Trouble Concentrating Social Anxiety Vyvanse

How does Vyvanse affect social anxiety?

I have been taking Vyvanse for my ADD for about a year now. It has helped me focus since the very beginning. Before I started taking Vyvanse, I was socially normal. I never had trouble making friends and I was always social in school. I've noticed a gradual change since I started taking Vyvanse. I am experiencing what I think may be social anxiety. I've never had any social anxiety symptoms before, but it does seem fairly severe. People that were once good friends are now impossible to talk to. I dread the lunch bell because the thought of trying to find a place to sit in the cafeteria is terrifying, so much so that I've started skipping lunch and sitting in my car. Sometimes, when I'm walking down the hallway, I suddenly become very aware of my feet and legs and the way that I'm walking and it feels supremely uncomfortable.

I read that some people take Adderall and Vyvanse to help cope with social anxiety,but I've noticed the opposite. Could this be a result of taking Vyvanse or is it something else entirely?

How good is Vyvanse to treat anxiety?

Vyvanse or as its generic name, “lisdexamfetamine” is a central nervous system stimulate. This basically means that it affects the chemicals in your brain (and nerves too) that effect hyperactivity and impulse control. It is used to treat young children that suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and in some rare cases may also be used to treat severe binge eating disorder in adults. Notice that listed above is not anxiety. Medications like Vyvanse which include things like, Ritalin (methylphenidate), Strattera (atomoxetine), Focalin (dexmethylphenidate), Adderall (dextroamphetamine / amphetamine) ALL of these (and medications similar) are NOT used to treat anxiety disorder. In fact, they will very likely make your symptoms much, much, worse. I would advise you to look for would be anxiety medications such as Buspar (buspirone), Effexor (venlafaxine), Xanax (alprazolam), or even although it’s a controlled substance, Ativan (lorazepam). Either way, if you suspect you do suffer from anxiety disorder I would encourage you to talk to your primary care physician or even get a referal to be seen by a psychiatrist who can diagnose you officially and provide you with medications that may improve your quality of life when paired with proper coping mechanisms learnt in therapy.

Vyvanse + Valerian Root?

I have ADD and take Vyvanse. It works well for my concentration and makes me want to actually get up and do productive things and not feel so down all the time. However, I don't really like being on it because sometimes the side effects are unbearable. I don't mind the loss of appetite or the dry mouth, but i feel soooo nervous when I'm on it. Sometimes feeling nervous actually defeats the purpose of being on Vyvanse because I feel too nervous to get anything done. I recently read that Valerian root can help with anxiety and nervousness, but it also is considered a sedative to the brain and nervous system. Will the fact that it is a sedative to the brain interact with vyvanse and defeat its purpose of increasing concentration and alertness? Does anyone know anything else I can take to minimize the anxiety side effects of Vyvanse? I heard Kapvay might help. If you could give me credible suggestions that would be great. Otherwise, if anyone knows a forum where I could possibly get the opinion of a psychiatrist, that would be great!

Thank you

Long term Vyvanse Withdrawal. PLEASE HELP ME!?

I understand you completely. I have been off the stuff for just over a year. When you have untreated ADHD you develop ways to cope and manage without medication. When you take medication all that changes. I feel that the medication makes you forget how to function with the coping mechanisims previously in place.
It sounds like the Vyvanse dose was not right OR just not the right medication. The adverse events are caused from ups and downs of the medication in the blood. I used to get angry/irritated on the stuff.
Recently I started on Wellbutrin XL. It works as a stimulant on a smaller level without the ups and downs. I suggest you give it a try.
No medication is worth side effects that negatively impact your family life

Anxiety and depression are two different things, but I understand they can be treated with the same medicine. Is this correct?

Sometimes they don't, depends on the patient. Anxiety medication comes from the family of Benzodiazepines and the depression one I can't recall the family, but the drug is Escitalopram. The first calms you down, the second lifts up up. Very, very, very basically resumed. It all depends on your diagnosis. If your anxiety is... let's say being caused by your depression only, for example, there would be no sense in you taking both drugs, as you just have to treat one disorder and you can get rid of both.Not an expert here, I'm just speaking from my experience and my conversations with my psychiatristt. It is very important to be accurately diagnosed by a responsible professional, because these meds can f*ck your system up.

