Toothache I Desperately Need Help But Terrified Of The Dentist

Horrible tooth ache, beyond pain pill, what can we do? Help!!?

He now has tried all the solutions found through this question/answer place. Yes, I absolutely agree that he needs a dentist and to have all those teeth removed and get dentures. However, with no income, no unemployment, and my teeeny soc sec, there is no way unless the Lord leads us to a great dentist who would help him out. People have told us that he could get septic and die from all the poisons going through his system because of these teeth. Please pray that we will find a way to help him. ty all for your comments/suggestions. he is not suffering as bad, but the clove oil really burned his mouth; tea bags did nothing, alkaseltzer actually did help a little, pain pills helped him to be able to sleep and eased the pain (but he hated taking them cause he just doesnt usually take meds). He is using salt water to keep flushing out his mouth.

I am 8 weeks preg with the WORST toothache. HELP!?

I had the same issues at 8 weeks pregnant. It's actual how I found out I was pregnant... I wasn't menstruating, which was normal for me because I was still nursing my 16 month old. But had a urine test before getting dental surgery, and ummm- guess what- baby number three is on the way...

Anyways- Tylenol is fine to take, just follow the dosing schedule on the box. It changes with whether it extra strength or not. Oragel is fine too, but kind of lame when it comes to a bad tooth ache... They gave me Vicodin to help with the pain at night.

You should also be aware that dental infections are dangerous during pregnancy. You could try applying for temporary state insurance for the time being. Or go to the ER for antibiotics and a Novacaine injection. You'll have to pay for it, but at least you can get a payment plan.

Good luck!

Up all night crying from toothache desperate for help!?

If you go to the ER they can at least give you an antibiotic which will eventually help with the pain, they will also give you a pain killer (such as vicodin) and possibly lidocaine (you'll rinse your mouth out with it) which will help numb the area!!
My suggestion is to check online and see if there are any free clinics in your area!! When I didn't have dental insurance and had a tooth ache I went to a regular dentist office and had to pay $200.00 up front but then was able to set up a payment plan but the interest on the payment plan was outrageous to the point I missed a few payments and my bill got ridiculously high and so I just needed to make one big payment! I did eventually go to a free clinic but then I had to wait for a long time...but at least it was free!
As you said though the nerve is exposed so right now a pain killer is probably not going to help. You should also try salt water rinses a few times a day (that in itself may ease alot of pain) and you can also go to the pharmacy and ask for clove oil which in most cases helps with the pain (apply just to infected tooth, I use a q-tip.) (warning. it tastes absolutely horrid and it burns but it does sometimes help).
I would also suggest you try taking Motrin. You are able to take 4 Motrin at once, but only every 6 hours and only for about 2 days in a row. A ice pack pressed against your cheek on the side of infected tooth may also help reduce the pain.

What are my options if I'm terrified of the dentist?

I have had several unfortunate episodes with dentists and I completely understand your fears.  Please understand that I can handle pain usually, but when it comes to dental pain, well, that's another story.  However, there comes a time when you need a dentist desperately, (a popcorn kernel jammed way up in the gum in a back molar, was my original crisis, infection, swelling, pain, ugh) .First I had to remember that people have died from dental infections, and I wasn't quite ready for that particular experience.   Next was finding someone who would see me quickly, I mean I was in some real pain! When I called for the appointment (emergency!) I told them point blank that I was terrified and I did not want to feel a thing that they did.My dentist saw me within the next 15 minutes, listened to why I was afraid of dentist in general:  I had 3 horror stories, 2 involved dentist that had cursed at me, and another I had passed out twice in the same session from the pain.He took my brand new chart and in great big red letters he wrote TLC. I mean HUGE letters, covering the whole front of the chart.That man was and has always been willing to work with me on every aspect of my dental fear from physical care to no pain to payment.  They are there, be upfront, and explain yours worries.  If you don't feel comfortable with them, try another.  I can assure you that they are out there and they really do care.Thanks for the A2A, and I do hope that helps. Be brave, your teeth are worth it!

