Trig Question Velocity

Question on linear velocity? (Trigonometry)?

It's questions like this that drive people to purchase digital watches !

A second hand of radius 30mm has a Circumference to travel of 2(pi)r in 60
C=2(3.1416)(30), = 188.5 mm /60 seconds
That's 3.1416 mm/sec

A minute hand travels 2(pi)27 in one hour, or 3600 seconds
C=54(pi)/3600, =169.6464/3600 sec
That's 0.047 mm/sec

An hour hand of radius 18 travels 2(pi)18 mm in 1 day
That's 36(pi) mm in 60 X 60 X 24 seconds
C=36(pi) / 60X60X24
C=(pi) / 2400, =0.0013 mm/sec

Cheers !

Angular velocity question (trigonometry)?

The circumference of any circle is 2*PI*r. So the distance covered by any single point on a circle during one revolution is 2*PI*r. The number of radians in a circle is 2*PI. Since 1 revolution divided by 2*PI radians equals 1 you can take your feet per revolution and multiply by 1.

2*PI*r feet/revolution * revolution/2*PI radians

The revolutions cancel out, the 2*PI cancels out and you are left with r feet/radian. So for each radian worth of movement the sheave will move r feet worth of cable or 6 ft. in this case. (Assuming no slippage of the cable.)

Convert 10 miles to feet by multiplying by 5280 to get 52800 feet. So you would need 52800 feet/6 feet per radian or 8800 radians to cover 10 miles. So 8800 radians/hour is your angular velocity.

Next convert to revolutions per hour by multiplying by 2*PI. Finally convert to revolutions per minute (RPM) by dividing by 60.

Linear velocity question from Trigonometry?

(i) The equation to be used is V = ω R
where V is linear velocity
ω is angular velocity
and R is the radius

52 revs / min is to be converted to radians per second.
This is done by multiplying by 2 π (to convert revs to radians) and then divide by 60 ( 1min = 60 sec)
52 rev/min = 52 x 2 x π / 60 = 5.445 rad/sec

Using V = ω R
= 5.445 x 8 = 43.56 inches / second
This is equal to 217.8 ft/min

(ii) Larger pulley:
80 rev / min = 80 x 2 x π / 60 = 8.378 rad/sec = ω

Since belt passes over both pulleys and does not slip, the linear velocity of both pulleys will be the same!
So, the smaller pulley will turn faster:
ω = 8.378 x 8 / 5 (the ratio of the radii)
Angular vel will be 13.4 rad/sec

Large pulley = 8.38 rad/s Small pulley = 13.40 rad/s

Trigonometry: Angular velocity question?

An automobile is traveling at 70 ft/second. If the wheel diameter is 27 inches what is the angular velocity (w)?


Angular velocity should be in rad/second

I am so confused :(

Help on linear velocity! for trig?

The earth spins on its axis every 24 hrs .If the earth's circumference is 24800mi around the equator, find linear velocity of a person standing on the equator in miles per hour!

help? plz explain im so lost.

Blood Velocity - Trig?

The velocity v of blood at a value in the heart rate of a certain rodent is modeled by the equation v=-4cos(6(3.14) t)+4, where v is velocity in centimeters per second and t is time in seconds.
a) What is a rodent's hart rate in beats per minute?
b)What are the minimum and maximum velocities of the blood at this value?

Trig Question.. Linear Velocity, Angular Speed, etc.?

The angular speed of a point on a planet is (6pi/11) radian per hour. The equator lies on a circle of radius approximately 4000 miles. Find the linear velocity, in miles per hour, of a point on the equator.

Step by step solving process would be greatly appreciated. :)

Trig - Linear and Angular Velocity?

David puts a rock in his sling and starts whirling it around. He realizes that in order for the rock to reach Goliath, it must leave the sling at a speed of 60 feet per second. So he swings the sling in a circular path of radius 4 feet. What must the angular velocity be in order for David to achieve his objective?

How do you calculate relative velocity?

for cars moving parallel and opposite you subtract their values . but due to opposite direction of velocities we take one velocity as negative to show its oppostie direction which results and addition of both velocities . suppose Va and Vb are velocities of two cars moving oppostie in direction their relative velocity will be :Va -(-Vb ) = Va + Vb (do confirm this from your professor )

Linear speed trigonometry question?

The formula that relates linear speed to angular velocity is derived from the arc length formula. The formula you want is

linear speed = radius times angular velocity

Be careful in using this formula to use angular velocity measured in radians and also make sure your units are compatible.

radius = 0.3 meters.

angular velocity = 180 radians per minute.

Then linear speed is 0.3 times 180 = 54 meters per minute.