Is Adderall effective for anxiety?

It is supposed to be so. Because it is a dopaminergic drug which effects your self-confidence. Everything connected to people with born high levels of dopamine can be experienced on methylphenidate or amphetamine.As a rule, all the successful people around the globe are highly gifted regarding dopamine quantities in different areas of the brain.Methylphenidate is almost like cocaine, but without influence on the serotonin reuptake. In term of dopamine, it increases this neurotransitter even more effectively than cocaine via DAT-dependent inverse agonism, when your receptors are forced to release dopamine.Amphetamine is actually almost the same as phenetylamine which is a natural “amphetamine” created to promote arousal and our novelty-seeking by nature.In this respect, a person who is taken methylphenidate and amphetamine will show similar patterns of relatively aggressive and goal-directed behaviour.Speaking based on my experience, I was very anxious and depressed until I started to use my medication to treat ADHD. As soon as methylphenidate in my blood-stream, I feel that my level of confidence is drastically improved and can meet a lot of obstacles and, at the end, be a winner.

Does ADHD medication affect social anxiety positively or negatively?

Its not uncommon for individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to struggle with anxiety, whether its several symptoms or a full-blown disorder.In fact, about 30 to 40 percent of people with ADHD have an anxiety disorder, which includes obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, phobias, social anxiety and panic disorder, according to Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D, a clinical psychologist and clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School. The Anxiety Disorders Association of America even estimates the figure to be almost 50 percent.Full guide: From Lonely to Social Life in 27 DaysADHD symptoms can be very intrusive and make life a lot more stressful. For instance, you might miss a critical deadline at work and get fired, forget about your math final and fail the exam or act impulsively and put yourself in danger. Even the fear that you might forget something can keep people continuously worried and anxious.People with ADHD tend to be sensitive, which can leave them especially vulnerable to feeling things more deeply and being more affected by situations and emotions, Olivardia said.Anxiety adds another element to ADHD treatment, because you are both developing strategies for the ADHD symptoms and working with the resulting anxiety simultaneously, Olivardia said.Stimulant medications are highly effective in treating ADHD. But stimulants can sometimes exacerbate anxiety symptoms, Olivardia said. Still, symptoms should subside after several days or weeks, Tuckman said.Also, these symptoms actually might be responses to the medication. According to Tuckman, the physical sensations of faster heartbeat, dry mouth, etc. are just normal reactions to the medication, just as we would expect that our heart rate would increase after running up a flight of stairs.However, if a person doesnt want to take several medications, they might decide to medicate one of the disorders and cope with the other behaviorally, Olivardia said.Both anxiety and ADHD are very treatable with medication and psychotherapy, and there are many effective strategies to manage symptoms and lead a more enjoyable life.

Does Vyvanse eventually wear off?

First off, taking 60 mg of vyvanse is way to high if you have never taken it before. Because it is just making you speed. That's why you are so happy and energetic. Also, you do start "getting used to" the amount of milligrams because that's just how your body works. I was first prescribed 30 mg that didnt work for more than a week. then 40 was a good dose for about four months. then 50 for about 8 months. and now im on 60. That's why I would suggest starting off at a lower dose because if you do start getting used to it then they can move it up. A doctor probably won't prescribe you 60 milligrams to start off with anyways. I don't really know what you mean by your dick because I'm a girl... Lol. But if you mean your sex drive, then yes I have noticed that before. It wouldn't stay like that if you we're prescribed to appropriate dose. Just warning you though. Vyvanse and many other ADD/ADHD meds can cause you to start becoming very dependent on it, where you can barely stay awake without it. Or while it wears off, you get in a horrible horrible mood. It's pretty annoying going through that everyday... So I would say if you thinly you actually NEED it then go for it, but sometimes it almost seems as though the side effects outweigh the good things unfortunately