Uk Nhs Can Someone Explain In Layman Terms This Legislatiomn

Can anyone debunk the Illuminati / NWO conspiracy theories please?


1) There is no historical proof for such things. We know for a fact that the Illuminati was never meant to conquer the world and that they had no interest in any sort of secret government.

The New world order is nothing to be afraid of either. The "New World Order" is Liberalism, as in Classical liberalism. This means freedom of speech and republicanism. In other words, the freedoms you enjoy today are the New World order spoken of by ENlightenment thinkers.

2) Logistics: The amount of money and enforcement to run a Secret government is so huge, it wouldn't be a very big secret. Even a government in the Open would have huge logistic problems, let alone a government that can't enforce any laws.

3) Politicians would never voluntarily share power.

4) The moment a foreign party took over, the entire system would collapse. This has happened repeatedly throughout the history of every nation.

5) Nations would not work together, i.e. the Soviets/Chinese and the US. If one of these were part of this organization, the other would've known and outed the illuminati immediately to make their case for their enemy being imperialists.

6) There are patriotic people in government. The entire idea is flawed because someone from the government would out what was going on behind the scenes as a patriotic person for his nation.

7) If there were any credibility to this, the mass media would attack it immediately. No one can really control the media either, so it would be a massive story immediately. This entire conspiracy is like christmas for news stations if it's true.

Can you do a background check on someone for mental illness? Isn't medical records confidential?

"Confidential" means "we won't release this information without your permission, or unless a law enforcement agency requires us to". If a person is buying a gun, and the law requires that any gun buyer must submit to a background check, then the buyer has to sign a waiver allowing his/her record to be checked.

Most insurance companies will also require that the insured person will release medical records to the company, if the insured person wants the company to pay for the medical costs.

In fact, I've signed a waiver that allows my doctors and their staff to discuss my medical issues with my husband. This is mostly because if the doctor's office calls with test results, they can't tell him about my results unless they have that waiver on file.

So the answer is, this can be a legal requirement of getting a gun, just as age can be.

What meternity pay will my wife to be be entitled to as she has not long fell pergnant?

As long as your wife was working for her company before she got pregnant she will be entitled to maternity pay of some sort. Most companies offer 90% of average wage for 6 weeks and then SMP (£160 per week) for 20 weeks. Some companies will offer more or less than the above, your wife should check her contract.
You can also apply for working tax credits (Both of you, now) and Child tax credit (As a couple, when the baby is born) This is worked out on your combined wages and hours of work and differs from person to person.
You will also receive Child Benefit (£70 per month) You get this regardless of income when your baby is registered.
Her company will sort all the amounts and dates for materinty leave/pay. Your Midwife will give you a MATB1 form when she reaches over 20 weeks pregnant which she hands into her admin/wages dept. She will also be given a NHS exempt card at this time which gives her free prescriptions until the baby is 1 year old.
You are also entitled to Paternity pay/leave. You must fill out a self certificate (Avaliable online) and hand it in to your work at least 13 weeks before the due date. This will give you 2 weeks off work (Not classed as holiday) and £116 per week while you are off.

Examples of statutory and non-statutory services?

Too many to list.
Statutory - required by law, see
Non statutory not required by law, - Tourist services,
see - Cached
hope that helps