To Guys What Makes Her Really Hot And Me Just Moderately Attractive

Would you rather be married to someone extremely attractive or be someone who is extremely attractive?

As a female, I rather be extremely attractive because men tend to be visually wired. Of course, a man who is attracted to an INFJ woman is usually in for a lot of surprises. We can usually turn them upside down and inside out. We can turn a dominating man into a crying little school girl and turn a man who is a little boy on the inside into an actual man.I don’t need an extremely attractive mate. I prefer someone with a good heart and who also has a good mind. I have to say, the INTJ (King of Swords) can really get to me with his deep intelligence and the ISFJ (King of Cups) can get to me with his kindness. The King of Pentacles impresses me with his ability to take care of the castle and everyone in it. The King of Wands is an enigma that I have yet to figure out.See related satire: 6 Ways to Make a Daddy Dom Cry Like a School Girl.

Guys, what sport is most attractive for girls to play?

Swimming and Cheerleading.

Okay so I am a moderately attractive guy?

I'm no casanova but I'm a guy but I'll try and help you !

Right now , when you talk to girls - you focus on THEIR life . it's a good thing that you care about who the person you talk to is , and see her more than a pretty girl . but it's not gonna get you anywhere . and in 3 days - you can expect a no .

(though - not giving too much compliments is a nice move)

What you SHOULD do is flirt with them . make them interested in who YOU are . show confidence and find good things about yourself and mention them ! that will raise your value in their eyes .

But other than getting to know each other - just talk about random things . . and be funny . keep the conversations short - and make them want more :P

Next , once you find someone , and started talking with her DONT tell her you like her so soon ! make her wonder if you do . you could tell her that , AFTER you developed feelings for each other . until then , keep it a secret .

if you tell a girl you love her - that will make her day . true . but not by someone she just met . right ?

First , you need to ask her out . that will hint her that you are interested in her THAT way ...

And from here it's another story ... but make it through the first stage first :D if you do . come back here and I'll give you tips with the rest .

What does each number on the "attractiveness scale" mean?

From 1-10.
For example I think it goes
10- drop dead gorgeous
6-9 Moderately attractive-hot
4-5 average/ugly
1-3 not attractive.
I personally rate myself as a 4/10 because I have a good body but my face isn't attractive at all in my opinion.
BQ: What do you rate yourself based solely on looks and why?

How can a woman Attract a really handsome man and make him fall in love with her?

@Vampiric Pisces

""As for the food thing, it was an example of situation, not literal. I'm not going to explain the reason as you haven't grasped it as it is and I am not feeling like typing the explanation out."""

But I did GRASP it! I think you just didn't get my response. I know it was metaphorical and I know what you implied.

So far, I see you making huge assumptions about me...even calling me ''unable to grasp easy things'' i.e. Stupid!!!

Well if that suits your Ego, keep on stroking it
I am NOT responsible for your inability to interpret people's questions correctly and to NOT jump into conclusions hastily.

I will repeat it once more, although I think you just DON'T want to believe it so my words fall on deaf ears, looks are NOT the only thing I am looking for. They are not the least important factor either though.
I put EQUAL importance on ALL the factors. I don't have personality nor looks as a ''prio

Have you ever found cartoon/anime characters attractive?

I find a lot of fictional characters attractive. They ruin my life.
and you're not pervy for finding a fictional character attractive. I'm a girl and I find Korra VERY attractive and she's such a badass and you're right her personality does contribute to her hotness.
and let's be honest.... who in ATLA/TLOK isn't attractive? I can't think of one person....

How can a woman tell if a shy guy likes her?

A SMILE WILL TELL ALLSmile at him when you know he's looking at you; If he just sort of smiles back like you're a complete stranger and hes's being polite, he probably hasn't thought much about you. That doesn't mean he dislikes you, just that he hasn't been considering you as someone he might like to talk to and who he thinks would be friendly.But,if he looks startled or embarrassed, that means he likes you quite a bit.That may not make sense, but take it from a shy guy who's been there, thats the way it works for us. The cocky, all the girls love me type of guy believes that everyone really does like him, so if a girl smiles he sees it as a come on. He'll not only smile back like a shark, but he'll have a quick comment or something cute to say that will roll right off his tongue.But shy guys are often scared of rejection (especially from girls) so everything looks like a trick to them. After all, if he likes you it's because he finds you attractive, but probably assumes you wouldn't be interested in him because if you're attractive to him then all the other guys see you that way too, and he doesn't have a chance. So for that split second when he realizes that you're smiling at him he will think, "Oh no, she knows I like her and she's making fun of me".That's why he'll probably turn red, or look down suddenly, anything to avoid your gaze and keep from looking foolish. There's a slight chance, if he's really smitten, that he'll just smile back with a dumb look on his face because he's not believing what's happening is real. But unlike the outgoing Mr. Popular type, he won't be able to say anything, he won't really know what he's doing. Either way, you'll know very quickly and what you do about it is up to you after that. Although if you're at all kind, if he does end up staring at you like a dumb puppy, you'll kiss him on the forehead or cheek and say something like "If I didn't know better I'd think you liked me".

Do women even find men attractive?

having been married to the same lady for 40 years, and spoken at length to my mother , sister, 2 daughters and a grand daughter,all 3.6 billion women on the planet are unique in their preferences,but in my experience its very different from the way men feel it,the scoring system 0/10 to 10/10 is not nonsenseit is real, not a fallacy, and there is a high degree of consensus as to which person attains which score,any woman who exceeds 5/10 will get noticed by most men regardless of anything else, she might be as dumb as a box of hammers and / or have the personality of a witch, but they will notice her and be drawn to her,looks also matters for a woman, but the man has to be more of a complete package to attract many women, unless he is Johnny Depp /Paul Newman handsome,any man who is at Harry Dean Stanton/John Hurt/Dustin Hoffman level of looks (or better) will get attention from women if he has self confidence, a good career, is moderately kind (although kindness is far from necessary)….IMHO self confidence is the essential bit for the majority of women (even Paul Newman would be unattractive if he seemed unsure of himself)