Trying To Figure Out A Dream I Had.

I had a dream and I am trying to figure out what it means?

Your dream shows a frightened little child who is motherless or is without protection and this brings on great fear. If you had this dream when you were younger it would be quite understandable, as children need parental protection to make them feel safe. Now at 22 you are an adult, but still within your own being is a frightened and fearful little child. We all have an inner child whom we still need to care for. You are going to have to learn to rescue yourself now, as that is what adults do when they are older and wiser. .They no longer depend on their mother or father. They have internalized the parent part of their character, which become their adult and then this adult takes care of her own inner child. We all do this whether or not we understand the workings of the Parent, Adult or inner child in our own personalities.

I need help trying to figure out what my dream meant?

Last night i had a dream that i left both my kids in the car (yes i have two kids in real life). The car wast at my house. The car was like somewhere around the corner parked on the streets. I left and went home for hours. And it was really hot outside. The windows wasn't rolled down or nothing. My little sister came over and i was begging her to go around the corner and get my kids out the car and at first she keep playing and i kept screaming at her to go get them. For some reason i was scared to go get them myself. So when she left i closed my eyes and saw my kids asleep in the car, then i saw my kids wasn't in the car anymore they got kidnapped, then i saw my kids dying because it was really hot. Can someone please help me understand what that dream meant? I am a good mother and i love my kids to death i would never do anything like that in real life.

I had a dream and I am trying to figure out what it means--can you help?

Wow, that is a hard dream to figure out. You are right, dreams do reflect at times what and how you feel inside. THe more agressive the dream, the more chaotic you feel overall.
If I had to pick, and this is only a wild guess, but, without knowing how you feel about your feet (the key to the dream honestly) it is hard to predict certain things. If you hate your feet for some reason, it could be that you relate your feet with your life and how you hate it b/c you are having a hard time right now. Most of us hate to cut our toenails (especially if you are fat or just can't reach your feet) and yet, it is necessary waste of time. THe thickness is/are the problems in your life right now and the clipper is how you are dealing with them. However, the fact that you "win" at the end means that you believe you can conquer them overall.
If you like your feet, but, hate your toenails, then the feet represent the good in your life and the nails represent the bad in it, with the clippers meaning the same thing.
My guess is that you hate your feet and are being overrun by the toenails that can't be cut b/c you are having such a hard time.
How'd I do? Good luck, write back if you wish.

I've had many dreams where my dad is trying to kill me and my family, what does this mean?

All the best information that I would give you here, is already buried in the answers before mine. Still I will sally forth.Your dreams exist to parse your reality, in a way that you can handle and inculcate. Usually, this means your dreams soft-peddle your reality for you, so that you can better make sense of what IS, but in real life doesn’t SEEM TO BE - or alternately, what IS but SHOULDN’T BE.I doubt if your father is really going to murder your family. That imagined scenario seems like a pointedly over dramatic device, in which your mind simply wants you to recognize your dad as a general danger to all of you.He is in reality doing something wrong - something that hurts all of you for some selfish purpose of his own. And in your waking life, you have not been able to fully ignore that. Somehow, through bad actions that he is slightly or mightily trying to hide, he is telling you “I am more important than the rest of you.”And your mind sees you ignoring this reality in your awake consciousness. So it’s playing the truth out in your asleep subconsciousness.That’s what’s going on here. Your dad is not likely to ACTUALLY murder you here. That’s hyperbole! He’s just failing to conceal how much more important his own existence is to him, than yours is to him.That’s definitely a hard reality - I’ve dealt with it myself (except via mom instead of dad). But this reality - it totally sucks, sure, and yet it’s ultimately harmless if you simply empower yourself with the real and true message behind it.Which is no cakewalk. It totally sucks to have to do that - I don’t envy you.But, your dad isn’t going to murder you or your family. He is just incapable of loving any of you, the way that all of you deserve to be loved from your father.And your subconscious mind fricking knows it. The trouble is, he isn’t overcoming it. And you know that’s killing him…and by extension, you.Your mind is telling you to sidestep it all. You should listen!

I need help trying to decode a recent dream I had?

If it's true that dreams mean something, I need help trying to figure out a recent dream I had.
I'll give you the background check first. And it's kind of corny, i'm warning you now :P
Okay, so I have a class with this guy I like. And we've been talking for a while. We're just friends. But soon a girl got moved to the class, and I befriended her. It turns out she used to be in a relationship with the guy i like. And she's been asking me advice about how she start talking to him again. I have yet to tell her of my feelings for him. And the truth is, I really don't hate her at all because she dated him, I like her and she's becoming a close friend.

Now, my dream. It's about how the guy that I like and her get married. And in the dream i'm crying, and I look her in the eye and tell her, "i like him. A lot. But i want you to have him,"
And then I run off, and she chases after me. Then I wake up.
I have a feeling this dream means something. Can you help me out?

