Two Ways Soil Is Imprtant To Plants

Tell three ways that soil is important?

1) Tell three ways that soil is important and for each explain why it is important in that way.

2) Soils are home for a wide variety of organisms such as worms and other tiny animals such as insects, arthropods (like spiders and millipedes). There are also organisms such as fungi and bacteria. Collectively these organisms serve two very important services to/in the soil. What are these services?

Tell three ways that soil is important and for each explain why it is important in that way.?

1. Soils are important for many reasons. Tell three ways that soil is important and for each explain why it is important in that way.


2. Soils are home for a wide variety of organisms such as worms and other tiny animals such as insects, arthropods (like spiders and millipedes). There are also organisms such as fungi and bacteria. Collectively these organisms serve two very important services to/in the soil. What are these services?


3. Soils are made up of a mineral portion, an organic portion, and air and water. What are the three mineral components of soil? Check all three.

A) clay
B) bits of plant material; dead organisms
C) silt
D) sand


4. Soils are made up of a mineral portion, an organic portion, air and water. What is meant by the word organic?

A) nonliving, mineral in composition
B) composed of several organs
C) material that was produced by or was/is part of a living organism
D) musical in nature; played on the organ


5. Soil compostion and characteristics vary with depth. These differences in soils can be seen as layers in the soil called __________.


6. The two processes which are most often responsible for the breakdown of rock into soil particles are (Choose the two that apply.)

A) accretion
B) weathering
C) deposition
D) erosion


7. Soils are formed from the breakdown of rock below them. This rock material is referred to as "parent material".

A) True
B) False


8. What are the three agents which can transport large amounts of soil from their area of origin to an area hundreds or thousands of miles away? These are "agents of erosion."

A) wind
B) glaciers
C) water
D) solar radiation


Why is water important for soil?

I’m study geography, the reason is:(1). Because a plants is absorb water from soil via the roots, therefore if no water in soil, the plant should be died.(2). Because there are numerous bacteria, animals and fungi in soil, therefore kept the soil be moisture is very important.(3). If the soil has been kept moisture, then it is difficult to be weathering and dry out. On the other hand, if there is no water in soil, it is very easy to be induced desertification.(4). Because the circulation of ice—water—vapor is very important. If there is no water in soil, the circulation of ice—water—vapor should be destroyed, drought could be happened.(5). Because rain drop on the soil and then leak out to generate the groundwater, if the soil is dry out, the groundwater should not be supplemented for consumption.But the disadvantage of kept the soil be moisture, it is easy to induced erosion of soil, flooding may be happened.

How is soil important to us?

It is difficult to find important of soil in human life.Because soil is the basic utility for the existence of life on earth.Soil is the basic need for plant,crops or other vegetation to grow.Soil is responsible for biodiversity process through which dead body of plants and animals decompose.Soil is important in providing an edequate water supply.The water absorption properties of soil play a role in reducing pollution from chemicals in pesticides and other compounds.Various minerals can be found from soil.Soil also witnesses the history of human ancient culture.

3 reason why soil is important?

ok to start your second example is horrible! It determines what kinds of plants grow in a certain region, different types effect how much water will be absorbs or will run-off, it effects the way our ground water taste, and a fourth to replace your second the soils ability to hold in water will effect the temperature of the surrounding area.

What are two very important services to/in the soil?

These organisms break down organic matter so that plants and other organisms can make use of it.

They also help aerate the soil with their burrowing through it.

And there are some that fix nitrogen in the soil. That is, they make nitrogen-containing substances by using nitrogen in the air, an important activity on which the growth of plants depends.

Importance of soil profile?

Features of Soil Profile:

1. The different soil colour and texture help in dividing the soil profile into layers or horizons.

2. There are about four horizons or layers in a typical soil profile.

3. The layers are A horizon or the organic matter layer, B horizon or the topsoil, C horizon or the subsoil and D horizon or bed rock or parent rock material.

