Try Solving This. I Am Tired Of Thinking

I'm so tired of everything and everyone?

i'm so so so stressed! i'm just tired anymore. i'm so annoyed by my parents and my friends. my mom thinks i'm this ungrateful b*tch that's "ashamed" to be seen with her cause she's overweight. i always tell her i'm not but all she says is "i know exactly how you feel" she has no f*cking damn idea how the hell i'm feeling anymore!!! i don't even know how to describe how i'm feeling but i'm just sick and tired of everyone and everything. she says "whatever bug you have up your butt get it out now" okay you wanna know what has happened to me in the past freaking year! i get dumped by someone i was with for 11 months and said he loved me, then i find someone new and then one day he just decides to end it and he was going to cheat on me! i lost one of my guy friends back in march from a car accident, my grandpa dies a month later from cancer, and this september one of my best guy friends shot himself! i can't control my freaking weight anymore, i look like sh*t cause i keep breaking out. i've just basically sucked at everything i've been doing. i don't know when my life started to get so bad but i'm not happy at all! what am i supposed to do anymore? i just want to scream and get away from everyone!

When you are tired, does your brain, when trying to think hard, start to "skid" (like a car trying to accelerate on a dirt road)?

I've never thought of this particular analogy, but it's certainly apt.  And normal.  Here's what your brain does while you sleep:Makes decisionsCreates and consolidates memoriesMakes creative connections  (the problem you asked about)Clears out toxinsLearns and remembers how to perform physical tasks{5 Amazing Things Your Brain Does While You Sleep}Many times when I have been trying to figure something out, whether academic or personal, my brain goes nowhere when I'm tired.  The next morning (provided I've had enough sleep) Eureka!  My unscientific opinion is it can get more done when not distracted by the stuff it has to handle when we're awake.

Whats the best way to stop thinking too much?

Watch Fox News.

I usually get tired after solving 2 - 3 algorithmic problems on Leet Code. What should I do to solve more problems daily?

I’m no expert on productivity when it comes to coding but I can offer you a few ideas that I have used to push myself to start doing more algorithmic problems:Try doing different problems in different languages. I often switch from solving a problem in Java to solving a different problem in Swift. Different types of developement can keep your brain functioning and working harder.Take 15 minute breaks in between problems. This is just a general study tip. I will work on a problem for 45 mins to an hour and then take a brake for 15 minutes to eat a snack and watch a youtube video. Once my video ends, I get back to my problem or start a new one. I would also make sure you are 1. staying hydrated and 2. exercising (even if its just getting up and walking around your house). I find these two things can help clear your mind.Build your self-discipline. This is one of the most important traits that one can accquire to become successful in almost anything. Some of the smartest and most powerful people in the world (yes, I’m thinking of Mark Zuckerberg) are so successful because they are extremely self-disciplined. There are so many ways to start improving this. One simple way is just starting a good habit (ex. washing your face before you go to bed) and making yourself maintain that habit.Reward yourself for doing more. Hey, you did 4 LeetCode problems today instead of 3? Go grab a couple girlscout cookies from your pantry, you earned it. But the next day if you do 4 problems, maybe only grab one cookie because you did the same as yesterday (and make sure you’re doing that exercise thing I said earlier).

How do I think deeply and not get tired? Scientists work on math and physics problems all day. Meanwhile, if I think about a math problem for one hour, I get mentally tired.

You build stamina, just like running a marathon.Working on difficult problems for extended periods becomes more manageable over time, partly because your brain grows accustomed to the increased load and partly because many of the mundane challenges you encounter get easier with practice.It’s also worth bearing in mind that people who solve problems professionally don’t really solve problems all day (at least, not usually). They take lunch breaks, coffee breaks, walking breaks, social breaks, and so on.

What do you think when you go to bed?

GOING TO BED is not a normal thing. I try solve or put on hold all the pestering problems which has haunted me during the day’s routines.If I have any differences in the family, regarding children or any other matter, I try to settle amicably and then go the bed for sleep. If we go with loads of unsolved problems these problems will not let us sleep and as a result we shall be tossing in the bed without any sleep. Or else, if sleep finally comes, then also it will not be a sound sleep.Before sleep the following should be our motto:-Let the problems of the days kept in abeyance if these are not solved amicably. Go to sleep with clear mind.Before going to bed, just thank God for bestowing you opportunity to have rest after day’s busy schedule (think of the people who do not have the bed to sleep or cannot sleep due to one reason or other).HARBANS INNER THOUGHTS

Why am I so dumb when I'm tired?

It's not uncommon to be like that when you are really tired or exhausted - fatigue is one of the symptoms. Try splashing some cold water on your face to see if that helps but the best thing to do is when you get home - try and get some sleep and rest. You should feel a lot better after that and a lot more aware and energised.