Dreadful toothache - worse when lying down?

To me, you are describing an abscessed tooth. This is almost diagnostic. If you have inflammation in an area, there is more blood flow to that area. If you place that same area lower than the rest of your body, there will be even more blood in the area. This makes the area start to throb. Think about it. If you sprain your ankle, you are supposed to sit or lie down and elevate your foot to keep the excess blood from accumulating there because it would cause throbbing. If you are passing out because your nervous system has prepared you for "fight or flight" by dilating all of your peripheral vessels, which deprives your brain of blood, you are supposed to lie down with your head lower than your body to restore blood flow to the brain.

If someone has an abscess and I have just started a root canal or if they are going on antibiotics for a few days before I remove the tooth, I tell them to sleep on an extra pillow to elevate their head. If that doesn't work, they can move to a recliner or the sofa so they can keep their head really elevated. This will minimize the blood flow to the area and therefore minimize the throbbing and pain.

So - elevate your head when you sleep and get back to the dentist. Sometimes it is hard to find which tooth is bothering you in the earlier stages, but this sounds like it should be obvious by now. If she can't find it, get to an endodontist who will surely be able to locate the source of your trouble. I hate to say it, but I think you might be right about your new dentist missing something.

What should I do about this toothache? I am 27 weeks pregnant.?

I had a TERRIBLE tooth pain at the beginning of my pregnancy. When I called my dentist he wouldn't even let me step foot in the office! I was so angry! I ended up in the emergency room and everything cause it hurt so bad! Everyone instructed me to see my dentist, even my OB. But he refused to see me. Said it wouldn't be worth it if something happened to the baby. I'm now 26 weeks pregnant and took antibiotics for the tooth which calmed down the infection. I am being forced to wait until my baby is born before getting it fixed. Just let the dentist know that you are pregnant (if it's not obvious already, lol) and i'm sure he will use the proper precautions so it doesn't harm your baby :) My dentist is stupid....I need to find another one, but there aren't any anywhere near my house! :(

9 weeks pregnant and with toothache?

I am a dental assitant....Go to the dentist. Everything in your mouth can infect or lead to other problems in the body if you do not take care of it. Teeth and gums are living things with blood vessels, if they become infected then that bacteria goes directly into your blood stream that goes to your heart and other places in the body. IF you don't take care of the toothache it willnot go away and the dentist can tell you what needs to be done. Xrays in the office are very small amounts and will not hurt the baby ( it would take years to do that over and over). The pain will not go away with tylenol or amubsol or anything. It's just temporary relief.
I am 7 months pregnant and your gums and teeth will not bleed all the time just because you are pregnant. If you take care of them then it won't happen. You must be taught the right way and floss, floss , floss.
But please take the pain away for yourself, it won't get better without treatment. the dentist can tell you what is best for you and won't do anything dangerous for the baby. Most numbing will not hurt the baby. It lasts only an hour. It only blocks the blood vessels so you don't feel pain.

I've had a severe toothache for 4 or 5 days, what can i do to get a full night of sleep?

I've had about 3 or 4 hours of sleep in the past 3 days
I have an appointment on monday after school but i desperately need some sleep
The pain started in a bottom molar but after i accidentally hit my top molar right above it with the back of my electric toothbrush when brushing my teeth (im a clutz i know) the top one has hurt worse then the bottom, its been the worst pain i've ever experienced, what else can i do to either make the pain go away or at least help me sleep for more then an hour until i can get to the dentist
i've tried:
swooshing cold water on the area but that only last a few minutes
maximum oragel but for some reason it stung instead of numbed, although my tongue was plenty numbed
chewing on a water soaked rag but it hurt to chew so the pain was worse
as of right now im taking a 800mg motrin every 6 hours and thats sort of helping but not at night

Is there anything else i can do to get a better nights sleep?