United States Of America Or United Kingdom

Would the United Kingdom be part of the United States of America in the future?

“It is always a joy to meet an American, Mr. Moulton, for I am one of those who believes that the folly of a monarch and the blundering of a minister in far-gone years will not prevent our children from being some day citizens of the same world-wide country under a flag which shall be a quartering of the Union Jack with the Stars and Stripes.”Sherlock Holmes, speaking in "The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor".There was a time when it was a fantasy for some people, a single great English-speaking empire led by the United Kingdom in the Old World and the United States in the New World. But the British Empire is no more and imperialism is out of fashion. Britain's future lies firmly with Europe and European concerns (despite a subset of nincompoops in its population who think otherwise). They will never rejoin until nation-states disappear entirely. Britain's culture and government are not compatible with those of the United States.

Why do we say "the" United States of America but not "the" India?

We say "the" United States of America because it is referring a collection of states. We do not say "the" India because we are referring to a unit, one country.Generally, articles are not used before countries, states, cities, towns, continents, single lakes, or single mountains.Exception! If a country name includes "States","Kingdom", "Republic" etc, we use "the"Examples: the Republic of India, the United States of AmericaStory of the United States of America:Christopher Columbus went to America in 1492. At that time, Native Americans lived on the land that is now the United States. In 1607, some English people went to America interested in gold, money and adventure.Around 1733, there were 13 colonies and the 13 Colonies existed as separate entities.In 1775, a war between the colonies and Britain called the Revolutionary War started. This war started because the American colonists were upset over changes in British policies. On July 4, 1776, people from the thirteen colonies created the United States Declaration of Independence. George Washington, who had led the war became its first president.Short history of the Name India:Historically the name India may referred to either the region of Greater India and the Indian subcontinent.The first article of the Constitution of India states that "India, that is Bharat, shall be a union of states," implicitly codifying India and Bharat as equally official short names for the Republic of India.The name India came to English usage around the 17th century onwards, may be due to the influence of Latin, or Spanish or Portuguese. It came from the word “Sindhu.”Basics:English has two articles: the and a/an. “The” is used to refer to specific or particular nouns. We call the ‘the’ as definite article and ‘a/an’ the indefinite article. All nouns can be further classified as proper or common.A proper noun is the special word that we use for a person, place or organization. Normally, given names are proper nouns.Generally, we don't use the article 'the' before a proper noun. For example, we don't say 'the Rome'.'India' is a proper noun, so you do not add 'the' before it.Common nouns are words used to name general items. Common nouns can be unspecific or specific. We sometimes use the article 'the' before common nouns. For example 'the Statue of Liberty' 'statue' is a common noun.

Is Japan closer to America or United Kingdom?

America, very close to the Aleutian Islands

What is the United Kingdom like?

I've always wanted to go there for many reasons, but also wondered what the place is like. I've lived in America most of my life so how much different is the place compared to the United States?