Trying To Set Up An Ad In Facebook But Once I Click

I clicked facebook "like" in porn site, what to do?

:( So I'm just a normal average guy, I was watching porn on my computer late at the evening (like many guys do), and I opened the wrong video (it was really, really horrible and sick, including some gay midgets and... very sick stuff), and while trying to close it as soon as possible, clicked facebook "like" button which was by the window (yeah, this is one of these few porn sites that place that button for whatever reasons). And I did not notice it!! I checked my facebook only late in the day after, and, well... At first I was "omg, what's the fuss about?", and then I found out... My "friends" quickly shared this, posted comment, wrote on my wall, so that everybody would see. Even my parents saw this, and I think one of teachers in my school also saw it...

Of course, I "unliked" it as soon as I could, tried to delete all these wall posts and everything, but the situation is damaged beyond repair - EVERYBODY knows :( And the bad thing is that that video is sick beyond words. At least if I "liked" some real quality video, I could say to anyone who laughs, like "so what? Everybody watches porn, and I watch the good stuff!" But now, I made a reputation of some weirdo :(

Please help? How to undo the damage? Whole school is talking about this, my parents want to disown me :(

Is it better to pay per click or per impression on Facebook advertising?

Pay per click or per impression?First of all, I’ll tell you what works better for me, but honestly there’s only one way to discover which type of bidding is better for your ads.TEST IT.Just create 2 identical ad sets - with the exact same target audience - and see which gives you the higher ROI.What are the best ways to A/B test your Facebook ads?That said, in my experience, if you want to:drive traffic to my websitegenerate leads from my landing pagesthen CPC is more efficient.However, the average Cost per click across all industry is about 1.72$, which (for me) is very high.There are many ways to lower your Cost Per Click.So that’s why I recommend you to test some specific elements of your ads:The picture - In Facebook, images are crucial. The right image can instantly increase your ads’ results by 20–30% or more.The audience - try to show the same ad to another audience. Consider that the wider is your audience, the less clicks you’ll get. Narrowing your audience or niche you’ll be able to deliver a better marketing message that hits the needs and desires of your potential customers.The placements - some ads can work great on mobile phones but not in desktop newsfeeds. Create different adsets for each placement, in order to understand which ones gets more clicks.The type of ad - for example, you can test carousel ads or video ads, which generally get more clicks in comparison to single image adsBy doing so, I am able to run campaigns that cost me just 1 cent per click.If you want to learn more about how you can increase your Facebook Ads results, here you are some free resources.Downloads - Facebook Ads Insider's HacksTips and Articles - Facebook Ads BlogFree online course - Facebook Ads University - Powered by LeadsBridgeGood luck!

"Facebook of Sex" Virus?

Use trojan

How do i find my facebook page ID?

You can find the answer here:
Sarah Irene, eHow Contributing Writer, says:
Step 1

Go to "" and log in to your account
Step 2

Click on the word "Profile" that can be found at the top left of the page. This will bring you to your personal profile page. Several tabs including "Wall", "Photos", "Info", and "Boxes" appear under your name.
Step 3

Click on the tab "Photos" just below your name. Your photo albums will be visible once the page loads.
Step 4

Click any one of the photos in your album. Once the photo loads move your mouse to the URL bar in your browser. This is where you would normally type in a web address.
Step 5

Move the cursor to the end of the URL, if needed. Some URLs are short enough that the number will be visible immediately. Look for a series of numbers. There may be more than one series of numbers in the URL. Find the set that follows "id=". This is your Facebook ID.

Facebook: Has anyone tried Facebook lead ads?

