To Explain In Simple Terms

In simple terms - Explain what SVT is?

What is SVT? It's quite complicated but I'll do my best to explain!

Your heart has an electrical system that causes the heart to "beat" (contract). This is what you see on the ECG - electrical activity.

There is the top of the heart (atria) and the bottom (ventricles). Between them is an "AV node" which lets each electrical signal pass through. With SVT, an extra pathway also occasionally sets off a beat, and triggers the other pathway as well, so a "circuit" is set up, setting off a fast heart beat. Your heart rate is usually 60-100 beats per minute, now it's 130 -250 beats per minute.

It may stop itself or may need treatment to slow it down.

It's quite common, often in younger people, and is usually quite harmless. It doesn't mean you have heart disease - it doesn't affect your arteries and does NOT mean you are having a heart attack, or are going too.

Causes: Smoking, alcohol, caffeine, stress, drugs, anxiety, electrolyte imbalances, thyroid disease, often unknown.

What controls it? Techniques you can be taught to use at home, medication, ablation (procedure to remove the cells in your heart that are causing the SVT)

Do you have to take medication? It depends on the success of the other attempts to remove it. Not necessarily.

How does it impact daily life? It depends on your age and if you have any other medical/cardiac conditions. Usually the impact is minimal, but if you're frequently having episodes it can interfere with your lifestyle. Some people get SVTs only rarely, others get them all the time.

DIet? I believe avoiding coffee/tobacco/drugs will be advised.

Can it be cured? Yes

Long term effect? In most cases, there's no ongoing damage and it doesnt lead to a heart attack or anything like that.

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