United States Air Force Choosing 4 Or 6 Year Contract

When can I reenlist in the United States Air Force?

4 or 6 year contract? 4 years are considered for reenlistment after 33 months TIS, 6 years are considered after 57 months TIS. Your job needs to be reserved in order for you to keep it, which is at the 35-43rd month of service for 4 years and 59-67th month of service for 6 years. You can choose to retrain within that time period as long as there's a spot open for you. Also, in order to reenlist from a 4 year you need to have 36 consecutive months in the service and be at least A1C with 12 months TIG; 60 consecutive months in service and at least SrA or higher with a 6 year contract. Your supervisor should let you know when your reenlistment and retraining windows are coming up, make sure you work with them to reenlist.

4 year or 6 year contract for Air Force?

My recruiter is trying to get me to sign 6 instead of four. In fact, this one guy signed a 4 year contract and told me he's regretting not signing a 6 year contract because he would have more rank. Should i just sign the four year to be on the safe side?

Do Air Force SERE get stationed on other basses besides in WA?

I am soon to be leaving for basic training about 27 days now and i just had some last questions about my career choice. No offense but if you aren't actively in the SERE program or have never been in the Air Force don't answer unless you know 100%. Do SERE guys get stationed in other places besides WA? I've been told my dream sheet will effect it and i've also been told i'm cemented in WA. Also i've been told if i wash out of the physical part I'll be kicked out or re-classed and if i'm re-classed it will almost be 100% into Security Forces is this true? I want SERE but i want to travel and my fiancée want's to travel with me so i just wanna know is SERE going to have me pinned until like 4 year where i can cross train (6 year enlistment)?