4. The topsoil contains dry, decaying and decayed organic materials. It is dark in colour. It consists of humus.

5. The B horizon is also called the sub-soil. The top soil can be divided into two layers based on its colour. The upper layer is dark in colour and contains coarse sandy loam, fibrous branches, taproots, bacteria, fungi, worms and mites. The second layer is yellowish or greyish or brownish in colour. It contains sandy loam, little humus, taproots and is the richest part of the top soil.

6. The top soil and the organic matter layer are easily eroded or scrapped by bad cultural practices, therefore, care must be taken to prevent this. It is ideal for food crop production.

7. The C horizon or parent materials is reddish orange, gravelly and contains sandy clay soils. The clay content is very high. Taproots can be seen here occasionally.

8. The D horizon is the bed rock, and an area in which rocks had not been transformed.

Importance of Soil Profile:

1. It helps to determine the best soil suitable for agriculture.

2. It identifies the part where plant nutrients can be found, that is the top soil, is the richest part of the soil.

3. It also helps to determine the level in which water can be available in the soil.

4. A loosely packed subsoil will reduce erosion and soil run-off.

5. The nature of the parent material will also determine the type of mineral salts available to plants.

How important is soil to human life on Earth?

Let us start the discussion by elaborating the definition of the soil.soil → is a mixture of minerals, organic matter, gases, liquids, and countless organisms that together support life on Earth (def. from wikipedia)From the definition itself it is clear that soil is the rudimental part of the evolution. It is the primary base of the biosphere.we can define various importances of soil such asIt’s a conduit/medium for plant growth → Human being/organisms is dependent on plant to fulfill his appetite and absorb oxygen which is the lifeline of the human body. so it is implicit that without soil it will be tough for human being/organisms to survive.soil absorbs the atmospheric nitrogen and fixes it to the plants hence maintaining the nitrogen cycle.soil also takes part in carbon-cycle and hence it helps in maintaining levels of carbon in the atmospheresoil also act as a ‘carbon sink’(absorbing the atmospheric ,terrestrial carbon and storing it )4. Plays vital role in maintaining phosphorous cycle.5. It act as a stable medium to construct the buildings, houses ,dams ,powerplants etc.6. It is one of the major source of almost all the minerals and precious rocks apart from the ocean.7. Helps rain water to get drain/infiltrate and thus forming a ‘AQUIFER’(source of drinking water apart from lakes) and also helps to recharge underground water.8. soil itself maintains its moisture thus helping the plants to grow.9. Apart from the pedology (study of soil) it forms the major chunk of study in geology.10. Everything in geography starts with soil and ends with soil.

Why is loosening of soil important?

This is an interesting question mainly because I think the way soil is loosened matters as much as why it is.In general, farmers used to fully till and plow their fields to control weeds. By turning over the soil, they would give themselves a chance to start a crop off to compete with weeds, then they would cultivate later to control weeds and to break up the soil or aerate it.More recently though, farmers have loosened the soils more with cover crops and used conservation tillage or no-till. This let's the soil build natural aeration from the roots as they decay in this soil and provides greater water-holding capacity, soil structure as well as earthworm habitat and more. Weeds still need to be controlled but that is done through competitive cover crops and herbicides.

Can we grow plants without soil?

Generally soil is the medium for growing most of our plants. As stated by Giacomo Catenazzi, there are two exceptions to this norm in nature: many orchids growth without soil: they are epiphytes (they grow on other plants). Various aquatic plants growth without soil.We can also grow plants in one of the modern farming techniques used in controlled environment in greenhouses that is called hydroponics or aquaponics. Here certain plants (not all) plants are grown in water or nutrient solution under controlled environment. Precise control of light, temperature, relative humidity, and dissolved oxygen, pH and salt level in water medium is critical for successful cultivation of plants in hydroponics. There are six types of hydroponic systems (FIG. 1).For details, please see: