookies, ice creams, chocolate; pretty much anything yummy and sweet and man-made). I don't eat any bread. And when I say I don't eat ANY, I really mean it. I haven't had a single drop of sugar or a single crumb of bread pass my lips for nearly six months. Not once.

So I eat a LOT of fruit; more than six or seven servings a day. I make great smoothies (today I had a 1/2 pineapple, 1/2 cucumber, 3 apples, 1/2 avacado- which you can't taste-, mixed berries, 6 kiwifruit smoothie) and have a smoothie a day. I eat lean meat, and drink a lot of herbal tea (this tastes yummy and isn't as boring as water). I also eat things like falafel, and lots of vegetables.

The biggest tip I could give you (for a diet) is to eat CLEAN. If something didn't exist 150 years ago, then don't eat it, because it has probably been pumped full of chemicals and man-made junk. Anything that comes from nature or the ground is GOOD. This should help you lose weight fast, and make you incredibly healthy.

What you really have to do is stick to it. It's very easy to choose a diet, and do it for a few days, and then break it and give up, but you either need to do it, or don't. I can't imagine life without my diet; it's wonderful, it makes me feel wonderful, and it makes my skin glow and makes me thin. I love it. But you have to really want to do it. No one can make you diet. You have to. Don't give up. Stick to it.

How do I stop myself from eating fast food?

Whenever you think of fast food, try to remember how bad it isI’m almost free of fast food. When I started out, I simply stopped buying sweets. Whenever I felt the urge to buy some, I started thinking how sweets are made and that they are nothing more than sugar plastic- will kill your appetite very soon. Also I forced myself to picture really nice vegetables compares to a bonbon- and how my body will react to it. You are what you eat, so imagine how your body is made of nothing but sweets on one hand- and how bad you would feel eating all that bad stuff.Then, try to imagine a healthy version of yourself, similar to the one on the right. How would you feel if you ate all the good stuff ?Keep the devil away from your placesThe closer it is , you are more likely to give in your temptation-If your sweets are sitting on a shelf you pass by, you’ll eat them without noticing.If the sweets are in the basement, you’ll barely go and get them.But if you don’t even buy them, you’ll stop missing them (except for your favourite sweet or chocolate).You already don’t buy soda for that simple reason, so this is your next step.Set up a routine…to counteract ego depletion:The more choices you make, the less energy you will have to do choices that go against our desire. Say you had an intense meeting at work, discussing over an hour and on the way home you see this :If you didn’t have that meeting that exhausted your energy reservoirs, it would be way easier to say no and cook at hom.So read up a bit on Quora about habit implementation and then you start off! For the sake of keeping it simple, start with one goal, e.g. preparing breakfast the evening before or actively trying out healthy snacks. Stay dedicated!

I can't stop eating junk food. Can you help?

I eat burgers from fast food places almost every day even when I have fruit, yogurt, cereal, and other healthy foods at my apartment. My girlfriend really loves me but she's losing attraction due to my weight and my lack of action. I don't know why I do this. I do want to lose weight and feel good working out, but then I'll just turn around and go to McDonald's and order 5 mcdoubles and eat them when I'm in a hurry.

This is partially because I am a college student and am often in a hurry, making the cooking and cleaning of eating at home seem like a pain. I was fed a lot of this food when I was a child with my parents and I always being on the road, and I feel like there's some kind of sick addiction there. I feel like I get a high when I'm eating this garbage, but then as soon as I'm done and I start packing the trash/wrappers/napkins my conscience kicks in as well as my stomach, telling me I'm a slob.

I guess what I'm asking is: How can I discipline myself to stop eating garbage food and eat healthy alternatives and find time to work out ? I feel like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde!

Help! How to redeem myself after eating too much junk food!? and get rid of this dang sugar addiction?

well i myself am addicted to sweets its quite easy to quit.when your about to grab some junk food just stop yourself say no and either eat something heathy or do something else to ditract your self.

I can't stop craving for junk food. What should I do?

There are a couple of ways to nullify junk food cravings in a manner that is both satisfying and healthy. For most people, eating junk food is not done out of hunger but rather the need for that gratification. In the event you are hungry, things can get ugly quickly. To stop those unnecessary cravings, consider these tips:Eat when you’re not hungry - Try and fill up on bland snacks that will cut into your hunger. Even if you do not feel completely satiated after eating, often we are able to exercise a bit more control when that impulse to consume is not eating away at us.Drink water - Sometimes we confuse hunger for dehydration and will eat instead of addressing the problem. Before letting junk food get the better of you, drink water. It will help to fill you up, get you digesting what you’ve already consumed, and aid in curving cravings.Get rid of junk food - Instead of allowing yourself access to junk food at home, fill your fridge and pantry with healthier food options. This will help you get into the habit of snacking on things that are better for you and over time they could replace junk food as the thing you crave. Some solid snacking options include nuts and seeds, or fruit for something a bit sweeter.The good news is that you are actively looking for ways to cut back on your junk food cravings. Sometimes just making it a bit harder to give into them is what it takes to start minimizing their power. If you want some more tips on managing your appetite, consider this article: Body Hacks for Managing Appetite & Preventing Overeating

How can I stop eating junk food, get motivated to work out and just lose fat?

