Triceps Hurt-no Pain/feel Weird When Doing Overhead Triceps Stretch. Feels Like Doing A Split But

Is working out one muscle a week effective?

The overarching principle to keep in mind is total volume in the week. Therefore - if you hit an adequate amount of volume in the single session (volume = weight * sets * reps) then you should be OK.The advantage of this method (once a week) is you can focus on a single muscle group and you definitely have plenty of recovery time.However - as a natural lifter without the aid of drugs - this is not the most efficient way to train.After volume - the next thing to keep in mind is that frequency affects MPS (muscle protein synthesis) which in plain English is the ability of the muscle to grow by being receptive to nutrients, amino acids, hormones, etc. There are studies that show that MPS in a body part ( example - legs) is heightened after a training session and stays high for 24–48 hours after training - post which it returns to baseline levels.Therefore - if you train legs once a day, and then don't touch it for another 7 days - you are likely leaving gains on the table.Therefore the ideal situation is to be able to balance frequency (how often), intensity (how heavy, how many sets) and recovery (not frying your joints, nervous system and connective tissue).For most natural lifters - the ideal way to do this is by training each body part 2 or 3 times per week. This naturally requires you to have shorter individual sessions (unless you want to live in the gym) but it also allows you to bring more intensity to each session.Bottom line - instead of beating the shit out of the muscle group once a week - break the total volume into 2 or 3 sessions per week and go hard each session.Oh, and make sure your diet is on point.Good luck.

My triceps hurts in both arms??

I didn t do any exercise the day before it started hurting. i just woke up and stretched my arms out and it started hurting really badly. I tried stretching them but it was too painful. help?