True Or False A College Degree Is Necessary If You Want A Job That Pays More Than Minimum Wage

What is the minimum GPA requirement, needed to apply for job in google?

i think i read it somewhere they prefer 3.6-4.0 GPA or master degree. Google put graduate student w/ at least master degree in their priority list

Is college a good investment these days?

A news article in Newsweek caught our attention and we wanted to ask our community the same question. Is college a good investment TODAY? Tuition is increasing every semester/year and a graduate may not be guaranteed a good job. So what do you think? Is it absolutely necessary to go to college today?


I want to dropout of college?

I've never been a school kind of person. I struggled through grade school and barely graduated. I have absolutely no major in mind, I am doing mindless gen ed requirements and I F**KING CANT STAND IT ANYMORE. I hate school with a goddamn burning passion. I told my parents i was burned out after HS and wanted to take a semester break before starting college to get a job and save money, it resulted in them yelling at me and telling me I will be kicked out if I droppout. So now Im stuck with sh*tty school, studying for a goal I dont even have, with no job and no happiness. What the f*ck do I do? I live an hour away from the closest college so I have to commute 2 hours a day (with gas money that comes out of my own pocket), which means I have no time for a job. But if I wanna moveout and droppout I need a f*cking job. I have actually put hours of thought into just becoming homeless because I cant take this f*cking bullsh*t. I hate my life so f*cking much pls help me thank you.

Also I want to add that if I dropped out, my plan is largely the same, take a semester off to let my brain rest, get a normal job and save up so my already stagering loan debt doesnt grow more. I dont intend to droppout and be stuck at a McDonalds for the next 60 years.

Why do liberals whine about minimum wage?

Minimum wage is minimum work and minimal skills. If you want to move up higher, better yourself and get an education. Minimum wage is designed for high school students to gain experience in the workforce and to gain skills at an early age, not for lazy adults looking for handouts.

Are there any immediately above minimum wage jobs that require little education?

Your question touches on an aspect of the minimum wage discussion, that although certainly unintentional, could be considered quite offensive. It is the idea that minimum wage jobs are only for the uneducated. A corollary idea would be that the more educated one might be, the higher their wages are.Both ideas are false.Wages for any job, are determined by a person’s ability to negotiate decent wages and benefits. As comforting as it might be for some to believe that there are magical “Free Market” unicorns making these determinations, the fact is that the US minimum wage is a disgrace compared to the wages of other advanced wealthy nations, because the US corporations have very successfully destroyed the ability of our Working Class to negotiate fair wages.So, our minimum wage is a disgrace because of oppression from giant wealthy corporations and collusion by our so called “elected representatives” who essentially are bribed to betray us. While education might be a mitigating factor in wage levels above the minimum wage, it has no relationship to the minimum wage itself.Your question seems to be asking if there are any jobs that a person without an advanced education might aspire to, that pay more than the minimum wage.Certainly, there are plenty of opportunities for decent wages without a higher education, although in some, a little more education would certainly help.I know several Real Estate agents who make excellent livings in our very active real estate market. You have to be willing to learn, work very hard, and have “people skills”. You also need to learn a great deal about Real Estate law. But with the economy is rather good condition right now, it is possible to make a good living in many sales professions.Along those lines are the building/construction trades. You don’t need a college degree for employment in this field. Just be willing again, to work hard and learn new skills.,The secret to success at work is not to simply look for a job that pays a little more than minimum wage. I would suggest looking for work in fields that offer “upside” potential. Most minimum wage jobs offer absolutely no real opportunity to “work your way up the ladder” Horatio Alger style.But for a person who can learn new skills, adapt to change, and recognize “opportunity” when it presents itself, there are no limits to the potential for success.

Is it true that immigrants do jobs that Americans don't want? Or, are those Americans out-competed by the low wage that immigrants are willing to work for?

That is hard to say. There is significant amount of data showing that yes immigrants do work that Americans don’t want to do, BUT, that is only because the low wages immigrants are willing to accept is the reason why they take jobs Americans wouldn’t want to normally do.Take construction for example. Private contractors hire illegal workers, and pay them 80$ to 100$ a day. But they wouldn’t hire an American to do the same work. Reason being is because the American worker is going to need healthcare and a higher wage than 100$ a day to do hazardous labor.NYC construction, a carpenter for example can earn upwards of 100k a year. A Non Union workers can earn 60k a year. But the immigrant worker will cost 20k to 30k a year. The immigrant worker doesn’t require healthcare 401k, pensions, workers compensation etc etcSo anytime I hear “immigrants do work Americans don’t want to do” I call bullsh#t. That’s what it is. Because if an American were to take a construction job making 80$ a day there would be a healthcare crisis considering a the work related deaths. It just wouldn’t be possible.I am not going to work on the side of a skyscraper 200 feet in the air only making 100$ a day. Those contractors should be held responsible for hiring illegal workers and punished by the Law.I don’t have a problem with immigration or immigrants. My problem is with Liberals who continue to throw around that phrase “they do work Americans don’t want to do, or will do.” And it is completely FALSE.Americans will do any job that you give them. That’s if you pay them a decent wage. Pay them decent wages and Americans will do any job that immigrants do.And quit frankly it is tiring and disgusting to hear, because millions of Americans are under under employee or unemployed and can’t get decent jobs in construction because they cannot compete.

What should I major in at my local community college to get a well paying job?

That juncture at which you graduate from high school is a critical inflexion point. You are going to need a marketable skill and (probably) a credential if you expect to make anything more than a minimum wage in the US. (You can’t/don’t want to live on minimum wage.) Being able to live with your parents for a couple years while you sort this out provides an important safety net.You are right. Too many young people are going to four year colleges and ending up under employed and buried in debt. While you are going to need a credential it doesn’t have to be a college degree. The idea that you need a college degree to get a good job is way, way oversold.Dr. Kevin Fleming in his book, “(RE)Defining the Goal: The True Path to Career Readiness in the 21st Century,” explains where the jobs are:“The true ratio of jobs in our economy is 1:2:7. For every occupation that requires a master’s degree or more, two professional jobs require a university degree, and there are over a half a dozen jobs requiring a 1-year certificate or a 2-year degree, and each of these technicians is in very high-skilled areas in high demand.”I live two miles from a community college. They have a certificate called Industrial Maintenance. If you earn that certificate you are in the running to get a full time job making $18.50/hour. If you layer that certificate with robotics, to complete an Associate’s degree, you can make $25/hour while traveling the world installing and maintaining robots. Find an employer with a tuition benefit and get a bachelor’s degree for FREE.The key, whether you are going to a four-year college or a community college, is MARKETABILITY. Forget all the crap you are going to hear about “find your passion.” You can’t eat passion—unless, of course, it is chocolate.