Underneath My Nail Is Bleeding

Can blood hiv live underneath your finger nails?

i was standing in a store line, dropped my credit car and it fell ontop of some guy standing behind me toes then bounced to the floor. i picked it up using my nails and notice the guys toes were bleeding ( he was wearing sandals,) i asked wat happen he said he stubbed his toe.

Anyways 10 mins latter when i got home i applied cream to my anal (cuz it was bleeding) due to irration,

Im wondering hiv blood can live under ur fingernail (since its not open to the air) and i am wondering if under ur fingernail is a vaible transmission route

Underneath my nail is bleeding?

So about 20 minutes ago I was peeling a tangerine and my finger nails are super short cause I cut them. So when I was peeling, apparently I did it to quickly and the peel went in my nail and made a sharp cut. Now under my thumb nail, it's bleeding and it stings and hurts and kinda feels numb. When I squeeze my thumb the blood comes out. What do I do? Can I do anything to ease the pain?

Subungual hematoma (bleeding under fingernail)?

On Wednesday, I smashed my finger in a car door. That same day I went to my doctor and had it drained because the pain was so horrible. However, I don't know if whats happening now is normal or not, and I can't find much online. Anyways, before I went to the doctor only a little over half under my nail was black from the blood, and after being drained the swelling went down. Now the swelling is back but worse, almost all my nail is black, and my cuticles around my nail are turning black. It is also more painful and has started itching now. I keep looking online, but can't find anything explaining any symptoms after treatment (draining). Anyone know why this is? Will it get better? Is it normal for the pain and swelling to worsen after treatment?

I really want to know whats going on, but I really do not want to go back to the doctor because he didn't numb my finger, which apparently before drilling through your finger nail they are supposed to do and it was extremely painful.

Bleeding under the nail...?

Today when I was at school, we had to draw sketches in class and there are special boards that you can lift up on our desks -like drawing boards.

Usually you just lift it up to how high you want it and it locks in place...but today it didn't and i didn't realise so i just let the board go like usual and it slammed down on my finger. It really hurt! And i looked at my finger and under the nail i saw it started to bleed...
I also felt really faint, and there was ringing in my ears and my vision was like everything was tinted yellow...this lasted for like 5 minutes

My finger is really sore like throbbing-can-barely-type-with-it- sore :(

Is there anything i can do to make it less sore? Will the blood under my nail disappear or do i need to go to the doctor or something?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Nail cracked under acrylic nail nd is bleeding?

I recently got fake nails nd wen i did i hit it super hard on the door on my way out. It cracked my nail and keeps bleeding. Is there any way I can get my acrylic nail off? And when its off will the bleeding stop

How can I treat a throbbing pain under my fingernail?

Sometimes soaking it in hot salty water can help . The salt can have an effect if there is any small cuts or openings the poor man's antiseptic. The hot water increases blood flow however this increase can raise the pressure and the throbing gets worse. In which case go to the exact opposite end of the spectrum and soak in very cold water. Examine the finger nail area closely to see if there is any build up of blood under the Nail if this is the case a hole must be made to relieve the pressure if you do this yourself use plenty of strong antiseptic and I mean strong under the fingernails is a haven for all sorts of nasty invisible critters. If none of this works a codeine based painkiller is called for and a trip to the quacks. Which fortunately in this country won't cost you a cracker

Will blood under fingernail disappear?

I trapped my little finger at the gym 7 days ago and though the swelling has gone down, there is some blood under the nail (about 25% of the nail). I can still feel pressure but it is no longer painful. I had x ray but they did not drain the blood. I think the blood has gone hard as if i press on the nail it no longer changes colour/disappears.

Will this dried blood disappear or will the fingernail stay black?