Buy yourself a cute outfit that is one size too small. Hang it up somewhere that you see it daily, particularly if it is visible while you are choosing/preparing what you will eat.This will serve as a tangible reminder if your goal.Try on the outfit once a week. Make it a ritual that you repeat the same day and time each week. Even though your progress is slower than you'd like, you will notice it fits better and better as the weeks pass.Then one week it will actually fit! Wow! Great job! Now go out somewhere in your cute new outfit and notice how good it feels.You can repeat this process as many times as you need to reach your target weight. Just keep in mind that each size you drop will take longer than the last, because your new, smaller body burns fewer calories than it used to. Be patient.Learning to avoid junk food is hugely important, but go easy on yourself. If you mess up there is nothing wrong with you, just promise yourself you'll make better choices tomorrow.If there is some junk food you really crave, give yourself permission to have as much as you want once a week at a specific day and time. Then, if you have a craving, remind yourself that it isn't really that hard to wait until the designated time. As time passes you'll miss it less. Also, it's easier if you don't keep that food around the house.Remember that weight loss is 80% good food choices and 20% exercise. Don't overdo the exercise because your body will get highly stressed working too hard in a calorie deficit. Stress will slow down your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight.Take it easy on yourself, have fun, and remember that permanent weight loss comes from learning to make better food choices as a habit.Pro tip: don't restrict fat in your diet. Fat you eat makes you feel full and has more benefit for your body than the same calories from carbs. Balancing your carb, protein, and fat calories is the best route to permanent weight loss, no matter what the diet gurus tell you. I'm not one of them. I'm just someone who struggled with my weight for 20 years and was able to lose 40 pounds in 8 months (and keep it off) using the above tips.

How can I stop myself from eating junk food? I have a high metabolism and often abuse it, I want to eat healthy but get stressed cutting out junk food (clearly rely on it too much) any tips?

Its kind of hard… like cutting out cigarettes from your life although IMO its ok to have a little bit of cheescake or candy every once in a great while, but I wouldn't really ever want smoke a cigar or cigarette at any time. Its because it is pleasurable to you and an easy way to kind of take moment for yourself during the day. I also used to smoke and eat a lot of junk food but have gradually cut them out for the most part. I still eat candy on occasion and like the smell of tobacco but I would feel really bad about myself if I ate too much candy or junk or if I ever smoked a cigarette again. I think what helped me is just you have to change your understanding of what is food. Like a starch a vegetable and a protein is actually a delicious and healthy meal, but if your used to getting most of you calories from junk then its not going to sound appealing to you. Unfortunately, the hard thing is your going to crave junk food and you kind of just have to wean youself off of it. This might take several years to do or a few months depending on how motivated you are and how addicted (thats what you basically are) to junk food. A thing I’ve found is when your craving junk food eat something less fattening and unhealthy like nuts instead of hostess cakes or krispy kreme or even better go for a walk or a swim or do some jumping jacks and a lot of times you urge to eat junk will go away. It really takes a long time and a lot of commitment and you will fall off the wagon at some point unless your just like some kind of superman. If or when this happens dont get too upset with yourself and fall into a self destructive spiral where you just dont care anymore what you eat, just realize you are in a negative phase and you are probably feeling a lot of stress in your life but this will eventually pass and you will get back on the right track. Also possibly try to fast for a day to build discipline. If you are really serious about it and maintain a commitment you will succeed and you will thanks yourslef an infinite amount of times 20 years down the road or later in your life if you keep up with it. It will be worth it and I really hope you do it.

How do I get my parents to stop buying junk food?

I've exhausted my willpower to the last ounce trying.

They refuse to stop buying it. I've hinted in every way, and even flat out asked them to stop. Their responses vary between screams and sighs.

My dad constantly expresses his desire for Oreos, a milkshake, peanut M&M's, or one of his other favorites. Worse yet, I'm constantly offered some.

I've been accused by my older sister, who refuses to weigh herself, but I'd guess weighs around 300 lbs, constantly accuses me of being anorexic when I refuse to eat junk food.

I'm pretty certain I have a junk food addiction, and I'm trying to get past it, but it is difficult with my family around. What should I do? I'm tired of crying at night in disappointment with myself for not being able to resist. Should I just throw the junk out? I need help! I'm driving myself insane.