Uk Live Yogurt To Treat Male Thrush

Has anyone here treated EQUINE CANKER? (not thrush)?

Surgery is still the preferred treatment with followup antibiotic and or anti fungal treatment. However, lameness still occurs in to many animals. A novel after treatment might be considered that can reduce the potential of either continued infection or lameness.Bless you and may your horse fully recover.

LACERDA NETO, J.C., MARTINS FILHO, L.P., ALESSI, A.C. et al. Clinical aspects, anatomopathologic observations and treatment of six cases of chronic hypertrophic pododermatitis (equine canker). Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec., June 2001, vol.53, no.3, p.303-309. ISSN 0102-0935.

Two horses developed contraction deformities of the hoof. In the second group, one male and one female, each with lesions in two limbs, after surgical debridement of the tissue, the animals received daily applications of picric acid 5%, associated to local use of oxitetracyclin. Although one of these cases required a second surgical intervention for removal of the mass, the horses showed after a period of two to three months total absence of the infiltrative tissue. The use of local picric acid 5% and oxitetracyclin associated to previous surgical debridement showed to be more efficient than the use of antiseptic substances in the treatment of chronic hypertrophic pododermatitis.

Are night sweats a part of HIV or aids? Now I have ALL the symptoms.?

If all these symptoms you have was related to HIV you would have tested positive a week after all the symptoms began. You 7 weeks test which was negative is a good indication of your HIV status and is unlikely to change. If your want to stress yourself out and keep testing at 3 months is will be fully conclusive. I think anxiety is the root of your problems sorry to say. I had oral thrush after being on Antibiotic therapy and put myself through unwanted stress symptom chasing. Find something to occupy your time and believe in your test result.

Can yeast live in your underwear, towels, and wash cloths?

We need to clear up a few misconceptions here. First off, yeast are not bacteria...different things altogether. Secondly, the yeast are naturally already in your genital area, as is bacteria. This is the normal "flora" in the vagina and they are in balance, just the right amount of bacteria and just the right amount of yeast. The problem occurs when you get that balance "out of whack" and that can be caused by several different things such as taking antibiotics (will kill off the "good bacteria" in the vagina allowing the yeast to grow out of control), bubble baths which irritate the vaginal skin, tight clothing such as spandex or wearing a wet bathing suit too long (because yeast thrive in warm dark envirornments and will grow faster than the bacteria can keep up).
You simply need to wash your undies, towels etc, as you normally do. This is not a contagious disease that you can re-infect yourself with, they are your own yeast cells. You simply need to restore the normal, natural balance and that can be done by taking the Monistat cream or ovules and then trying to avoid the things that can cause the imbalance in the first place. Also, many folks think that eating yogurt with live bacteria in it helps. Good luck to you.

Do any of you ladies have a cure for BV?

Along with yeast infections and trichomonisais, BV is one of the most common vaginal infections and becoming even more common due to our modern lifestyles and medication habits (overuse of broad spectrum antibiotics for example).

Your vagina creates a highly complex but balanced acidic ecosystem, where, under normal conditions bacteria find it hard to grow. Lack of things like probiotics and vitamin B deficiency, can cause this ecosystem to change to an alkaline environment - perfect for bacteria.

Suggested treatment for your particular circumstances would be, as mentioned quite rightly, probiotics, particularly Lactobacillus Acidophilus. Using yogurt though is highly unlikely to provide the necessary amount of probiotics. Please don't misunderstand me - yogurt can be effective in mild cases of Candidiasis - which you don't seem to be having as you make no mention of any itching.

Unlike Candida, BV is caused by an increase of Gardnerella Vaginalis and Mycoplasma Hominis. Again, unlike Candida, causes of BV are still not fully understood.

BV can also be made worse by lack of vitamins from the B-family. These you won't get in yogurt for sure.

I would suggest a more potent treatment than simply yogurt, but probiotics are certainly the place to look. If you do decide to use yogurt for a trial, please make sure it's natural, unsweetened and unflavored. Any of these will only make your symptoms worse

Do probiotics work to increase energy and overall health? If so, what kinds and why? How much should I look to pay for them and where can they be bought?

There is growing recognition of the importance of the internal colonies of microorganisms living in our guts. We don;t do them any good when courses of antibiotics greatly deplete them. And diets high in starch and sugar may encourage growth of yeast, to the detriment of more helpful organisms. "Probiotics" are supposed to furnish live organisms to help establish a healthy mix of microorganisms in the intestines. Live yogurt cultures are one example. My limited research as a non-MD suggests that the problem is that these organisms are all anaerobic, i.e they grow in an environment without oxygen. So you're not going get them from typical pills or powders that are exposed to the air.  Do a search on "fecal implant" to see how organisms from the colon of a healthy person are delivered to the colon of someone whose internal microbes are deficient. Not a chance for Big Pharma to make much money here, so research is scanty.

How do I deal with Balanitis?

I’m not a doctor or nurse, but I have been living with balanitis for over 10 years. Like in your case, it’s not just recurrent, but always present. I have tried applying all kinds of topical creams, including clotrimazole (Canesten), miconazole, hydrocortisone, bacitracin and petrolatum (petroleum jelly). Most of these soothe the symptoms, as you say, but don’t really remove the problem. Because of my reaction to these creams, I am pretty sure that yeast infection (candida) is the cause of my balanitis.Recently, I’ve had success with a treatment that few doctors mention, and that is simply to leave the foreskin retracted for longer periods of time. It’s not exactly comfortable, but it works wonders on the balanitis. After just a couple of days, the symptoms are almost completely gone. This is because the skin and the glans dries out and thickens when exposed to the open air and friction of the underwear. It’s a less drastic alternative to circumcision.