Facebook lead ads definitely facilitate collecting leads for your business. Let's first define what lead ads actually are.Lead AdsLead ads appear between posts in your news feed on Facebook. They are clickable ads about a product or a business. Typically, these lead ads contain the advertiser's primary message with an image and a signup button.How does this generate leads?It's very simple. These lead ads are redirected to a landing page or popup with a pre-filled name and email. Once the user confirms the information, this information is then transmitted to the company in question. The entire process is extremely simple and the best thing is that your target audience can sign up without even leaving their Facebook page.Facebook lead ads have thus made it extremely simple to generate leads. The auto-fill forms ensure that the signup process for the users is very easy. Moreover, you can create and edit these lead ads quite easily within Power Editor, a great tool to both create and manage your Facebook ads.Some points to remember:Make sure your ads have a Call to Action - use words like Go Here, Click Here etc.Make sure you make the process clear to the users.Maximize lead capturing during the evening and at night since many people tend to browse through Facebook in their free time.

How do you manage Facebook ad decay?

Hi, some brilliant advice shared already! I love the suggestion by Moody Nashawaty about excluding the audience that already visited the page; just one small correction - it's not the conversion pixel that needs to be installed, but the website remarketing code. When you go to the Ad Manager, Advertising on Facebook, click on "Audiences" on the left hand sidebar, then "Create Audience" and select "Custom Audience from Website Visitors" to get the remarketing code and create the audience. Point of advice: as you've excluded those visitors from the initial target audience, it's really worth to set up a remarketing campaign and target exclusively those that visited the page later on. A lot has been said about the ad rotation, and I couldn't agree more. From my experience, the CTR starts declining after the first 2-3 days, so it's always important to keep the ads fresh. Instead of setting up a daily budget, I'd suggest setting up a life-time budget and schedule the campaign for 2-3 days - push your budget in quick bursts and let the audience refresh for a week or so. Also, don't forget to add numerous image variations when creating the ad. You can then select one of the ads to be active for 2 days, then another one, then another one... so the target audience will see different images that will keep the CTR higher. If you don't want to do that manually, you can try out different Facebook advertising tools like Facebook Ad Manager  - Qwaya or  AdEspresso - Simple, Powerful Facebook Ads Manager. You could even create different ad sets with slightly different audiences, say different cities, countries, or even interests, and keep rotating those. Finally, Facebook just recently updated the ad campaign structure and, if you're running a website clicks campaign, for example, you can choose to Optimise for "Daily unique reach" (serving ads to people up to once per day) which would also help you with keeping that frequency lower. I've also just recently published a new article that contains 7 specific things that can help you with that: 7 Brutal Ways to Fight Facebook Ad Fatigue.These are some of the things I'm doing to keep the CTR high, I hope that will help you too!Cheers, Adomas

What is the best way to target Facebook Ads to people who like a competitor's page?

Facebook has actually lately upgraded their Advertisements maker to change how you could target based upon individuals's interest in certain Pages.In Facebook's brand-new updated Ads creator, you can target people that have "revealed an interest in or Liked a page related to" a specific service using the "Rate of interests" area. See below for exactly how it looks when producing an Ad:You Can Also Do One more thing your competitor’s page and “like”it.2 - Now Facebook will suggest you similar pages “more pages you may like”3 - try to select such pages as interests within the Facebook targeting options while creating ad.By doing this, Facebook will automatically checks which other pages people who follow a brand may like (and you can use such information for your advertising).

How do you BLOCK a page or group on Facebook?

If someone has been spamming you or hassling you out on Facebook, you can block them so that they can't find or see your account. This article shows you how to block people or application invites, so you can continue to enjoy your time on Facebook.

Go to Account >> Privacy Settings in the top right-hand corner. Click on the Privacy tab that opens up

Look for the "Block Lists" tab near the bottom of the page. Click on the highlighted link "Edit Your Lists".

Type in the name and email of the person you'd like to block.
Facebook will warn you that once you have blocked a person they cannot be your friend on Facebook and won't be able to interact with you (except through applications and games you both use).

4. Click on the "Block This User" button.
A list of people with the same name will appear. Click on the person you wish to block.


If you change your mind later, it is easy to unblock someone on facebook.

You can also block application invites. Simply key in the friend's name and you will automatically ignore any future application requests from that friend. To block invites from a specific friend, click the "Ignore All Invites From This Friend" link under your latest request