Ive had 3 dreams about having a baby. what could this mean?

i've had 3 dreams about being pregnant. me and my boyfriend kinda went though a bit of a pregnancy scare at the beginning of april. i ended up having a 2 day period but just told myself it was a short period and things will go back to normal in may. i havent been thinking about being pregnant or anything for at least 2 weeks. so i cant be having these dreams because pregnancy is on my mind.

well my questsion is...why do you think i am having dreams like this. and what they mean.
thank you to all who answer. :)

dream 1
me and my boyfriend were in the hospital with the 'baby boy' trying to figure out what to name him.
i didnt dream about being in labor. its was just after labor.
...then i woke up.

dream 2
this dream was the weirdest out of the 3.
i had a dream i had a c-section. but in the dream it was after birth..just like the first dream. i can barely remember the dream now but what i do remember is my belly being stitched back together and wondering where the baby was.

dream 3
in this dream me and my boyfriend had just found out i was pregnant and the dr told us i was 9 weeks. and in the dream we basically just sat around and talked about the baby.

Dreaming of Spouse Dying??

Your dream was rooted in the disagreement and perhaps your fear of losing your closeness with your husband. If you and your husband are having frequent disagreements that are effecting your overall relationship, pray for wisdom and healing for your relationship. Pray also for your husband's concerns.

Also... did you have PMS? That really adds to the impact of this kind of thing.

A dream of someone dying is RARELY a death dream. Usually the death plays out in symbols, like finding out that someone has moved far away and is never coming back.

Dreams that include death represent fear of loss, or dying to a certain aspect of yourself, or dying to certain influences (where they no longer impact you) or the end of a certain phase in your life. Other possibilities: death of trust, death of love, death of innocence, etc.

I pray all is well with you and your husband and family. God bless you!

What does it mean if I dream about being trapped and trying to escape?

If you dream of being trapped, it means that you feel confined and restricted in a friendship, career or romantic relationship. You may be feeling bad physically because of your emotional worries.This dream can also mean that your rivals will get the best of you if you are not careful.To dream of trying to escape a situation or room may represent your eagerness or desperation to change your waking life circumstances. Dissatisfaction with the way things are. Finding an easy way out may not an option for you. Your wish to avoid something unpleasant. Trying to get away from something you feel stuck with. Feelings about consequences being too severe. Avoiding confrontation or a dramatic situation. Trying to avoid a difficulty.Negatively, trying to escape something in a dream may reflect your attempt to avoid responsibilities. It may also reflect your wish to get away with something wrong you know you are guilty of.To dream of escaping prison, cages, ropes or shackles represents a new sense of freedom from something that was limiting your choices or independence. A new opportunity has arisen. Avoiding continuing repression. A release from a stressful situation. Liberation of creativity.

I had a dream about a former interest, that i cant seem to shake off.?

Literally, been in constant anxiety all day and i was trying to figure out why. Until i remembered the dream i had about a guy i was talking to a few weeks ago and how it ended decently. He stated some facts (not all true) but it did hurt a bit my ego at the time... it made me realize, i dont think im quite up to task of dating again seriously and all because i constantly encounter shallow/asshole type of guys. Havent spoken to him or thought about him since he sent me randomly a video link to my favorite movie elf on Christmas.
In this dream, i randomly encountered him parked in his truck and he was with someone else, didnt see his face.. not to mentioned it had been raining... but as i passing i looked toward his direction and all of a sudden he just began saying alot of hurtful comments towards me... i just began all of a sudden began to get a dreaded feeling and getting negative vibe from him.. thats when i awoke and i felt that same exact feeling in dream, in real life... for the life of me, i cant seem to shake it off and i dont know what to make of this... either my subconcious is trying to mend or accept the terms we ended (which were decent). Or that i desire to talk to him again like we did.. but maybe on a friend basis.
What yall think? I am sure you all have better understanding at dreams and deciphering the meaning of them... then me... lol

What does it mean to dream about having a child?

Having a baby in a dream is about new beginnings—new job, new relationship, new attitude. But words, when you’re describing a dream, are very important, and you didn’t say ‘baby,’ you said ‘child.’ Let’s look up what a child means:ChildTo dream that you are a small child again suggests that you are feeling the burdens of adulthood. You are trying to escape from your daily responsibility and are looking for someone else to shield, protect and care for you.To dream that you lose a child represents losing hope. It may also suggest that a project is not working out as you had wanted it to.To save a child in your dream signifies your attempts to save a part of yourself from being destroyed. If you dream that you are separated from your children, then it symbolizes failure in some personal endeavor or a setback in some ideal you had.To see a child fall down in your dream denotes lost innocence.Since, in your dream, you are ‘having a child,’ that might mean that you feel that hope has a new beginning in your life, or innocence does. Your unconscious may feel that you have begun trying to escape from the responsibilities you have. A lot of it depends on your feelings when you had that child—is your unconscious relieved, happy, at peace with that birth or is it worried, chiding, angry?A dream is your unconscious trying to tell you something it feels is important, so only you can figure out what it really means. The dictionaries give you a range of what these symbols often mean in our human cultures, so look at them all and go with what *feels* most true.